Thursday, June 26, 2014

'i hate titles' i whispered to myself as i wrote this one

Friday brings us one day closer to Saturday which is only ONE MORE DAY until Sunday when THP starts. I'm so freaking excited :)

     So girls, lately I've been thinking a lot about different personalities and how different people are and how much a person can change. I guess I've been thinking this because lately, I've started to change ever so slightly. Not in big ways but just in little ways. For instance, I started drinking my coffee black (I'm so proud of this fact) because suddenly I wanted too, and I've been more aware of the things that I've been putting in my body. I've started to get really big into the geeky side of Youtube, being hooked on anything the Vlogbrothers have had any part in creating (Crash Course, SciShow, Art Assignment etc.) (I freaking love the Art Assignment so much)(it is the best thing that the Vlogbrothers have ever had a hand in creating) and in the past couple months, I've been inspired by the Green brothers and Esther Earl to make an impact on the world.
     Also, you girls have changed in much bigger ways. I've seen Laura go from the the girl with the inhaler, to someone who likes to run for fun and to stay in shape. The girl who used to abandon us, to someone who needs to be with people to keep her happy. Mercy and Rose have gone from the cute little giggly girls to young women (I hate that phrase) who have opinions and ideas and have a desire to make their voices heard. And, like this John Green quote says, there is so much more to your personalities than I know and there is so much that I could still learn about all of you because the way we think about people, isn't always the right ideas. And I just think that's really cool. Because I've been finding, that day by day, my opinion, my ideas, and my personality changes. It's constantly fluctuating and it's exciting, as well as confusing.
     My friend and I were talking the other day about labels and boxes. No not office supplies, but personalitys. He was saying how he doesn't always like to be seen as "the music kid" (he's very talented on multiple instruments) but people usually label him as that and I said that I completely knew what he was talking about. For awhile I was "the chef" because I liked to cook but it got to the point where I wanted to shake that persona and I found it somewhat difficult. And now I feel like I don't even know what my set personality is because, like I said, it's constantly changing. And I guess I'm starting to re-discover who I am. I've found that I like to go on walks. And I like to take my time reading a really fantastic book instead of shoving in anything I can get my hands on. I've decided that I like learning and I even enjoyed math this year more than science (crap, I didn't do my math today). I like wearing bright colors and have tried to stay away from the very safe shade of blue that I seem to always be wearing. And these are just some things that I've come to realize about myself recently. Don't ask me how. I just did.
     But as I've been thinking about this and planning this post, I've decided that I love the diversity that we have on this blog. I love our own different styles and I love how I can rely on your posts to mostly stay the same every week. Because even if we all have the #samebrain we all seem to think in different ways and have different opinions and ideas and I just think that's great.

On a completely different note, I'm just... I can't even. THP. 3 days. holy cow. WHEN ARE YOU GIRLS (L&R) GETTING HERE?? THP is so extremely fun and uplifting and like our youth pastor Dave always says, we're going to get more out of this trip than the people and city we're serving. As weird as that sounds, it's true. The first year I went, I was impacted so much even after only a couple days in the city. And yeah, we do good things for people and we spread God's love and it's great, but us students are really the ones who benefit. And I always leave with a feeling of want to be there forever. And be a part of that city more than I am. And to be a part of the communities and build relationships. And I've excited for that feeling again. I LITERALLY HAVEN'T STOPPED TALKING ABOUT IT ALL WEEK AND I JUST CANT HELP IT BECAUSE I'M SO EXCITED.

So just to get us all in that missions trip feeling.

well, peace out girl scouts. I'll see you all on Sunday (Saturday?) and for all those committed followers, just once more, we're not going to be here next week but Laura will start our posting again on Monday July 7th. <3 Grace

hmmm... this post didn't have enough weird GIFs and pictures. Excuse me while I throw some in

favorite GIF of all time

k i'm done 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I wanted to form a proper opinion I swear I still don't like it.

'Tis true, hump day hath cometh once more.

This is the best gif ever.
How fairest you loveliest of ladies on this fine Wednesday morning? Well, I should hope. I'm going to reply to your posts now.

