Tuesday, September 24, 2013

It's only the truth...

Good morning girls, it's Tuesday.

We finally got this thing started- yay! Although, it really didn't even take that long, except the name... O.O oh the name...
But anyway, I congratulate all of you- or us- for making it this far.. we're so cool.
And now on to my very firstest post- huzzah!

Let's face it, ladies.
Being a nerd is so much better than being normal.
I mean, obviously we all sort of already knew this but I'm saying it again.
BUT before I go any further, can I say that we all know swear words, yes? And you girls won't like freak out if I post a picture with a cuss in it? Okay, good.

Okay, I just like this quote- it's oh-so-true. Also, John Barrowman is the guy who plays Captain Jack in Doctor Who, Grace! *fangirl hands* Okay I'm done.

 I think the second quote is actually from the same video as the first picture... which makes sense because they're both about being nerds.
But seriously, John Green is so right right now. (I mean he's usually right but whatever.)
Being a nerd/geek is cool. You can't deny that. You get to become wildly excited about things overly enthusiastic. Being a nerd is like being a fangirl just more sophisticated. (How I ended up being a fangirl and a nerd I have no idea..)
Although when you say you're a nerd it comes across as 'I'm academically advanced and do homework all the time and wear glasses' which is just stupid because you can be a nerd without being academically advanced. (Evidence- ME.)
So most of the time I say I'm a geek because it better describes the things I fangirl over. (Doctor Who, Sherlock, Harry Potter, British things, ect,)
I do consider myself an introvert to some extent, but I can be an extrovert, you know what I'm saying? Like most of the time I really hate socializing and talking to actual people, but there are some exceptions- Youth Group, a Hunter Hayes Meet&Greet. That's all.
Most of the time thought I'd rather stay home on my bed reading or blogging on the computer. And eating, because I mean- Food. But now I'm getting off-track.
Nerds/Geeks-whatever you prefer- are very underrated, that's the point. Especially Nerd Girls. Guys are like 'Oh yeah I would totally date a nerd girl I just can't find any.'
LOOK IN THE BOOKSTORES, FARTBRAINS. LOOK IN COMIC BOOKSTORES. Go to Leaky Con and Comic Con and Fandom Fest! We're the ones wearing graphic tee's of one or many of our fandoms, the ones crying over a book, the ones wearing sweat pants instead of skinny jeans. 
*Sighs* Girls, you think they would've learned by now... just go on tumblr, boys. Like, seriously. 
Anyway, that was just my 'Nerds Are Awesome' rant. I'm done now, I think. Sort of a lousy first post, I know... I am so sorry, but I'm pooped out at the moment. 

NOW. I'm gonna post a song I currently like.  Please don't judge.

OKAY OKAY! So I know it's Miley Cyrus who's horrible and needs Jesus, but this song is actually really pretty and I like it...  Even if the rest of her stuff is a bunch of crapsauce. And I understand it y'all don't like it, that's fine. But I like it.

OH and guess what?!?! Victoria (Malachis friend) bought Grace and I our own copy of Mamma Mia!  AKJAHSLDJFGASDFYWGRLSKDHFJKATSDUADf *fangirl hands*

But that's basically it. I'm really upset with this post because it's not very nice or well-written or funny or clever or beautiful or awesome like I know all of yours will be... whatever.
xoxo, Mercy.

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