Thursday, January 29, 2015

Some winter appreciation

And so we all survived "Blizzard 2015". I'm not going to start cursing at the weathermen for predicting worse than the actual storm was, but it was a relief (but also disappointing) that the storm wasn't that bad in our little corner of New England. Because, lets be honest, I wouldn't be mad if a week of power outage meant Mercy and I had to go stay down in Bridgeport. But that didn't happen. I guess I should be more grateful.

Laura, I keep feeling weird about you and your male suitor. It's hard to explain. Maybe I just feel confused  because I never really thought any of us would find ourselves a boyfriend. And now you have. And as confusing as it is, I'm so happy that you're happy. But just be warned. If he even dares to make you unhappy.... he's gonna pay.

Uhm alright so as much as I can't wait until summer when I'll finally stop shivering, I think I need to just stop and appreciate winter a lil bit because it actually has some perks. From the quiet nights sitting squished in the living room while the fire burns and the tv plays, or the snowy afternoons when we bake cookies and dance to Taylor Swift and watch Millie hop through the snow. Or on mornings when the snow reflects the sun very brightly into my room.... That might not sound nice but sometimes it gets me wanting to get up, and ready to face the day. Also, just the way the world looks when it's snowy is quite nice. I love the green in summer, don't get wrong, but everything just looks kind of cool in winter. The way the trees skinny bare branches kind of shiver, or how sidewalks and driveways feel like they're guarded by brilliant white castle walls. And boots are nice as are Christmas cookies which I will bake continually through winter because, why not?

But I think that's all I have to say today. I hope everyone has good weekends and I hope you enjoy yourselves thoroughly. 
<3 G

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I'll title this post when I figure out what it's about.

It's hump day!

Can we just talk about this blizzard crap? We got 8 inches of snow here. The weathermen lied. I was all excited for snowmageddon and then it was a huge let down. Like my love life...

I'm going to reply to your posts now.

Grace: I'm really happy, and proud of you for getting your licence! You get a star.

Laura: My dearest sister I am slightly happy that you have procured yourself a male suitor. I hope that you would kindly make it known to him that if you causes you the slight amount of pain I will have him stoned to death. Hahaha, but really.

Mercy: I have watched Nothing Much To Do, and it is absolutely fantastic. Also your post was absolutely fantastic.

Well gurls, do you know what tomorrow is?

No, not international day of tacos, although....okay, so that's Octorber 4th. Holy crap, I found an entire website. There is a dot com for Taco day! OH MY GOD!
"Last year Americans ate over 4.5 billion tacos! That’s 490,000 miles of tacos, which could take you to the moon and back or, if you prefer, could, at 775-million pounds, equal the weight of two Empire State Buildings." (I found this here.)

Where was I? Ah yes, unfortunately tomorrow is not Taco day. It is however, the 172nd birthday of William McKinley! (Disclaimer: William McKinley is no longer alive. In fact, he is very dead). The reason President McKinley's birthday is significant is because it was the first presidential birthday I celebrated. (Ah, it seems like only 364 yesterdays ago...) This weird and geeky project I started a year ago has taught me a lot of random, and useless facts about American government. America was set up to be run for the people by the people. As the people, it's our job the get off our butts and do something about the government. This project has also taught me hilarious things like Andrew Jackson once had a giant cheese party in the White house.

Anyway, I should probably bounce.

Grace, I'm looking forward to you post tomorrow. That is if you do post. That is if the blizzard didn't kill you. So, if you're really alive and therefore not dead, I'm looking forward to your thoughts tomorrow.

Gurl please, Rose

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

snow is so pretty

good evening gurls, it's Tuesday!

I loved all your posts from last week, although I don't remember much of them except Laura's because Grace did a live reading of it at 11:00 last night (congrats on the Male Suitor, by the way! aaahaha that sounds so strange.)........ but I do remember that Rosie posted the Green Gables Fables video- which btw, Rosie, I've seen. Have you watched Nothing Much To Do yet?? it's fantastic.
Hero (left) and Beatrice (right) are so pretty...

so, my feet are frozen, my hands are frozen, and as much as I wish winter was over, I really do love all the snow that's been coming down lately. it looks so pretty just drifting from the light sky and piling up, so fluffy and soft.