Grace: Your post was beautiful, and you got like really deep. I just went back and read it, and it made me feel like I was in the Circle of Trust all over again. ;)

Laura: I can't even begin to even about THP. I mean, I'm sure it will still be really fun and like it inhibit out ability to serve the God, but I can't believe I'm not with my wifey. It's an abomination. 


Anyway, I'm reading Twilight. Well, Laura and I both are, I'm just reading it first. It's honestly not as bad as I thought it was going to be, it wouldn't be that bad if it weren't for the whole vampire thing. I don't like the way vampires and werewolves are portrayed in this book. It's a blessing and not a curse, and I just don't like that it's wrong. Not to mention it's not about anything. It's just a story. And that pisses me off. I mean, modern literature is crap anyway, but this is particularly crappy crap. And don't even get me started on Bella. I mean, she's a lot better in the books, but she's still so obsessed with Edward, it's really unhealthy. Like, if want an example of a toxic relationship, read Twilight.

I can see why it's so popular though. Like, pretend you're one of those girls for 5 seconds, who wears leggings as pants and cried in the Titanic (or at least didn't laugh), and you read this book about a girl, not unlike yourself, who meets this guy who is virtually perfect, and better than perfect looking, and he falls in love with this girl who is not unlike yourself. Wouldn't that make you think "hey, if it can happen to Bella, it can happen to me."  When you or I read Twilight, we see a stupid story that is probably just a passing trend. When one of the those girls reads Twilight she thinks there's hope for her yet. I think it's sad that girls these days think they need a hot perfect boyfriend like Edward Cullen in order to be complete. And I'm not saying that every teenage girl is like that, but clearly there are enough teenage girls who are because Twilight is pretty popular.

Anyway, I should probably eat lunch. Graceland, I can't wait for your perfect Grace post tomorrow. Gurl please -Rose

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Perfection {in which I fangirl because why not}

Good morning, girls.
It's Tuesday
this came up when I searched 'Tuesday GIF' so I had to use it. #iregretnothing

ERM so I'm really tired and stuff and I'm having a bad hair day and I have no idea what this post is going to be about, not really, BUT I'm in a great mood, which is weird.

I met Anton yesterday. Anton as in Abigail's Russian male friend Anton, who came over for a bonfire and brought wine from the vineyard he works out and goat cheese from the goat farm he also works at and like WHO DOES THAT?!?! Anton, apparently. He's pretty cool. I definitely approve. Not to mention he loves Harry Potter and Lord Of The Rings, and he also likes Doctor Who. I SO TOTALLY APPROVE.

We don't know his last name though, so I just call him Anton Won-Ton. 'cause it's fun to say. I mean, c'mon- try it. IT'S FUN.
But okay, I'm done talking about Anton Won-Ton. Pretty much, he's awesomely cool.


5- A song that is often stuck in your head

It's true. I sing this song all the freaking time. And I mean, it's beautiful, so it's all good. Plus, it's my babies, so it's definitely all good.

Okay- replying to y'all's posts.

Laura- I loved your post cuz I'm not sure if it really had a point except that life will life and it was pretty much AWESOME, just like all your posts, and even though the Foursome is being torn apart (*sobs*) I am so FREAKING excited for THP anyway and I just EEEEKkKKKKKEKEKEK
accurately describes me right now. 

Grace- I really like your post, even though it was slightly long-ish, it was intellectual and Grace-ish and gify and I just really enjoyed it and seeing your view on boys and emotional purity, and I totally agree with what you say, about guarding our heart and souls emotionally. Yeah.

Rosie- I totally agree. Listen to this because like, just do. You'll love it-

SO, recently I watched this movie called 'Zoolander' with Judah and Ethan, and had Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson.
It was uncomfortably inappropriate at parts, but utterly hilarious otherwise. Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson are like two of my favorite comedic/American actors so it just made it like 1000000000000x better.
Some beneficial GIF's.....
this is me when y'all try and cheer me up. 

Me, as a fangirl.

Ben Stiller. I love you. 
Anyway, that didn't have anything to do with anything, but yeah. Just thought I'd mention it.

What I really wanna talk about...

Is this.


*deep breath* I'm sorry I'm just really, really, really, REALLY excited. AHHH.
I honestly love it and my favorite song off the album, currently, is The Man. I just love it, like seriously. The whole album is beautiful and so well-written and UGGHH.

