So girls, lately I've been thinking a lot about different personalities and how different people are and how much a person can change. I guess I've been thinking this because lately, I've started to change ever so slightly. Not in big ways but just in little ways. For instance, I started drinking my coffee black (I'm so proud of this fact) because suddenly I wanted too, and I've been more aware of the things that I've been putting in my body. I've started to get really big into the geeky side of Youtube, being hooked on anything the Vlogbrothers have had any part in creating (Crash Course, SciShow, Art Assignment etc.) (I freaking love the Art Assignment so much)(it is the best thing that the Vlogbrothers have ever had a hand in creating) and in the past couple months, I've been inspired by the Green brothers and Esther Earl to make an impact on the world.
Also, you girls have changed in much bigger ways. I've seen Laura go from the the girl with the inhaler, to someone who likes to run for fun and to stay in shape. The girl who used to abandon us, to someone who needs to be with people to keep her happy. Mercy and Rose have gone from the cute little giggly girls to young women (I hate that phrase) who have opinions and ideas and have a desire to make their voices heard. And, like this John Green quote says, there is so much more to your personalities than I know and there is so much that I could still learn about all of you because the way we think about people, isn't always the right ideas. And I just think that's really cool. Because I've been finding, that day by day, my opinion, my ideas, and my personality changes. It's constantly fluctuating and it's exciting, as well as confusing.
My friend and I were talking the other day about labels and boxes. No not office supplies, but personalitys. He was saying how he doesn't always like to be seen as "the music kid" (he's very talented on multiple instruments) but people usually label him as that and I said that I completely knew what he was talking about. For awhile I was "the chef" because I liked to cook but it got to the point where I wanted to shake that persona and I found it somewhat difficult. And now I feel like I don't even know what my set personality is because, like I said, it's constantly changing. And I guess I'm starting to re-discover who I am. I've found that I like to go on walks. And I like to take my time reading a really fantastic book instead of shoving in anything I can get my hands on. I've decided that I like learning and I even enjoyed math this year more than science (crap, I didn't do my math today). I like wearing bright colors and have tried to stay away from the very safe shade of blue that I seem to always be wearing. And these are just some things that I've come to realize about myself recently. Don't ask me how. I just did.
But as I've been thinking about this and planning this post, I've decided that I love the diversity that we have on this blog. I love our own different styles and I love how I can rely on your posts to mostly stay the same every week. Because even if we all have the #samebrain we all seem to think in different ways and have different opinions and ideas and I just think that's great.
On a completely different note, I'm just... I can't even. THP. 3 days. holy cow. WHEN ARE YOU GIRLS (L&R) GETTING HERE?? THP is so extremely fun and uplifting and like our youth pastor Dave always says, we're going to get more out of this trip than the people and city we're serving. As weird as that sounds, it's true. The first year I went, I was impacted so much even after only a couple days in the city. And yeah, we do good things for people and we spread God's love and it's great, but us students are really the ones who benefit. And I always leave with a feeling of want to be there forever. And be a part of that city more than I am. And to be a part of the communities and build relationships. And I've excited for that feeling again. I LITERALLY HAVEN'T STOPPED TALKING ABOUT IT ALL WEEK AND I JUST CANT HELP IT BECAUSE I'M SO EXCITED.
So just to get us all in that missions trip feeling.
hmmm... this post didn't have enough weird GIFs and pictures. Excuse me while I throw some in
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favorite GIF of all time |
k i'm done