I went out and played with Millie for like an hour and a half and it was fun, but then I got to come inside and drink hot chocolate and eat french toast for lunch and watch Stardust next to the nice warm fire, and that was even better.
and we're watching Sense and Sensibility tonight and I'm so excited because it's probably my favorite Jane Austen story not to mention Grace and I are Maryanne and Elinor.
also, my school has basically cancelled this whole week of school for me, so i've gotten to catch up on my Gilmore Girls watching, catch up on my re-reading of books (no, I am not too old for the penderwicks at point mouette) and catch up with my homeschooling.

so basically i have a a love/hate relationship with winter, because I hate the cold and i'm ready for my summer clothes, but i love getting snow days and i love staying inside and watching movies and drinking too many cups of coffee with the excuse that it "keeps me warm" when really i'm just addicted to coffee, and i get to read a lot and all that lovely stuff...... ah, winter. what will i ever do with you???

anyway, i should go, because i want to watch S&S.

Rosie, i'll see you tomorrow :)


Monday, January 26, 2015

Well, the weather outside is frightful.

Hyello pretty ladies.
Can I just say that I love and miss all of your beautiful faces? I enjoyed every opportunity I got yesterday and today to see you gurls- Rosie, when I went home yesterday, and G&M when we FaceTimed just a few hours ago. Good times.
    Also, Gracie, CONGRATS ON PASSING YOUR DRIVER'S TEST! I am so happy for you and hope this means you'll be driving up to see me soon.
    It was my birthday on Tuesday and I feel like it got overcelebrated and I got a ton of cards and three cakes and a few awkward choruses of "happy birthday" belted at me. I'm nineteen, which is quite possibly the weirdest age. It's between the hype of eighteen and almost to the dinosauric milestone that is twenty. But so far this year has been pretty stinkin great.
    As you are all now finally aware, I am in possession of a gentleman suitor; a tall, awkward fellow who would probably be referred to, in today's terminology, as my "boyfriend." But I feel like that word is so odd and sophomoric, so I'll just say that I'm "dating" Joe. But I won't be THAT gurl and go on about how cute and funny and smart I think he is. I'll just say that he respects me and is willing to trek through the snow tomorrow just to see me. Which might seem like some grand gesture of affection, but I know his ulterior motive is his own boredom/desire to go sledding on the golf course.
   Speaking of snow, we are in the midst of Snowmageddon here in the Connecticut region. Classes got cancelled after noon today here at SHU and aren't set to resume until Thursday. Which means I get a grand total of two and a half days off. Know what else that means?
    The sad life of a former homeschooler.
    Snow days are way more boring than I thought. The Roommate left to go stay with her sorority sisters to wait out the storm, so I packed a survival bag and shall be living on the couch in Becca Monster's suite for the next couple of days because I can't handle being alone. My friends and I went to Target to stock up on Gatorade and sleds. I purchased trail mix and two bags of soup. The snow is falling outside the dorm windows, swirling and piling up around the Baptist church nextdoor.
    You know what college students do when they get snowed in? They make Ramen and schlep around in pajama bottoms and worry that the WiFi will crap out. I'm literally going stir crazy. We've been watching stupid YouTube videos and calling our parents and playing Cards Against Humanity. Minimal homework has been attempted. A pregnancy scare has occurred over Becca's suitemate's gecko. Plenty of goofing off has occurred. As far as we're concerned, this is the weekend in the middle of the week and we are going to relax and enjoy ourselves.
    I hope everyone out in this blizzard is being safe and warm. Get home soon. Gurls, don't drive each other up walls, and don't do anything I wouldn't do (which is a lot). Mercy, I'll hear from you tomorrow. As long as the snow hasn't knocked out your power and forced you to live like pilgrims indefinitely.
     --Laura :)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

watch out world, I'm now on the road

Hello to all of my favorite people, and a happy Thursday. 
I'm going to start this post first off by saying the biggest of happy birthdays to Laura. I know we're a bit past your actual day, but that doesn't mean you should've stopped celebrating. Also, I liked your post this week. Mercy and Rose, I liked yours as well. I don't think I'd ever really say "I didn't like your post." to any of you... but I also don't like telling you that I liked your posts. I don't know. I just feel weird saying it. 


