Thursday, January 8, 2015

"When will my life begin?"

Not to make Rose and Laura nostalgic for Hartford Project and cleaning out gross bathrooms, but that song from Tangled pretty much sums up how I've been feeling lately.

And so I'll read a book or maybe two or three
I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
I'll play guitar and knit, and cook and basically
Just wonder when will my life begin?

Don't we all, Rapunzel

But seriously, that's all I do with my life. And I've been struggling with trying to see a point to it all until I get to that certain time when my life will finally begin. When will that be? I don't know. I thought maybe it would happen when I had a job, and could drive, and had a little more... independence.
But it sure doesn't feel that my life has begun. And I reread an article Hannah shared with me on FB about a year ago all about this. So many people think that their life will begin as soon as they go to college, or get married or the next big thing in their life happens. And everything before that is just preparing them for that moment when everything will come together in a glorious burst of togetherness. But in reality, it's never really going to happen like that. I mean... maybe. I don't know. But really, this is life right now. And it started (for me) 17 years ago. And is this even making any sense? I don't know, maybe, maybe not. Either way, I just wanted to share with you gurls what I've been feeling and maybe, hopefully, one of you will know what I'm talking about and how I'm feeling. 

Also, can we just talk about how Mercy, Hannah, and I are Jesse, Danny, and Joey (respectively) from Full House? It's kinda great. Mercy is attractive and sarcastic, Hannah is (CRAP the guy on American Idol is so cute. I want him.) kinda weird and older and has those moments when people question her sanity. And I'm just that other one. Pretty not serious most of the time but then every now and then I say something that makes other people cry. Plus I'm best friends with both of them. 

Anyway. Laura, can we just have a sleepover and cuddle? 
Mercy, Iway ikedlay yourway ostpay eryvay uchmay. Alsoway, Iway opehay youway ancay eadray histay. 
Rose, I hope my last words are "Forgive me all my trespasses, and take me to YOUR GLORYYYY" but it probably won't be anything that beautiful or musical. 

I hope you all have a beautiful weekend. I hope that all of you know that you're lovely and quite my favorites. <3 G

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