What's shaking hot pants?
This is such a great movie. |
I have many things to rant about today because this week has been beautiful and terrible and very rant worthy. But first I have two things:
- I apologize for this title of this post it was supposed to be clever, but then it just wasn't. I'm sorry.
- I have a poem:
No one's hangin' stocking's up,
No one's bakin' pie,
No one's lookin' up to see
A new star in the sky.
No one's talkin' brotherhood,
No one's givin' gifts,
And no one loves a Christmas tree
On March the 25th
Because Zayn Malik left One Direction
And Rose is very miffed.
I actually did not write (most of) that poem. It was (originally, before I stole it for my own purposes) written by Sir Shel Silverstein (What? Shel Silverstien isn't knighted? WELL HE'S KNIGHTED IN MY HEART!) For those of you who don't know (I assume the people who don't know this live under a rock. You know what they say about assuming, Also, how do you get WiFi under a rock?) Zayn Malik left One Direction. Now I know that you (being Laura and Grace, certainly not Mercy) think this is a silly thing to get upset over, but here I am, upset. I don't even like One Direction as much as I used to. But they used to mean so much to me and it still hurts. Those 5 boys with their pretentious tool hair cuts got me through a really tough time once. I suppose it's for the best that Zayn leaves. I'd hate for him to be doing something he hated just to make other people happy. Because that's what Kurt Cobain did. And then Kurt Cobain killed himself. So good luck to him in whatever him (Zayn) in whatever he chooses to do, but One Direction just won't be the same without him. Whatever, I'm done with feelings. (Haha I'm actually just getting started.)

I'm going to reply to your posts now.
Grace: Your post was lovely. I think we should get everyone in the world into a giant cinnamon role hug, because that would solve all the world's problems. Actually that's what I think heaven's like. A giant hug.
Laura: Your post was full of feelings.
Mercy: Your post was short and still beautiful. And oh honey, I'm sorry for all the crap that's been going down in our fandom lately. We need to talk. Call me maybe?
Anyway, yesterday (actually very early this morning) I wrote an entire blog post in a notebook, so I probably shouldn't waste the rant I had prepared, so it goes.
President William McKinley (born January 28th 1843, died September 14th 1901, succeeded by Teddy Roosevelt, in case you were curious), was married to a lady name Ida, I believe. Ida had epilepsy, which (for those of you who aren't nursing students) is a neurological disorder that causes seizures. I'm not certain if this has anything to do with her epilepsy, but when Ida McKinley moved into the White House, she ordered all yellow furniture to be removed. When I first read about this, I couldn't understand why she would do this, I mean, what's wrong with yellow? It such a bright, cheerful color. But recently, I've been in an anxious, ADD, angry funk lately. Suddenly, I found myself utterly loathing the color yellow. Not only the color yellow. Leaving the house, other people talking, animals, winter, spring, summer, fall, food, kittens, everything I hate everything. I don't know what brought on these emotions, (certainly not lady problems I assure you). The grumpy stew that had been swirling around in my innards had just about reached boiling point when...

This arrived in the mail. (I'd like to point out that it's yellow, and I've gone back to thinking that Ida McKinley was wacky for hating such a lovely color). My darling dearest mother pre-ordered it for my birthday and OH MY GOD! I read the whole thing yesterday because I'M A GEEK WITH NOTHING TO DO WITH HER LIFE BUT I DON'T CARE BECAUSE THIS BOOK WAS MAGNIFICENT! It's set 5 years after the previous book, so it's widely from Batty's point of view, which I originally didn't like, but then grew to love. The author does a great job of making it a kids book, but still interesting for the people, like yours truly, who grew up reading the other books and now have to finish the series. I almost started crying while reading it. I was so angry when I finished it because I have to wait 3 years for the next book, but I also don't care because it was wonderful.
Okay, so that's my little commercial for the Penderwicks in Spring.
This has been a very emotional post...weird. I should go because I have stuff to do.
Grace, I'm looking forward to your post tomorrow, I'm sure it will be lovely.
Gurl please. -Rose?