Thursday, March 26, 2015

In which Grace sits in front of Blogger and writes down all of her thoughts that pass through her small, random, and insignificant brain.

Thursday is winding to a close so Happy Grace is happy. Friday will bring sleeping in later and give me time to clean my room and do my laundry. Not very glamorous tasks or things I usually consider fun but I suppose it's better than measuring coffee, making sandwiches for (sometimes) annoying people and dealing with the endless bosses and the endless teasing. I also suppose I'll miss my cool friend Chris and his awkward conversations throughout the day, but I know Mercy's tired of hearing about him. 
ARG we're watching the food network show Unwrapped and they're talking about pizza and I just want some freaking pizza. I want some so much. Pizza is just so glorious. It's bread-y, cheese-y, and so saucy. 
(Don't google the word 'saucy') 
Anyway. Back to pizza. It's either circle or square and it's beautiful and delicious. The people who don't like pizza are weird. I honestly can't think about anything else right now. It might be because the only food I've eaten today is cookies and waffles. The guy I marry will take me out for pizza. And also sushi. And occasionally Italian but only when we're feeling fancy. Basically the guy I marry will love food of all kinds. From from bacon to corn bread to all Asian cuisine to pizza. Good ol' faithful pizza. The love of my life. 

Am I the only one who feels really gangster when they wear their hood? There's something about wearing a piece of clothing over my head that always makes me feel absurdly awesome but I guess that's just proof to my undying awkwardness. Somehow I wonder why I still have friends. 

Laura dear, your post was cute and happy and puke-worthy for every single girl on this blog but it made me happy to know that you're happy. Nothing is better than knowing you're friends are truely happy.

Mercy and Rose, I'm sorry about your loss and I know you're probably not thinking about anything else. Also I can't remember what your posts were about. Wait. Wait for itttttttttt.... Rose was complaining about the color yellow (which I totally understand. There are days when I hate nothing more than life and happy things like the color yellow make it worse) and Mercys was about Harry Potter? Yes I think it was really short and about our boy HP. Both were obviously fantastic. So fantastic that I knew exactly what they were about.... eheh. 

I'm gonna stop you're having to read this now. So goodbye. I hope all your weekends are the absolute best. 
<3 G


  1. SO I get that this is a blog for you guys to keep in touch w each other but I stumbled across it randomly and y'all are super fun and write really well so yeah hopefully it's not creepy if I follow you and enjoy your incredibly random but endlessly entertaining postsss

    1. Ps- just looked at your blog and it's BEAUTIFUL! Really excited to keep up with it

  2. Hey Lauren:) very nice to meet you and welcome to our humble little corner of the internet. We love knowing that others enjoy reading what we write even though it's (usually) ridiculous, and random, and sometimes doesn't even make any sense. So stay as long as you can bear us.
    Also, it's definitely not creepy that you're here because, believe us, we know creepy and you keeping up with our blog is definitely not it.
    <3 Grace (on behalf of the entire Foursome)