Apparently Ed and Taylor Swift are dating, for like, real. At least, that's what Judah told me.

Anyway, I know this post is really short and scattered and random, but I procrastinated so like, oh well.


And I can't wait to read your beautiful writing-ness tomorrow, Rosie(:


Monday, June 23, 2014

Sometimes I wanna be the cute Christian wife in a praise band with her cute husband that tours and changes the world. Also, I couldn't think of a title for this post.

Hello world.
this I thought was cute.
So, I Googled "hello monday" and these were some of the pictures that came up in Images. I like them, because usually when people mention Monday it's with a groan and a grimace and even a few tears. But these pictures are positive and lighthearted, and it reminded me that not every Monday has to suck just because it's a Monday. I think we are in serious need of a paradigm shift in regards to this, the first weekday. If one can get past the label of "Monday" one can imagine what one can accomplish.
    Also, y'all should just love Mondays because I (Laura) post on this blog on Mondays. And uhm hello, I'm pretty alright :)
    Soooooo ladies, I was extremely encouraged and relieved by your responses to my somewhat controversial post from last week. I'm glad that we can dialogue about boys in a relatively mature way. As young women -especially young Christian women- we are expected to think and gossip about boys and love and marriage, and while all of that is healthy, it can be dangerous. Yes, there is a 91% chance that each of us will one day marry, but why focus on our wedding day when there's so much to do in the here and now?
    There's nursing school to prepare for.
    And Ed Sheeran songs to learn on guitar.
    And plays to act in.
    And people to sass.
    We have a lot on our plates, gurls! Everything will work out in God's timing. We could all marry at twenty (shudders), or twenty-five, or thirty, or never. Who knows? Maybe I'm called to be single, live in a rundown cottage on the Great Sioux Reservation in South Dakota, and work for the IHS for the rest of my earthly days. Maybe Mercy will become a world-famous Broadway star with a penthouse in Manhattan. Maybe our future spouses (who WILL have to read this blog if ever they wish to understand their hysterical wifeys) are reading this post right now, in the future, and maybe we already they know them, and maybe we don't. Whatever. Everything -our careers, love lives, futures- will fall into place in God's impeccable timing.
    That being said, it's Man Crush Monday, which means-
those dimples.
    Also ladies, I vote we change our bio picture on the blog. What do y'all think? That one is soooo fifteen months ago. We have to have a nicer, more up-to-date picture of the Foursome. Not that I don't like that one- I love all the memories associated with that picture, and all the other ones we took in that giant photo booth in G&M's mall London on that spontaneous world tour we took a year ago in March. I just have a small attention span.
    And we should change it before we leave for *quivers with excitement* THE HARTFORD PROJECT! Seriously gurls, I am so stoked for next week, even though Mercy won't be on our team.
And so, for the second time this summer, the Foursome is being split up. I just don't think God or Fate or the Universe get it- one does not simply split up the Foursome *insert Borimir meme*. You either split us down the middle or not at all. But these are the cards we have been dealt, and it's going to be weird and unnatural like it was last time, and now Mercy will know how I felt at Orientation, and I will know how you all felt at the Eges minus me for the week. But, gurls, we will be serving Jesus. And if we let ourselves get in the way of doing His good work we may as well not go at all.
    I'm not Mercy. It's easier for me to say this because I'm not the one who will be separated from my three best friends while they hang out all day, every day for a week. But I was separated from you three at Orientation, and it was strange and I was a bit upset and jealous, but when we saw each other again the following Sunday it was like almost nothing had changed. I fell right into step with all your new private jokes:
    "Tentacle?" Mercy whispered to me as we sat in posting order at the theater, just before The Fault in Our Stars began. She extended her crooked elbow towards me over our shared armrest.
    I latched right on. "Tentacle," I said back, looping my own elbow with hers.
    Mercy whispered excitedly over her left shoulder, where Rose and Grace sat, "Guys, she gets 'tentacling' already!" And as the other half of our Foursome enthusiastically responded I knew that nothing much would change when I left for college. This was a four-way friendship built to last, and whether I liked it or not I was 100% stuck with these young women for a lifetime.
    THP will be awesome. Even though Mercy will be without us during the day, and I feel a bit awkward, because I don't know everyone going on the trip, and maybe I'm invading your church and being burdensome. The great thing about serving God is that it's all about Him and has nothing to do with me. So I can completely die, to myself and my own insecurities, losing myself but finding my soul and my calling by pursuing the commands of Jesus passionately and thirstily.
    On another note, did you know that 'thirstily' is a word? I learned a new thing today.
    In conclusion, I apologize for the randomness of this post, but you don't have to worry about me following up with an equally as slapped-together letter next week, since I won't be posting next week. None of us will, actually, since we will all be in Hartford (!!!!!).
    Enjoy our posts for the week, and expect a full debrief on THP two weeks from Monday! Mercy, I can't wait to hear from your smashing self on the 'morrow.
    Now, if you will excuse me, my sweet little sister just brought me a bowl of mac n' cheese here out on the back porch, and I intend to enjoy it. TTFN <3
--Laura :)