I passed my drivers test yesterday which is exciting. I can't pick up my license from the DMV until tomorrow or later, so I'm not officially licensed yet, but soon. And it's just kind of great to have this little bit of freedom. Because I somehow haven't ever been in serious trouble with my parents, my mom has this unwavering trust in me and although I never want to betray that trust or ruin that relationship we have, it's nice to know that I can sort of start to do things that I want because of my ability to get myself from place to place. Like the fact that I can go places or see people more on my schedule than on my parents schedule, makes me happy. Because sometimes I just really need to get out of the house, take some space and just do my own thing. I've already made hypothetical plans with some of my friends about hanging out because we can now drive ourselves. I don't know, I just feel like this is something I've been working on for a long time and I've finally reached the end goal. Also, I can't tell you how happy I am that I don't ever have to take another drivers-ed class again. Such a relief. 
But yeah, that's what's been going on here. I'd love to stay and chat but The YouTube Interview with President Obama is supposed to be live-streaming any minute and I just kind of want to see what GloZell is gonna to say to Mr. President. 

I really hope all your weekend shenanigans go as planned
<3 G

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

To make up for the lack of segways in this post, I'm calling it segway.

It's hump day!
So this is a gif from my new obsession, Merlin. This is king
Arthur he has noodle hair.
I'm currently watching Henry the 5th while trying to write this post. Ah, multitasking how I suck at you.

I'm going to reply to your posts now.

Grace: Your post was short yet hotmazing (oh how hat word brings back middle school memories) like you. I don't quite remember the details of it, but I remember like it a lot.


If there was an OTAS constitution -which needs to happen- I would ask that there be an amendment stating that this song must be posted on each Foursome members birthday. You're not 19. You're just not. Rose does not approve. Your post was good by the way. You're coming home this weekend, right? Maybe I'll bother to get out of bed and see you.

Mercy: I cannot believe that you're going to be 16 in just less than a month! I'm not even going to try to believe that I'm going to be 16 just 17 days after that. I just won't.

So on Sunday I was procrastinating on Youtube and I found this show that's like The Lizzie Bennet Diaries except it's Anne of Green Gables, and it's lovely. You simply have to watch it.

Anne Shirley is my alter ego. Well actually, Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing is my alter ego. Anne Shirley is way too positive to be me. But I still love her. She's bae.


I've been drawing a lot lately while binge watching Supernatural and Merlin. As you well know, I'm not much of an artist. I like to draw, but my artistic abilities are not anything special.  I love to look at art. I love to listen to music. I love to watch plays. I love the arts. I love history. I  love a lot of things. Do you ever get overwhelmed by all the things you love because you don't have the time to enjoy them properly?



I have to go. Grace, I'm looking forward to your Thorsday post.

Gurl please. -Rose

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


good evening gurls, it's TUESDAYYY

it's also Laura's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURA SWEETY! and, it's also the Foursomes 2 year anniversary! wow. we've come so far. wow. two years ago, the Foursome was established. i feel old.

speaking of feeling old, I'm turning sixteen in less than a month. WHOA. when did i get so freaking old??

my literal reaction every time i remember I'm almost 16.

i mean I'm excited, obviously- being sixteen is supposed to be aweseeeeeeeemmmmm (awesome) and i mean, i'll be able to like learn how to drive and stuff, but then again... i'm like deathly afraid of growing up. i dont wanna have to deal with jobs and money and credit cards and taxes and PG-13 movies.

uuuuuuuuuuughhh idk life is just too confusing and annoying, and on one hand i'm excited to grow up and have new experiences and go to college and stuff and buy my own pets and stuff but on the other hand i just wanna stay home and drink tea and watch disney movies and gilmore girls forever and sleep for a long time and listen to french music and not worry about anything...

but life isn't like that, so i guess i'll have to grow up eventually....

i have to go now. Rosie, I'll see you tomorrow.


