Monday, September 30, 2013

We're All Big Buckets Of Stress

Aloha and hello!
    I seem to be really good at blogging as late as possible on my assigned day. Do any of you ever wake up in the morning and think "Psh, I have all the time in the world to accomplish whatever today throws at me!" only to end up panicking around 4 PM because you have two things checked off your to do list and eight hours left to do the other three thousand? Maybe it's just me. Senioritis has hit me hard.
     So, Grace. We need to have a very long chat about how you are one of the most multi-talented people I have ever met. You're that friend we are all secretly jealous of- you know, the one who bakes twelve dozen fancy cookies and plays concertos on the piano for two hours and writes half a novel, yet still feels like she has accomplished nothing all day. And, to be honest, it pisses me off that you don't see the obvious truth that you're going places in life. So don't fret. The fact that Stephen Crane was published at your age is great for him, but you are not Stephen Crane, last I checked. There's that quote all over Pinterest, which says "don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle." There are very few 16-year-olds who know what they want to do with their lives, and you know what? That's awesome. Who really wants a boring life plan when you've barely exited puberty? Not me. I just happen to have a good idea of what I want to do, because I'm one of those obnoxious, overachiever types. Don't be like me, kids.
    I don't know why, Gracie, but when I read your previous post I felt very tempted to hop a bus to Hartford, walk to your house, give you a big bear hug and feed you comfort foods and watch one of our favorite movies (Pride & Prejudice, New Year's Eve, or Mama Mia, perhaps?) and tell you everything is perfect, and so are you.
    But since I can't, I shall instead insert a video from our dear friend, John Green (can he be a dear friend if he is unaware of our very existence? Are we the Jaquans to his Rose, if you know what I mean?): here's the link because the stupid video player isn't working

    Also, here's a video by Hank Green that pretty much sums up me and my feelings at the moment
     Moving on. I would like to dedicate the rest of this post to happy and hilarious things, since we all seem to be stressed about school, auditions (MERCY HOW DID IT GO??) and life. I just need a good laugh right now, because I'm PMS, and I have a college interview tomorrow, and I am caught up in a slightly comical drama where I am refusing to fit into a  socially constructed box that someone not-awesome has been trying, for a very long time, to stuff me in. So here comes the funnies:
my feelings.

...umm what??

Blake Shelton and Adam Levine getting close :-)
 Graaace, I'm ruining your life!

cologne... Some people just need to learn how to spell.
stupid people who make us feel smarter.
Oh. My. God.
this is fun-scary. You know. Something that's really fun, but terrifying at the same time. Like 6 Flags.
Well, that's all I have for today. I am currently running on half a cup of coffee and hormones. Which means I should probably go to bed, for everyone's safety as well as my own. Night all...and Grace, I'll see you tomorrow (yes, Mercy, that means you still have to write your blog post, you public-school-attending traitor).
--Laura :)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

On my future, and my geeky/nerdyness

Hello Laura, Rose, and Mercy and whoever else is reading this,

First off, I just want to say good luck to Mercy. She's got auditions at school today and I know you're going to kill it. So, break a leg sista. I'm really proud (and also slightly envious) that you've got your life plan figured out. Not many people can say that they knew what they wanted to do with the rest of their life at the age of 14. It's a pretty big accomplishment.

As I know Laura's heard many times before, I really don't know what I want to do. Cooking sounds amazing, but so many people have told me that I should just do cooking as a hobby and focus on my music and go to school for that and then get a teaching degree and teach in a studio or from home, and that also sounds amazing because I know the only kind of teaching I could do is music. And then there is the case of writing. Writing is something I'm really interested in but I don't know if I could actually make a career out of it. And the other day I was just, you know, researching the author of the short story I'm reading for school, and I stumbled upon this on Wikipedia.

Stephen Crane began writing at the age of four and had published several articles by the age of 16

Well, I want to be a famous writer someday. And I'm 16. I see a flaw here. I have 0 articles published. Not even one, never mind SEVERAL! Maybe I should just do writing as a hobby and focus on music and cooking for my lifelong careers. Maybe I should just plan on having multiple and save myself from having to make up my mind. And life is just so confusing. And I just don't know. I'll let you know when I do.

