Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I'll title this post when I figure out what it's about.

It's hump day!

Can we just talk about this blizzard crap? We got 8 inches of snow here. The weathermen lied. I was all excited for snowmageddon and then it was a huge let down. Like my love life...

I'm going to reply to your posts now.

Grace: I'm really happy, and proud of you for getting your licence! You get a star.

Laura: My dearest sister I am slightly happy that you have procured yourself a male suitor. I hope that you would kindly make it known to him that if you causes you the slight amount of pain I will have him stoned to death. Hahaha, but really.

Mercy: I have watched Nothing Much To Do, and it is absolutely fantastic. Also your post was absolutely fantastic.

Well gurls, do you know what tomorrow is?

No, not international day of tacos, although....okay, so that's Octorber 4th. Holy crap, I found an entire website. There is a dot com for Taco day! OH MY GOD!
"Last year Americans ate over 4.5 billion tacos! That’s 490,000 miles of tacos, which could take you to the moon and back or, if you prefer, could, at 775-million pounds, equal the weight of two Empire State Buildings." (I found this here.)

Where was I? Ah yes, unfortunately tomorrow is not Taco day. It is however, the 172nd birthday of William McKinley! (Disclaimer: William McKinley is no longer alive. In fact, he is very dead). The reason President McKinley's birthday is significant is because it was the first presidential birthday I celebrated. (Ah, it seems like only 364 yesterdays ago...) This weird and geeky project I started a year ago has taught me a lot of random, and useless facts about American government. America was set up to be run for the people by the people. As the people, it's our job the get off our butts and do something about the government. This project has also taught me hilarious things like Andrew Jackson once had a giant cheese party in the White house.

Anyway, I should probably bounce.

Grace, I'm looking forward to you post tomorrow. That is if you do post. That is if the blizzard didn't kill you. So, if you're really alive and therefore not dead, I'm looking forward to your thoughts tomorrow.

Gurl please, Rose

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