Monday, January 19, 2015

I'm just in a really good mood.

Hi friends!
What a lovely Monday this has been. I went to breakfast with the birthday-sister, and we ate Panera and talked about nursing and she got me this really cool shirt for my birthday, which is tomorrow:

you get the picture.
Then, after being suuuuper productive with homework, my friend Sabrina was like "WE GOIN ON AN ADVENTURE. WE TAKIN THE SHUTTLE TO FAIRFIELD AND SEEING WHERE THE WIND TAKES US" so her, Becca Monster, Rachel and I ended up taking a 30-minute shuttle ride through the ghetto of Bridgeport, only to get dropped off on the Black Rock Turnpike. So we ate lunch at Boston Market and I walked into CVS because I thought it was a restaurant (#homeschoolprobs) then we wandered around a pet store and made faces at the fish and Becca emotionally scarred some poor young children and we found some organic frozen yogurt and had to run back to the shuttle stop so it wouldn't leave us stranded in the middle of nowhere. And then I studied with The Other Libby and laughed at some Reddit articles with Joe, who I could do anything with and probably not get bored :) then I ran and showered and The Roommate made me chocolate-covered marshmallows and strawberries for my birthday, and here I am.
    I greatly enjoyed all of your posts from last week, and it makes me a little sad, because I miss all of your lovely faces. Rose, you should definitely come with Mom tomorrow when she drops off my birthday cake- P.S, you must allow me to tell you how ardently I admired and loved your birthday card. It made me laugh out loud at 8:30 in the morning, which is a rare occurrence. 
    Aside from missing you ladies, I'm in an extremely good mood. This semester has started off in the loveliest of ways, and I feel more put together and adjusted and I've found people I fit with. I know who my friends are and where my priorities should be, and where God wants me, and it's like I can't stop singing His praises, because whatever He's doing in my life is amazing and unexpected and great. And I can't help feeling so lucky and blessed, which is such a contrast to how I was feeling before I came back to SHU. I was really nervous and depressed, but I came back in after a week of community service, talked things out with a certain charmless (but wonderful) gentleman, and dove right back into the swing of nursing school, and you know what? Nothing is perfect, but everything is lovely and okay, and I'm overjoyed to be where I am right now. 
    I'm not going to worry about tomorrow. I'm just going to enjoy where God has me today.
    Tomorrow, I turn 19. How crazy is that? I can't wait to celebrate it with my friends and family- I love birthdays and traditions and all that jazz. #19goingon90
    Mercy, I'll hear from you tomorrow.
    Love love love,
Laurabeth <33

Thursday, January 15, 2015

In which Grace doesn't have much to say

Hullo lovely ladies (*cue Les Mis music*)

Okay, we're just gonna watch this music video.

Why? Because I can't be outdone by Mercy when it comes to kpop. Also, she builds a freaking TARDIS. And I'm a little bit and lot bit obsessed with her music.

I'm happy to say that all of your posts this week made me happy. None of you left me feeling like I needed to cry. Nobody left me rethinking my life, and nobody made me feel like I had just read a John Green novel. Thanks for that:)

This week I've been reading a lot about the pilots in WWI. Mostly the flying aces and I really, really wish that I was one of them because it is tremendously exciting sounding. I keep telling mom that I want to be a pilot for the Air Force but she just gives me this face every time. I don't think she's very excited about the idea. But seriously, these guys were exceptional hero's who I hadn't even given a thought for until I was forced to study about them. I love reading about the World Wars and I'm gonna try and see if mom will give me extra credit for reading The Book Thief. She probably won't but it's worth a shot.
You know what's exciting? The fact that I'm in my very last semester of high school. It's kind of weird because it seems like it went really fast. Too fast. Also, I'm testing for my drivers license next week and I'm so freaking excited.
I'm sorry that this is short but I don't have much to write about this week. Hopefully next week will be better. Sorry Rose for not making this any better than yours. I hope all your weekend adventures are quite filled with wonder and extraordinary happenings. <3 G

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

In which I over use gifs and under use words

It's hump day!

