This date in history, April 30th 2004 Mean Girls came out. And as today happens to be a Wednesday let it henceforth be declared that all be wearing pink because,
And because, Mean Girls is the best movie ever so you should wear pink every Wednesday anyway, duh.
Because today is the 10th anniversary of one of our favorite movies, I of course am going to fangirl, but firstly, I am going to reply to your posts.
Gracie: I didn't read your post until Sunday, because I was busy starving (30 Hour Famine), but I loved it. When I finished reading it I was like:
And you made some fantastic points that I greatly enjoyed. You write so eloquently, it's like poetry that doesn't rhyme. It makes me feel as though I am floating through the sky, suspended by your fantastical usage of the English language.
Laura: Your post, which I didn't read until yesterday because I'm a procrastinator, was really great. Personally, I think we should all act like children for to sole purpose of attracting Peter Pan, but you know that's just me. And I think we should keep writing on this blog until I get inducted into a loony bin. Because gurl, I don't think they let you use the internet in those places.
Wifey: Thank you. Thank you so freaking much. I hate that people think that because someone is a Christian they have to hate gay people. Like really? You can't just generalize like that. It pisses me off to no end. Just nope. Also, that was such a good usage of that Tuesday gif.
I was really impressed.
Anyway, Mean Girls.
First of all, if you're reading this post and you haven't seen Mean Girls, run to the nearest Walmart and find it. Order it from the internet. Watch it on Netflix. Somehow come in possession of a copy of this movie because gurl, you have not lived if you haven't seen this movie.
I think the reason this movie is so great is because it's so quotable.
But not only is it quotable, but it shows high school in a really honest light. When I first saw it, not all of it but pieces of it, I was like "This is funny, but it's so unrealistic." And now I'm like "Holy crap, this is so accurate." I mean, not that all high school students are that ridiculous, but we're just about as cliquey. But who am I kidding, this movie is just hilarious.
I feel like this post was really short. Whatever, Graceland, I'm looking forward to your post tomorrow! -Rosie