On the topic of nerds and geeks, I guess I'll give my input. The soundtrack to 'The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe' is literally the best piece of music I've ever heard. 'How to Train Your Dragon' being second

And just because John Green is cool and he is both nerdy and geeky

Because what's cooler than superheros and the periodic table together in one picture?

Alright, that's all I have for today. It hasn't been a very good day, if you can't tell by this post. I'm just not very together on life right now. But Laura, we'll see you on Monday and like it says on my friend Katie's arm at the end of Mercy's post. DFTBA <3 Grace

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The difference between nerds and geeks.

"How should I start this post? Hmm, I could say "Good morning girls it's Wednesday!" But that's Mercy's thing.....I could say "Hey Y'all! No wait, then I sound like a redneck and I'm from Connecticut and that doesn't work....I'VE GOT IT! Hi! No, that's boring.....hmm...Oh well I'll just start." Thought Rose on a cold Wednesday in late September.

Oh sorry I was thinking out  loud. Wait on paper. No, this is the internet, I was thinking...virtually? Anyway, Mercy and Laura your posts were great! I hope mine can reach that level of awesomeness.

So in reply to Mercy's post on nerds and being nerdy and geeky and such, I would like to talk about the difference between nerds and geeks (That's why I named to this post The difference between nerds and geeks. I'm so creative.) Anyway, there actually is a difference between nerds and geeks. Ironically my geeky brother Ben explained it to me just yesterday. So here it is:

Geeks: Like lots of things and apply them to real life.
Example: A geek would be one of those people who knows how to speak Elvish and does on a day to day basis.

Nerds on the other hand: Like lots of things. But don't think they apply to real life.
Example: A nerd would be one of those people who thinks learning how speaking Elvish is fun, but knows it is actually not applicable to real life.

So yes in fact there is a difference, but I think it's perfectly possible to be both nerdy and geeky. Take me for example, I love random facts about the presidents (Like did you know President George Bush Sr. was the first president to ever publicly refuse to eat broccoli?) but where is that going to get me in life? So I'm nerdy about that. But I love Harry Potter and I know it's important in life. So I'm geeky about that. See? I'm a nerd and a geek.

In my own personal opinion, there are full on geeks who either love all of one fandom and hate all of the other but there's no happy medium, no "I honestly could care less". I can't stand those people. All they do is shove there opinion down your throat and don't stick around long enough for you to cough it back up. Even though that was a gross analogy, it was accurate.

But if you're a full on nerd you don't care, and then you become compliant and wear your pajamas all the time and never leave the house because everyone hates you and it's really there fault and I swear to gosh I'm not bitter or anything.  Compliant is a vocabulary word for the SAT by the way. It means not caring either way. And no one likes those people. But my point is it's a good this if you're a nerd and a geek. It makes so many things easier. You don't have to pick a side. Life isn't a Twix. Except when it comes to politics.

Now, before I tell you this you must prepare yourself mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Okay? Are you good? Now, MUMFORD AND FREAKING SONS IS FREAKING GOING ON A FREAKING HIATUS AND I CAN'T FREAKING FUNCTION AND OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO EVEN OH MY FREAKINGDGFKJBSLKDJFGLKAJESI. Okay, I am okay. I think I'm !@#$%$$^&^*()&__(*(^!@#$%^&*()_)8)(&*( kdnfghl;kjwrt iy I CAN'T! OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH! FJHGSDLFKJHGH WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS TO ME? 

I'm okay. I persevere through this. WAIT! THERE'S A SONG FOR THIS! And ironically enough...

Wow this post was long. Sorry! Well Gracie I'm looking forward to reading your post tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

It's only the truth...

Good morning girls, it's Tuesday.

We finally got this thing started- yay! Although, it really didn't even take that long, except the name... O.O oh the name...
But anyway, I congratulate all of you- or us- for making it this far.. we're so cool.
And now on to my very firstest post- huzzah!