I'm going to reply to your posts because I have nothing else to write about.

Grace: Your post was rather good. It was very feeling. By that I mean it was full of feelings.

Your feeling are perfectly valid and I too ask those questions all the time, by the way. Also, you, Mercy, and Hannah, are Joey, Jesse, and Danny. It's terrifying.

Laura: I was so happy to hear you had a good time on your trip.

Also, you're turning 19 in a 6 days, can we just have that conversation? You're not old enough to be 19. I don't like you aging. You're going to start aging backwards like Benjamin Button, okay?

Mercy: Your post was Mercytastic. Mercymazing? I don't know what I'm trying to say okay. I'm kind of rambling because I have to finish this post soon because I have to be at church in a half an hour. Anyway, here's a gif of your future husband to explain my feelings of your post. 

Okay, alright. Okay. I need to develop a rant for today in the next 10 minutes. But I don't have anything to rant about...I could rant about, that's over done....I could rant about politics...but that's also over done....New England? Nah....I've got nothing...crap...this post is weird....crap....sorry.

Here's some Vlogbrothers to make up for it.

I really have to go, sorry for the piece of crap I just created. Grace please make your post better than this one. 

Sorry -Rose.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

no judgement okay

good evening gurls, it's Tuesday.

so, I'm just gonna reply to all your posts real quick before I get into anything.

String bean- I'm glad you're feeling better. Also, I'm very glad your community service thing went so well! :) the world needs more community service.

My little tiramisu- your post was very questionable. (HA HA GET IT?!?!) I really loved it, actually. Also, going off what Grace said, I want my last words to be "All is well."

Racegay: yourway ostpay asway eryvay oodgay, andway Iway ottallytay understandway hatway youway ereway alkingtay aboutway. iway eelfay hattay ootay.

to know my current feelings so that I don't have to talk about them:

so i'm overly obsessed with kpop right now, I dunno why..... anyway, here are some of my favorite kpop songs right now.



also, i have no idea why, but I've been listening to a lot of Nicki Minaj's new album on Spotify, but only some of it because most of it is pretty inappropriate, but she actually has some really deep songs (e.g: Pills N Potions, All Things Go, I Lied,)  but yeah idk I guess I'm just getting more into hip hop and R&B music. don't judge me okay. i'm not a huge fan of Nicki Minaj in general, so don't go hating me please. i just like some of her stuff. whatever people.

OH Rosie, so you should totally watch this YouTube series called Nothing Much To Do, a modern retelling of Much Ado About Nothing- not unlike the Lizzy Bennet Diaries web series.

Grace is making me watch it, and it's actually quiet lovely. They're from New Zealand and their accents are beautiful.

here's the first episode. you're welcome.

anyway, I should go. sorry this was so short and random.... I'm sort of out of it today.


Rosie, I'll hear from you tomorrow :)


Monday, January 12, 2015

I'm going back to the start

Good evening.