Thursday, June 19, 2014

I guess I have to come up with a title, right?

It is the mighty Wednesday.

yep, I'm following suit and writing this the day before just like Rose. Thanks Rose! You kept me from procrastinating too much.

Mercy, I'm not sure if it was in the written code that we have to reply to each others posts. I certainly don't think it should be mandatory. If all you're going to say is "I really liked your post" than you shouldn't. I do like the whole aspect of conversation though, because, don't get me wrong, I love the blog, we just all tend to do our own little blogging thing and beside the "I really liked your post" there isn't much conversation. That's actually one of the reasons that I liked Laura's post so much this week. Sure it led me to thinking about everything the universe has to think about, but I knew that it would set off a discussion, one that might go on longer than a week. I adore this blog (I don't want anyone to think that it's not living up to my expectations, because it has far surpassed that) and I love how we can talk about whatever we want and confide in each other here, but I want it to be even more like that. Tell each other what we're struggling with. What we've been thinking about, what our current obsessions are, and ask each other's thoughts on things.

...I guess that was a really long answer to a really simple question. Sorry >.>

Okay Laura, I'm going to try and talk about the "dreaded" subject.


Nothing too serious has ever happened between a boy and myself but I have had those few little crushes (I actually think that I too, have only had 2 1/2 crushes... #samebrainRose) that will always haunt me for awhile but also make me laugh when I read through old journals. And every time that a boy does catch my fancy I end up sort of like this

Yep, it's pretty bad. But after a few days I usually end up as a giggly school girl who listens to specific songs and doodles secret code words on just about anything she can find and will spend lots of time by herself usually writing. And then when I do see them, then I can't think straight and I get all flustered and my stomach feels weird and I feel like I need to throw up and fix my hair and make sure my outfit still looks cute and oh my goodness did he just look at me or did he look at my friend I'm standing with and should I go talk to him or should I completely ignore him and I know that trying to make him jealous is a really terrible idea but maybe I should try but oh my gosh now I hate myself because in my head, I've turned into one of those girls. So then I just do this
Simon Cowell and I behave pretty much the same
But thank the good Lord Almighty that I'm not one of those girls who just endlessly talks about it. Seriously. Because that gets annoying. Usually, when I like a guy, no one else knows about it unless I tell them.

Kind of like a very awesome Jane Austen heroine

I hope that someday, I'll look that pretty while crying

I also agree with Mercy that highschoolers really shouldn't be dating. I think you should definitely be friends with the opposite sex but you should be spending time getting to know them and being friends.


like seriously, how simple is this? isn't this something that you read and you're like, 'oh yeah. everyone should read this'

My cool friend Charlotte let me read a book called "Emotional Purity". We've all heard about keeping our minds and our bodies pure but I'd never thought about protecting our emotions. But when you're so invested emotionally in a person who doesn't care, and then pull away, you're left hurting from it because those emotions are ripped to pieces by someone who doesn't realize what they're doing. I've definitely felt the sting of that and it's not very nice. Since that time, I've definitely been working on guarding my emotions when it comes to boys. I'm probably not going to be marrying any of the guys I know now, so why should I throw all of myself into them when they're a) not going to notice or b) turn around and find a different girl. Not that guys are heartless creatures. They just don't know every thought that passes through my small and insignificant mind. I have some of the coolest guy friends of all time, and it's totally okay that we're just friends. I think that's the biggest thing that if I could tell my younger self, I would. And it's something that I really wish young girls could understand. God is going to put a good guy in my life at the perfect time and until then, I need to learn to be extremely patient and extremely mindful of where and how I'm placing my emotions. Because like Elinor Dashwood, I do have emotions even if I don't show them off as much as Mercy Marianne does.