Let's face it, ladies.
Being a nerd is so much better than being normal.
I mean, obviously we all sort of already knew this but I'm saying it again.
BUT before I go any further, can I say that we all know swear words, yes? And you girls won't like freak out if I post a picture with a cuss in it? Okay, good.

Okay, I just like this quote- it's oh-so-true. Also, John Barrowman is the guy who plays Captain Jack in Doctor Who, Grace! *fangirl hands* Okay I'm done.

 I think the second quote is actually from the same video as the first picture... which makes sense because they're both about being nerds.
But seriously, John Green is so right right now. (I mean he's usually right but whatever.)
Being a nerd/geek is cool. You can't deny that. You get to become wildly excited about things overly enthusiastic. Being a nerd is like being a fangirl just more sophisticated. (How I ended up being a fangirl and a nerd I have no idea..)
Although when you say you're a nerd it comes across as 'I'm academically advanced and do homework all the time and wear glasses' which is just stupid because you can be a nerd without being academically advanced. (Evidence- ME.)
So most of the time I say I'm a geek because it better describes the things I fangirl over. (Doctor Who, Sherlock, Harry Potter, British things, ect,)
I do consider myself an introvert to some extent, but I can be an extrovert, you know what I'm saying? Like most of the time I really hate socializing and talking to actual people, but there are some exceptions- Youth Group, a Hunter Hayes Meet&Greet. That's all.
Most of the time thought I'd rather stay home on my bed reading or blogging on the computer. And eating, because I mean- Food. But now I'm getting off-track.
Nerds/Geeks-whatever you prefer- are very underrated, that's the point. Especially Nerd Girls. Guys are like 'Oh yeah I would totally date a nerd girl I just can't find any.'
LOOK IN THE BOOKSTORES, FARTBRAINS. LOOK IN COMIC BOOKSTORES. Go to Leaky Con and Comic Con and Fandom Fest! We're the ones wearing graphic tee's of one or many of our fandoms, the ones crying over a book, the ones wearing sweat pants instead of skinny jeans. 
*Sighs* Girls, you think they would've learned by now... just go on tumblr, boys. Like, seriously. 
Anyway, that was just my 'Nerds Are Awesome' rant. I'm done now, I think. Sort of a lousy first post, I know... I am so sorry, but I'm pooped out at the moment. 

NOW. I'm gonna post a song I currently like.  Please don't judge.

OKAY OKAY! So I know it's Miley Cyrus who's horrible and needs Jesus, but this song is actually really pretty and I like it...  Even if the rest of her stuff is a bunch of crapsauce. And I understand it y'all don't like it, that's fine. But I like it.

OH and guess what?!?! Victoria (Malachis friend) bought Grace and I our own copy of Mamma Mia!  AKJAHSLDJFGASDFYWGRLSKDHFJKATSDUADf *fangirl hands*

But that's basically it. I'm really upset with this post because it's not very nice or well-written or funny or clever or beautiful or awesome like I know all of yours will be... whatever.
xoxo, Mercy.

Monday, September 23, 2013

We are The Foursome

the nicest picture of us four. Minus me. I look terrified.

the worst picture of us four. Minus me. I look pretty hot :)

and, yeah. This is THE picture of The Foursome.

     I have the honor of being the first of us four girls to post. Call this a blog, call it a project, or call it the letters between a group of sisters, best friends since before birth with different personalities, bound together by blood and the same witty, inappropriate sense of humor. This is our way of keeping in touch, separated as we are by the Connecticut Interstate and the busyness of our own lives.
    The origin of The Foursome (consisting of Laura and Rose, Grace and Mercy) dates back to before any of us were alive. Our moms met in church when they were simultaneously pregnant with babies that were not us (it's funny, listening to moms gauge time by when they were pregnant with whichever kid). I was born a few years later; Grace, a year after me; her sister, Mercy, about two years later; and Rose, my sister, seventeen days after that. We grew up together, our intertwining childhood memories consisting of apple-picking and homeschool field trips and family parties. Now, we are teenage girls, and despite our hormones and awkward middle school photos, we have survived, and so has our friendship thus far.
    To be honest, I was more nervous than excited about writing this. I had no idea how to start, or who to address this to, since this blog is supposed to be like letters to and from our sisterhood. I figured an introduction would suffice, just in case anyone who is not a member of The Foursome were to read this (and if that's so, hii. Congrats on reading this uber-long post that has nothing to do with you. Your mama would be proud). But now that I am halfway through, I am so stoked about how this project is going to go!
    Now, I would like to introduce myself and the three lovely ladies who I fangirl and cook fancy dinners and make up new lyrics to pop songs with:

