Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The difference between nerds and geeks.

"How should I start this post? Hmm, I could say "Good morning girls it's Wednesday!" But that's Mercy's thing.....I could say "Hey Y'all! No wait, then I sound like a redneck and I'm from Connecticut and that doesn't work....I'VE GOT IT! Hi! No, that's boring.....hmm...Oh well I'll just start." Thought Rose on a cold Wednesday in late September.

Oh sorry I was thinking out  loud. Wait on paper. No, this is the internet, I was thinking...virtually? Anyway, Mercy and Laura your posts were great! I hope mine can reach that level of awesomeness.

So in reply to Mercy's post on nerds and being nerdy and geeky and such, I would like to talk about the difference between nerds and geeks (That's why I named to this post The difference between nerds and geeks. I'm so creative.) Anyway, there actually is a difference between nerds and geeks. Ironically my geeky brother Ben explained it to me just yesterday. So here it is:

Geeks: Like lots of things and apply them to real life.
Example: A geek would be one of those people who knows how to speak Elvish and does on a day to day basis.

Nerds on the other hand: Like lots of things. But don't think they apply to real life.
Example: A nerd would be one of those people who thinks learning how speaking Elvish is fun, but knows it is actually not applicable to real life.

So yes in fact there is a difference, but I think it's perfectly possible to be both nerdy and geeky. Take me for example, I love random facts about the presidents (Like did you know President George Bush Sr. was the first president to ever publicly refuse to eat broccoli?) but where is that going to get me in life? So I'm nerdy about that. But I love Harry Potter and I know it's important in life. So I'm geeky about that. See? I'm a nerd and a geek.

In my own personal opinion, there are full on geeks who either love all of one fandom and hate all of the other but there's no happy medium, no "I honestly could care less". I can't stand those people. All they do is shove there opinion down your throat and don't stick around long enough for you to cough it back up. Even though that was a gross analogy, it was accurate.

But if you're a full on nerd you don't care, and then you become compliant and wear your pajamas all the time and never leave the house because everyone hates you and it's really there fault and I swear to gosh I'm not bitter or anything.  Compliant is a vocabulary word for the SAT by the way. It means not caring either way. And no one likes those people. But my point is it's a good this if you're a nerd and a geek. It makes so many things easier. You don't have to pick a side. Life isn't a Twix. Except when it comes to politics.

Now, before I tell you this you must prepare yourself mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Okay? Are you good? Now, MUMFORD AND FREAKING SONS IS FREAKING GOING ON A FREAKING HIATUS AND I CAN'T FREAKING FUNCTION AND OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO EVEN OH MY FREAKINGDGFKJBSLKDJFGLKAJESI. Okay, I am okay. I think I'm !@#$%$$^&^*()&__(*(^!@#$%^&*()_)8)(&*( kdnfghl;kjwrt iy I CAN'T! OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH! FJHGSDLFKJHGH WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS TO ME? 

I'm okay. I persevere through this. WAIT! THERE'S A SONG FOR THIS! And ironically enough...

Wow this post was long. Sorry! Well Gracie I'm looking forward to reading your post tomorrow!

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