But yeah, I know that this got pretty long, but I've had all week to think about it. <3 Grace

ps- can't wait to see L&R on Saturday!!

pps. can we just talk about THP for a second? how dare Danielle break us up? What was she thinking? I guess we're going to have to be okay with it because this wasn't our decision and we can't really throw a little fit over it, right? but it doesn't make it any less annoying. I think Mercy and I talked to Danielle about it like.... 4 times? Trying to be so specific about how we would like to be split up... but no. Fine. Whatever. It is what it's going to be. And maybe this way will be better and it needs to be this way for some divine purpose. *sniffs* I guess.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I am the very model of a modern major general (I asked Laura what I should name my post and this is what she came up with. Pray for her.)

It's hump day!

This is my new favorite gif. It so accurately describes my life.

Well, for you it is likely hump day, for me however, at the current time, it is Tuesday. Here I am, sitting at the computer desk writing a post ahead of time. I am not procrastinating.

Sorry for the heart attacks I inevitably caused. Also, my hair is long enough that I can put it up, so my glorious locks are currently in the Sassy Bun 2.0.

I'm going to reply to your posts now.

Grace: I personally was kind of freaked out by the Mr. Bean gifs, yet somehow intrigued. I thought for a moment that the Shanko-blogpost-incident of 3 weeks ago was going to be repeated in Bean form, but thankfully I was wrong. I am also extremely excited for summer. Minus the bug bites. And the humidity. Other that that I'd say I am like 6 year old girl named Janis who has just been told by her parents that she is going to Disney World.

This accurately describes what I illustrated above.

Laura: TURTLES JUST POPPED UP ON  MY DASH. NOPE NOPE NOPE. Anyway, your post was unexpected. After that cryptic conversation we had on Sunday, I should have been expecting as much, but I can honestly say the whole boy conversation thing was not what I thought you were going to write about. It was beautiful though, quite like your face.

Mercy: In answer to your question concerning the business of post replying, in my opinion, it is not essential to reply to posts. This blog is merely a means of communicating between the 4 of us, and if you don't feel the need to reply to our posts than go right ahead, I won't judge you.

Also, we may be twins, but when it comes to sports we are terribly opposed. To be perfectly honest, I hate soccer, I think it's terribly tedious. But I completely agree with you when it comes to dating in high school. High school students are in no way mature enough to think seriously about dating.

I do believe in Laura's post she asked us to talk about boys. Y'all better put your ranting eye's on, cause Aunty Rose is about to get up on a metaphorical soap box.

I've never been very boy crazy. I've had a grand total of 2 and half crushes in my life. The half being one of those awkward "I can't tell if I really like him or I'm just being silly" kind of ordeals. This doesn't include all of the fictional characters I've had crushes on. That list is immeasurably long. Point being, when it comes to boys I generally prefer the fictional kind. And when I encounter the actual kind I am deeply disappointed that they do not live up to the high expectations instilled in me by people such as Jane Austen. I am aware that the person that I am someday destined to marry will in no way compare to the wonderful characters I find myself so often obsessed with, but I still find myself in love with a simple combination of the alphabet terribly often. I don't think I would have this problem, if real boys were as fantastically wonderful as fictional ones. In answer to your question Laura, until Mr. Darcy becomes a real person, I'll stick with fictional characters.

Well, this post was kind of short and sucky, but whatever. I'm looking forward to your post tomorrow Grace! Gurl please -Rose

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

*waves* Hi. I use a lot of asterisks to portray my actions in this post *smiles innocently*

Good morning, gurls, it's Tuesday!

Pig 'n a Poke!

ALRIGHTY. Before I get started here- I have a very important question. And I mean VERY important.