that's me! I'm the oldest -I turn eighteen in January, frighteningly- and I'm sure the other three-quarters of this sisterhood would agree: I'm a control freak. I tend to hate it when everything doesn't go my way, but believe me, being bossy has its perks. I tend to be the head conspirator in all of our little adventurous escapades. I have a vast and vivid imagination that takes me places my skittish feet would dare not go. The rest of the Foursome would probably also tell you that I'm The Smart One. I don't necessarily believe that, but I'm also one of those annoying people who has a really good sense of the good in other people, but little to no sense of the good in myself. My fellow sisters also call me Siri (I have an answer for everything) Severus Snape (I get weirdly grumpy sometimes, due to my horrible habit of overthinking and analyzing everything until I get depressed) and Mrs. Mumford (due to my obsession with  everything Mumford & Sons). I love too many things. I love fall, bonfires with my hysterical friends, making sarcastic and witty remarks/analogies about the decadence of society, Starbucks, dancing like a fool, chemistry jokes and puns, Jane Austen, and cookie butter from Trader Joe's. Seriously, people, that stuff is heaven in a jar.

HEYO! I'm Mercy, otherwise known as Curly-Q, The Q-Tip, (because I have curly hair, duh,) The Fangirl, Potterhead, or just Mercy. I'm fourteen and half years old. Yippee.
I love to eat food and read books and fangirl. Especially about Harry Potter and Doctor Who. And Hunter Hayes, who happens to be my future husband. I cry about a lot of things. It's a disease I have called Over-Active Tear Ducts. It's not contagious, don't worry.

Hi there! I'm Rose, the comedic relief, also known as The Bucket of Sass, The Ultimate Gurl Please, or Rosie. I'm fourteen and a half as well, it sucks. I have a serious case of ILS (Inappropriate Laughing Syndrome). It's not a joke. It's also highly contagious.
 I like tumbling, reading (especially Harry Potter), and sleeping. I hate lots of things.

Hey, I'm Grace. I'm 16 years old, home-schooled and probably the quietest of this group. But just because I am quiet doesn't mean I'm not crazy. I'm known as The Asian Burrito, or the evil closet mastermind. I'm geeky and consider myself a Potterhead, Whovian, Nerdfighter and many other things that I can't seem to remember. I love to read and would probably say it's my favorite past time. I consider myself an introvert and I tend to be pretty awkward in public situations and can never find the right words to say at the right time. Jeans and a hoody are my favorite clothes to wear and I don't get the girls who plaster their faces with makeup every single day. I love to hang out with these three and make drink disasters, and delicious food. I'm considering going to culinary school (you'll probably be seeing a lot of recipes from me) but like most people my age I'm still on the fence about it. I also love to play piano guitar and sing off-key. I love to write and I think that I get my thoughts out best when I write them. I love coffee, rainy days, muffins, pretty sunsets, walks in the park, the feeling of listening to music on headphones, french toast, Pinterest, the ocean, and I dream of one day exploring the world.

    So this is us. We're nerdy and socially awkward (read: awesome) and break into song periodically. And now we have a blog. Since I wrote this first letter on Monday, Mercy will write back tomorrow, Rose the next day, and Grace after that (in case you're wondering, we write in birthday order). Anyone who fails to write on her assigned day will be punished by whoever posts the day after her, either by mockery and satire, or by a sibling who is not a member of The Foursome writing their post for them. Capisce, ladies? I'll give you a hard copy of the blog rules when we see each other face to face (EIGHT DAYS GRACIE!).
    Well, this is where I say bye. Mercy, write back tomorrow lest you face the wrath of The Ultimate Gurl Please (remember, she has Jaquan on her side).
LauraBeth <3