Thursday, March 19, 2015

Peace, dude

Okay Blogger isn't letting me post the Paper Towns trailer but I'm sure you've all seen it. Maybe I'll just link this entire post to the trailer. Yep. That's a good idea. I'll do that.


This is how I feel every Thursday because it's my last day at work, making Friday the start of my weekend. Even though I still have school on Fridays, it's better than working again. Also this particular Thursday means only one more day until our epic Rosie's-birthday-sleepover-weekend-thing. I'm so excited. I miss you Backus girls a crap lot and I can't wait to eat yummy food and hangout and go see Laura's school and possibly watch her concert and meet her friends. It will be glorious and exhilerating and possibly exhausting but most definitely fun. And I can't wait.

So I feel like I had something pressing to write about today but I, for the life of me, can not remember. Maybe it wasn't so pressing. Instead I'm gonna rant about something wort ranting about because I feel like Rose or Mercy always rant about things and I never do. Anyway, I hate how different people can be when they're on the internet. It's almost as if because there is a screen protecting them, they can be whoever they want to be. Or maybe they're so insecure, they can't be themselves except online. I'm not sure. But it makes me mad! Why do people do that?? Why do they decide to personify themselves? Like I realize that internet life is easier than real life but c'mon people. Grow up. Be true to yourself on and off the screen. It'll make the world a better place. It will also make the internet a better, more believable place. AND BASICALLY WORLD PEACE IS WHAT I WANT. And this would be a good start. 

Um when I searched pictures of "world peace" I found this picture. 
And at first I was like "ALERT ALERT MR BAG WEEOOH WEEOOH." And then I was like 'awww it's just so cute' if this picture was passed around on the internet then there really would be world peace. #toocutetofunction 

Anyway I'm gonna go. I'll see all of you tomorrow. 
<3 G

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