AHEM. *clears throat*

Is it like mandatory to reply to everyone's posts? Is it like a law? Because WAIT- before you start shouting- I remember back in the good ole' days, I used to like NEVER reply to your posts... and I mean, it's not that I don't care about your posts... it just TAKES SOOO LONG. Plus, I usually have to like open a whole 'nother tab and go back and look at your posts so I can remember what they were about, and there is like so much thinking involved. *heaves a sigh* But I guess I'll do it anyway.... *gives a look of utmost unhappiness*

Rosie- your post was kinda of random, but I liked it because that's what my posts are always like! I really liked the Twin Forks song, also. However, they are not on Spotify, which saddens my little music-obsessed heart greatly. *frowns*

Gracie- I did not appreciate the Mr. Bean GIF's in your post, they rather scared me.... but I really did like the rest of it! I, too, am looking forward to summer.

Laura- Oh, Laura, deary, sweetheart... someone (you) has finally brought up the dreaded subject.....

I promise I talk about that more in just a second- but first I needa do my song challenge thing.

So here we go.

4- A song that calms you down.

Hmmm.. well, this is a very good question, because there are several (and by several I mean like 12e13764918727316591872431351394862302135798134) songs that calm me down.

But I guess I'll just go with the most recent one (like the one I've been listening to the most recently..if you didn't get that...)
Actually, Imma do two, because I can't decide between which one I like better.

So, the first one....

I really, really love Ingrid Michaelson (thank you Gracie), and this song is off her newest album 'Lights Out.'
I love the style of music I.M sings (like indie/folk/songwriter), it's actually my favorite type of music, not to mention Ingrid writes some amazing lyrics.... this song is just so simple and beautiful and I love it.

Numbah twoooo...

Not only is this song from the TFIOS soundtrack, it's also by Jake Bugg, who is amazing. *Laughs in Grace's direction* He's like 19 and he's Scottish and has both an amazing singing and talking voice.

Okay, that's all. *smiles satisfactorily*

OKAY so before I go back to Laura's post, I'm just gonna obsessed for a minute over something I never obsess over.

As you all probably know, the FIFA World Cup is going on right now and usually I don't really like sports (actually that's not true, I just hate baseball and golf with a passion. Everything else is fine) but yanno, ever since The World Cup started, I've been watching nearly every game.

And can we just talk about how USA scored within the first 30 seconds of the game verses Ghana yesterday? Can we just talk about that? Yeah. They did. #whatsupworldcup #usaftw

But yeah. I'm pretty much super loving this whole soccer thing. It's kinda sad that The World Cup only happens every four years. I also like to think of The World Cup as The Quidditch World Cup, because I mean... why wouldn't I?

Okay, I'm done know, honestly.

So. Back to Laura's post. *in that girl voice* About like, boys! Oh my gosh!

Okay, so here's my opinion on boys....
If they're not fictional, famous and don't know I exist (and this counts YouTubers), or Jesus, they are not worth my time.

I'm out.

WELL OKAY FINE. I do like some normal boys. I mean, I have several friends that are boys that I really like. But not like 'like like' or whatever. I mean..... I'm only 15 and I do have interest in boys, obviously, but I am not looking for a relationship, nor do I think I need a relationship anytime soon. (Unless it's with Harry Styles.)
But I mean, that's obvious enough. 15 year-old's shouldn't be dating, okay. I just wish every 15 year old knew this.
Actually, teens just shouldn't be dating at such young ages in general. I mean, half these people don't even know what love means! What it means to put someone else's needs before yours, to become so in love that you act selflessly because you love them THAT FREAKING MUCH ASDFGHJKL SOCIETY SUCKS GUYS. *pounds keyboard furiously* KJAHSDkjkzaaksdjdakjewtwsgadkjsdKAGJDKSTUEWSFKSIUEWR1205A'PW;Owgrolsardsfklosdeekdekilkdf;ldSIPFEGWQ[P15098Y5W08DFKJLDFS

I feel like everyone is gonna have different reactions to this whole 'boy' discussion. SO FAR I'M JUST MAD.

I have to go now cuz I'm going out to ice cream with my family.

Rosie, I literally CAN'T. wait to read your post tomorrow<3



Monday, June 16, 2014

I am not.

