I'm Laura, the eldest member of The Foursome, and I'm going to SHU in the fall! I love people, and intend on being a highly sarcastic nursing major who travels the world doing medical missions. I also work at The Cheesecake Factory, where they pay me to make salads look and taste beautifully. My thoughts run like I do. I love to read with the sunshine leaking through my window shades, I like to watch snow fall and spiral gracefully to the ground and melt on pavement, I like to sing like a Disney Princess everywhere and all the time, and I love the sound of brewing coffee. I know I'm not perfect, and I'm not aiming to be. I just want to be the girl my Lord and Savior designed me to be :)
I'm Grace but you can call me The Asian Burrito because of my incredibly squinty eyes and my uncanny ability to wrap myself in blankets like a burrito. I like to think that I have a busy life but I really spend all of my time at work, making sandwiches. I'm introverted and Tumblr sometimes takes up more of my life than my friends do. I'm a little bit moody sometimes, but who isn't? I'm not good at talking about what I'm feeling and most of the time what I'm trying to say doesn't make sense. Playing piano and watching Parks and Rec are fun. Procrastinating is my favorite.

Well hey there, cutie. I'm Mercy, and I'm 15.
I'm an extroverted introvert, I've got curly hair, and I enjoy lots of things. But mostly I enjoy these gurls ↑ ↓ and the following- tea, books, movies, sleeping, lounge pants, fangirling, writing, singing, walking my dog, hanging with (like two) of my friends, and, the obvious, e a t i n g.
My passion is acting and I go to an arts academy just for that(:
I'm in too many fandoms to count, I'm obsessed with Youtube, Netflix is my bae, and I have my headphones in and my music playing every second I can. I long to live in a big city one day, but for now my small-town life is just fine, as long as I've got my family, my friends and Jesus Christ. xoxo
I'm Rosie, and I hate everyone. That's not true. I love these gurls.
And Shakespeare.
And Jensen Ackles.
And Benny Cumberbatch.
And food. And P. F. Chang (the person, not the restaurant.)
And One Direction.
But really.
To learn more, read here ^.^
To learn even more, please call these numbers: 555-123-4567
Do you really think we'd put our actual numbers up on the internet? Gurl please. We're not that stupid. We know Mr. Bag is searching for us.
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