    I'm too lazy to put a picture at the beginning of my post like I usually do. Being back at school has made me a grade-A procrastinator. However, my Mondays this semester are a lot less hectic, and with my anatomy lab moved to the afternoon instead of night, I have plenty of time before my theater meeting to crank out a decent post.
    I think.
    Well, here goes.
    I thoroughly enjoyed all of your posts from last week. Mercy, your post made me feel a lot better, and I loved how indefatigably Mercyish it was. I quite literally laughed out loud. Rose, your post gave me an existential crisis but was otherwise normal and ranty for you. Oh, and I miss you too, thanks for mentioning that :) Grace, your post made me feel awfully nostalgic. I think everyone goes through a time in their life when they're waiting for it to begin. And I'm not going to give you some lecture about how you're an ungrateful slug and you should just make the most out of what you have because there are starving children in Africa, because those rants didn't help me at all when I was in your situation. All I'm going to say is that yes, it sucks, and you probably feel unfathomably useless, but it's just the season of life that God has you in at the moment. Greater things have yet to come, and I know He's going to use a lovely person such as yourself to accomplish earth-shattering things one day. You can do it babe.
    So, I'm back at school and I'm mostly out of my depressed funk. Before I started classes I did a week of community service and volunteering with some of my fellow students, and it really altered my perspective. I remembered what God had called me to do, and what impact He had in mind for me, and it really inspired me to start off this spring semester anew, with an enlightened, unselfish perspective, unlike the one that drives me to the depths of my self-doubt and anxiety.
    There's a great big world out there, beyond myself and my insecurities. My hometown of Bridgeport -the dingy place I've been trying to get away from for my entire life- is actually beautiful. Beautiful and interesting and diverse, and perfect in its own imperfect way. And it took nearly nineteen years and four days of community service for my silly little self to realize that. And I have since been motivated to love my city- not just appreciate it, but love it by actively helping out in my community to make it a better place.
    Anyway, that's what I learned last week. Today was my first day of classes, and I saw all of my amazing friends and caught up with people and went to choir practice. And throughout all of the running around and waiting in line at the cafeteria and hugging the people I missed the most, I just felt happy. Happy and at home and challenged, in the best sense of the word. And I can't wait to see what God does over these next few months :)
   Oh, and my friend Rachel from SHU introduced me to this fantastic band called Jukebox the Ghost, and they are bae with whipped cream and a cherry on top. Just....listen to them:
this one is also particularly fantastic:
I love everything sung by them ever.
    Well, I have educational things to accomplish, so I'll talk to you gurls later. Mercy, we shall hear from you tomorrow!
--Laura :)

Thursday, January 8, 2015

"When will my life begin?"

Not to make Rose and Laura nostalgic for Hartford Project and cleaning out gross bathrooms, but that song from Tangled pretty much sums up how I've been feeling lately.

And so I'll read a book or maybe two or three
I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
I'll play guitar and knit, and cook and basically
Just wonder when will my life begin?

Don't we all, Rapunzel

But seriously, that's all I do with my life. And I've been struggling with trying to see a point to it all until I get to that certain time when my life will finally begin. When will that be? I don't know. I thought maybe it would happen when I had a job, and could drive, and had a little more... independence.
But it sure doesn't feel that my life has begun. And I reread an article Hannah shared with me on FB about a year ago all about this. So many people think that their life will begin as soon as they go to college, or get married or the next big thing in their life happens. And everything before that is just preparing them for that moment when everything will come together in a glorious burst of togetherness. But in reality, it's never really going to happen like that. I mean... maybe. I don't know. But really, this is life right now. And it started (for me) 17 years ago. And is this even making any sense? I don't know, maybe, maybe not. Either way, I just wanted to share with you gurls what I've been feeling and maybe, hopefully, one of you will know what I'm talking about and how I'm feeling. 

Also, can we just talk about how Mercy, Hannah, and I are Jesse, Danny, and Joey (respectively) from Full House? It's kinda great. Mercy is attractive and sarcastic, Hannah is (CRAP the guy on American Idol is so cute. I want him.) kinda weird and older and has those moments when people question her sanity. And I'm just that other one. Pretty not serious most of the time but then every now and then I say something that makes other people cry. Plus I'm best friends with both of them. 

Anyway. Laura, can we just have a sleepover and cuddle? 
Mercy, Iway ikedlay yourway ostpay eryvay uchmay. Alsoway, Iway opehay youway ancay eadray histay. 
Rose, I hope my last words are "Forgive me all my trespasses, and take me to YOUR GLORYYYY" but it probably won't be anything that beautiful or musical. 

I hope you all have a beautiful weekend. I hope that all of you know that you're lovely and quite my favorites. <3 G

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

"The average human brain weighs in at around 3 pounds, and an elephant brain can weigh close to four times that much, but the biggest brains of all come sperm whales, and weigh an average of 17 pounds." Thank you google.

It's hump day!

Can we just talk about how Captain Crunch is the most delicious cereal ever? I'm eating it right now, and writing this, even though I should probably finish school or something, but whatever.

All of you posts were beautiful like all of your faces.

Grace: You started off the new year in a glorious fashion. I congratulate you with Benedict Cumberbatch.