It's Man Crush Monday.
    You all know what this means.
I have recently taken a liking to beards. What is wrong with me?
    Oh, how I love you gurls! And your blog posts from last week.
    Mercy- I can't decide what I enjoyed more about your post, the hotmazing music or the Nick Cage sunrise/backwards cotton candy man GIFs. Anyway, your posts always inspire me to listen to new bands and laugh more and fall evermore in love with Hunter Hayes.
my other #mcm. He's even cute sans beard.
Rooooose- because you post on Wednesdays you are always my Woman Crush Wednesday. Besides Beyonce of course (you would annihilate me if I said otherwise;).
5ever my #wcw
    Also, your post was delicious.
    Grace- the sad thing is the Mr. Bean GIFs didn't even phase me. The rest of your post made me especially ready for summer, and for seeing you again on Saturday! We are going to see so much of each other this summer it should make me sick. But it doesn't. :)
(almost) reunited and it feels sooo good

    So, gurls, you know what I realized? We haven't really talked about...boys...on this blog yet.
    There, I said it.
     Like, why should we?
    Ain't nobody got time for that.
    But should we?
    I don't know. I mean, we all notice boys, it's just that they are almost all a) fictional, b) famous, or c) famous people who play our favorite fictional characters. But it's healthy to have crushes on real boys, and maybe I've started noticing real boys again lately, only I don't want to officially say I like anyone, because I'm leaving (sorta) for a completely new place in the fall, and I don't want to be attached like that in my home life. I don't want to make anything a reality just yet.
    Oh, my goodness. I am a mess.
    I kind of am a mess with boys. They intimidate me. I inherited my mom's radar for skanky-player-guys, which is 80% of the reason I've never really been in a relationship. But, is that a good thing? Is it a good thing that I react like this:
coincidentally I look like the gurl in the bottom picture ;)

whenever I like a guy?
    Whenever I like an actor, I'm so laid back. I stalk their Instagram and talk about him with the Foursome with no problems.
    However, actual boys make me nervous. My stomach explodes whenever I see the man I fancy and my thought process is literally "CRAP ITS HIM AM I EXCITED OR AM I DISAPPOINTED IS THIS A GOOD HAIR DAY WHAT DO I SAY OHMYGOODNESS"
    I'm so composed, so socially comfortable, on the outside, but on the inside I'm an awkward 12-year-old with a bad haircut.
    But, I think I'm outgrowing that. Maybe God is preparing me for a relationship- a somewhat grownup relationship, with a serious guy outside of high school, where boys are usually immature and silly. Not that I know anyone I would date, at the moment. Not really. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel led to like someone, but I don't want to like him at all. Why would God tell me to pursue someone I have never had a desire to date?
    Maybe He knows better. I'm still not 100% on board with this whole thing. Just so you gurls know, I am not in love. I am not. I promise. Love makes me a fruity housewife who giggles and cries at the end of rom-coms. And so far, my wit and sarcasm remain intact, despite the direction my heart is being pulled in. Maybe I am being led to someone I haven't even met yet, maybe I'm missing someone I don't even know. But no matter what, I'm trusting that God's got this. He holds my heart first and foremost, and if I don't feel His approval (or my parent's, or you gurls) over a relationship, then I won't pursue it. And I kind of love that feeling, because I don't have to worry.
    Anyway, I'm sorry that this post is kind of sappy and stupid, but it's one I know I'll read in the future and laugh over. I hope at least my nonexistent love life made you gurls laugh, or think, but mostly laugh. I'm a confusing woman, but I regret nothing.
    So, I guess I wanted to introduce this topic because we haven't really talked about it before. And I'm glad we haven't because we aren't those girls, but I want us to be able to talk about it, because we are young women, and it's okay to let down our guards and be real about *shudders* dating. It's a scary thing, but it is part of what God designed most of us for. There is someone out there for everyone- scary and reassuring, right?
    Anyway, Mercy, I can't wait to read your feedback tomorrow, and see you gurls on Saturday and eat lots of good food and wear cute summer clothes and have fun, like we always do. I promise I won't be an emotional gurl all weekend. I am still my rational self, even though my heart has been running wild on the wings of fancy. I'm fine. I'm actually okay.
--Laura :)