Thursday, June 19, 2014

I guess I have to come up with a title, right?

It is the mighty Wednesday.

yep, I'm following suit and writing this the day before just like Rose. Thanks Rose! You kept me from procrastinating too much.

Mercy, I'm not sure if it was in the written code that we have to reply to each others posts. I certainly don't think it should be mandatory. If all you're going to say is "I really liked your post" than you shouldn't. I do like the whole aspect of conversation though, because, don't get me wrong, I love the blog, we just all tend to do our own little blogging thing and beside the "I really liked your post" there isn't much conversation. That's actually one of the reasons that I liked Laura's post so much this week. Sure it led me to thinking about everything the universe has to think about, but I knew that it would set off a discussion, one that might go on longer than a week. I adore this blog (I don't want anyone to think that it's not living up to my expectations, because it has far surpassed that) and I love how we can talk about whatever we want and confide in each other here, but I want it to be even more like that. Tell each other what we're struggling with. What we've been thinking about, what our current obsessions are, and ask each other's thoughts on things.

...I guess that was a really long answer to a really simple question. Sorry >.>

Okay Laura, I'm going to try and talk about the "dreaded" subject.


Nothing too serious has ever happened between a boy and myself but I have had those few little crushes (I actually think that I too, have only had 2 1/2 crushes... #samebrainRose) that will always haunt me for awhile but also make me laugh when I read through old journals. And every time that a boy does catch my fancy I end up sort of like this

Yep, it's pretty bad. But after a few days I usually end up as a giggly school girl who listens to specific songs and doodles secret code words on just about anything she can find and will spend lots of time by herself usually writing. And then when I do see them, then I can't think straight and I get all flustered and my stomach feels weird and I feel like I need to throw up and fix my hair and make sure my outfit still looks cute and oh my goodness did he just look at me or did he look at my friend I'm standing with and should I go talk to him or should I completely ignore him and I know that trying to make him jealous is a really terrible idea but maybe I should try but oh my gosh now I hate myself because in my head, I've turned into one of those girls. So then I just do this
Simon Cowell and I behave pretty much the same
But thank the good Lord Almighty that I'm not one of those girls who just endlessly talks about it. Seriously. Because that gets annoying. Usually, when I like a guy, no one else knows about it unless I tell them.

Kind of like a very awesome Jane Austen heroine

I hope that someday, I'll look that pretty while crying

I also agree with Mercy that highschoolers really shouldn't be dating. I think you should definitely be friends with the opposite sex but you should be spending time getting to know them and being friends.


like seriously, how simple is this? isn't this something that you read and you're like, 'oh yeah. everyone should read this'

My cool friend Charlotte let me read a book called "Emotional Purity". We've all heard about keeping our minds and our bodies pure but I'd never thought about protecting our emotions. But when you're so invested emotionally in a person who doesn't care, and then pull away, you're left hurting from it because those emotions are ripped to pieces by someone who doesn't realize what they're doing. I've definitely felt the sting of that and it's not very nice. Since that time, I've definitely been working on guarding my emotions when it comes to boys. I'm probably not going to be marrying any of the guys I know now, so why should I throw all of myself into them when they're a) not going to notice or b) turn around and find a different girl. Not that guys are heartless creatures. They just don't know every thought that passes through my small and insignificant mind. I have some of the coolest guy friends of all time, and it's totally okay that we're just friends. I think that's the biggest thing that if I could tell my younger self, I would. And it's something that I really wish young girls could understand. God is going to put a good guy in my life at the perfect time and until then, I need to learn to be extremely patient and extremely mindful of where and how I'm placing my emotions. Because like Elinor Dashwood, I do have emotions even if I don't show them off as much as Mercy Marianne does.

But yeah, I know that this got pretty long, but I've had all week to think about it. <3 Grace

ps- can't wait to see L&R on Saturday!!

pps. can we just talk about THP for a second? how dare Danielle break us up? What was she thinking? I guess we're going to have to be okay with it because this wasn't our decision and we can't really throw a little fit over it, right? but it doesn't make it any less annoying. I think Mercy and I talked to Danielle about it like.... 4 times? Trying to be so specific about how we would like to be split up... but no. Fine. Whatever. It is what it's going to be. And maybe this way will be better and it needs to be this way for some divine purpose. *sniffs* I guess.

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