Laura: I'm sorry you feel this way. Depression sucks. Let me give you some unwarranted advice in the words of Esther Earl: “Just be happy, and if you can't be happy, do things that make you happy. Or do nothing with the people that make you happy.” 

Mercy: Your post was wonderful. I especially appreciated all the Gilmore Girls gifs. Also that dream you had sounded terrifying. I was terrified. I am still terrified. *shudders*

The three pounds of ground beef-like-substance-meat that is currently piloting my body has been thinking some thoughts lately. Thoughts like, if my life was a novel, would other people find it boring? And, would I be the main character? Or would I be a random side character, like Hannah Abbot, or something? Also, why on earth would Mr. and Mrs. Fillmore name their child Millard? That's just cruel. And, what is the weight capacity of the floor boards in my room? Meaning, how many books can it hold? Tacos. Just tacos. What do I want to do with my life? Is teaching really for me? If I were to die today, would my last words be something lame like, "Oh, crap I'm going to die." or something awesome like "To die would be an awfully big adventure." I asked John what he thinks his last words would be, and he said "I REALLY DO KNOW THE MUFFIN MAN!" Why is he so strange? Why am I so strange? Why is life so strange? Is peanut butter a liquid or a solid? What about pudding? If I were to chuck a potato really hard at the ground, how high would it bounce? Would it bounce? Or are it's atoms too tightly packed? Someday when I'm old, can I use a candy cane to walk with instead of a normal cane? Will I be a fun old lady? Will I ever live to be an old lady? Do I want to live to be an old lady? I'm going to be 16 in less that two months. Holy crap. Do rude people know they're rude? Am I a rude person? Why do people always try and bribe other people with money, when clearly bacon is a better bribing tool? 

Anyway, that's just what I've been thinking about lately. 

So have you (meaning Grace and Mercy and not Laura because I know her answer), ever heard a Ludo? They're my new, and kind of old, obsession. There's hilariously morbid. Anyway, here's some of their best song.

I should go, I have stuff to do.

Grace, I'm  looking forward to your fantastically Grace-full post tomorrow.

Gurl please. -Rose

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

noodle to soodle!!

good evening gurls, it's Tuesday.

don't ask about the title of my post. it's this Tyler Oakley thing and i just love him so just ayuyagkjhaskgdhjfhgasd

also, my fingers are numb. like, I honestly cannot feel them. uuugghhh

so I'm listening to Beyonce and this is me right now

so anyway

I (obviously) loved all your posts. Rosie, yous was very funny, but also nice and inspiring, so thank you for that.

Grace, yours was also inspiring and like, nostalgic, which I enjoyed.

Laura, yours was really depressing and I'm sorry you're not doing well- be happy please!! know that we're all here for you, and we believe in you and I KNOW that you're gonna make it through this crazy thing called life- i know it. trust me.

anyway, school has started again for most of us, and honestly it just sucks like i enjoy sleeping but school doesn't want me to enjoy life anymore apparently.

my overall reaction to anything related to school

yes, all of those gifs are from Gilmore Girls, I have no shame.

ok so now I'm listening to the one and only (perfect) Dodie Clark because her original songs always get me inspired okay liSTEN TO THIS BEAUTY


OKAY OKAY OKAY! I have to tell y'all, but especially Rosie, this dream I had last night.

I had this dream that Rosie and I didn't wanna be Christians anymore, so in the middle of a church service, we got up and just left and then ran around this giant building just like, doing whatever we wanted cuz we thought we were being rebellious and like my mom got so mad at us and it was so scary and when I woke up I had this terrible feeling in my stomach like no i don't want to not be a christian, i WANNA BE A CHRISTIAN I SWEAR!!!! and it was sad.

but I'm okay now :)

so, since the new year, I've been trying to be more happy and stuff and stay true to myself and my values and all that, so I like made a playlist on my iPod of songs that keep me/remind me to be happy and I've been looking at happy quotes on pinterest, so yeah I just thought I'd share some with y'all...

anyway, those things, and Sadie Robertsons book, are some of the things that help remind me to be happy and to be awesome and stuff.

well I have to go now because it's 7:59 so bye now

Rosie, I'll see you tomorrow :)
