Wednesday, April 30, 2014


It's hump day!


This date in history, April 30th 2004 Mean Girls came out. And as today happens to be a Wednesday let it henceforth be declared that all be wearing pink because, 

And because, Mean Girls is the best movie ever so you should wear pink every Wednesday anyway, duh. 

Because today is the 10th anniversary of one of our favorite movies, I of course am going to fangirl, but firstly, I am going to reply to your posts.

Gracie: I didn't read your post until Sunday, because I was busy starving (30 Hour Famine), but I loved it. When I finished reading it I was like:

And you made some fantastic points that I greatly enjoyed. You write so eloquently, it's like poetry that doesn't rhyme. It makes me feel as though I am floating through the sky, suspended by your fantastical usage of the English language.

Laura: Your post, which I didn't read until yesterday because I'm a procrastinator, was really great. Personally, I think we should all act like children for to sole purpose of attracting Peter Pan, but you know that's just me. And I think we should keep writing on this blog until I get inducted into a loony bin. Because gurl, I don't think they let you use the internet in those places.

Wifey: Thank you. Thank you so freaking much. I hate that people think that because someone is a Christian they have to hate gay people. Like really? You can't just generalize like that. It pisses me off to no end. Just nope. Also, that was such a good usage of that Tuesday gif.

I was really impressed.

Anyway, Mean Girls.

First of all, if you're reading this post and you haven't seen Mean Girls, run to the nearest Walmart and find it. Order it from the internet. Watch it on Netflix. Somehow come in possession of a copy of this movie because gurl, you have not lived if you haven't seen this movie.

I think the reason this movie is so great is because it's so quotable.

But not only is it quotable, but it shows high school in a really honest light. When I first saw it, not all of it but pieces of it, I was like "This is funny, but it's so unrealistic." And now I'm like "Holy crap, this is so accurate." I mean, not that all high school students are that ridiculous, but we're just about as cliquey. But who am I kidding, this movie is just hilarious.


I feel like this post was really short. Whatever, Graceland, I'm looking forward to your post tomorrow! -Rosie

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I try to be smart and fail {about Gay Rights}

Good morning gurl's, it's Tuesday!

BUT FIRST- let me rant.
April 29th and it's utterly freezing in our den.
Millie bit my finger and it really hurt.
Grace and Lydia had an all-but-quiet argument this morning over firewood.
We're leaving for Florida in almost a week and I haven't even started packing yet.
I have too much new music I have to listen to and not enough time.
Call The Midwife is continually making me cry.
We (Grace and I) finished season 7.1 of Doctor Who and Amy and Rory are gone and I REALLY HATE CLARA ALREADY.
Summer is almost here and I am sooo behind in school.

OKAY I got it all out I am good.
*Takes a deep breath* 

It actually is really cold in the den and my fingers are like all cramped up. I hate this trip.

Laura! I truly loved your post a lot- it was sweet and happy and made me think, but it was short, which I do really like. 

Grace- all your GIF's in the beginning made me laugh a lot. The rest of your post was very nice, and even though you were ranting, it made me happy. 

Rosie- I think your last post was my favorite post you've ever written- it was beautiful and lovely and so Rosie-ish and it made me so happy and AHHH. Sunshine everywhere. 

Okay. Today I'm going to talk about Olan Rodgers. I'm also going to throw a Fall Out Boy song in there somewhere and probably fangirl about Harry Styles briefly. 
Just givin' y'all a heads up(:

I just want to like run up and give him a huge hug and shake his hand and invite him to join The Seven (eighth?) some for being such A FREAKING AMAZING PERSON! 
Also, I lied.
I'm not really going to talk about Olan Rodgers, even though he is a wonderful man.
I'm going to use his quote to talk about Gay Rights. Because I don't know why, I just feel like talking about it.


So this is basically how I feel about this- I'm a Christian, duh. I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. Duh. 
I understand other people have different views about that and I don't agree, but just because I'm a Christian does not mean I'm going to hate your guts and damn you to hell just because that's your opinion.
I actually know very, very nice people who I love and care about who are gay/lesbian/bisexual and I would never push them out or ignore them just because they have different opinions then me.

I find it very hard, at my school, to step up for what I believe in, because the majority of people there are not straight, so I find myself nodding and agreeing with people when we talk about gay rights and stuff and I've found myself softened to gay people- not that I was like against them before, obviously, but I've just let that become something normal that I say 'Oh yeah, good for you!' to. 

I guess what I live by when it comes to gay rights is 'Hate the sin, love the sinner' because that is so true.
I'm not going to support what you're doing, but I will love you just the same as anyone else. 

And one part of me feels bad and wants to tell them that what they're doing is wrong, but the other part of me says 'shoving your opinion down their throat is only going to make them hold on to what they believe even more.' Cuz you know when someone tries to change you, you just make sure to stick to your opinion even more cuz you feel entitled to it? I know I get that way sometimes- a lot of times. And.... UGH I don't know what I'm saying.

I want to let people have their own opinions and views and such because everyone is allowed to have theirs, but it's like.... that's not what God intended marriage to be. And I want people to know that. But it's hard in such a God-hating world, ya know?

What can we do? I can't help everyone, I know that. I just need to live so much for God, that He shines out from me like a sunbeam and people say 'I want what she has.' 


That should be my motto. I dunno, is that sacrilegious, to compare Jesus to drugs? I don't think so. But Jesus sort of is a drug, if you think about it, but not in a bad way. 

Okay, Imma shut up now. 

That Fall Out Boy song I promised you: 

It's so beautiful. That's all I'm gonna say.
Rosie, I can't wait to read your post tomorrow!
xoxo, Mercy

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Potato Palace (I asked Rose what to call this post and of course this is what she came up with)

Hay gurls.
this was me when I woke up this morning but I'm better now :)
    I hope you all had a fantastic weekend, and are enjoying the slow awakening of this glorious weather. I forgot how beautiful the blue, cloud-scudded sky looks between the sparsely budding tree branches above my head. I know we'll all end up probably hating the warm temperatures in a few weeks but for right now let's enjoy them and run around outside and get flip-flop tans on our feet :)
    I loved all of your posts from last week! Mercy, despite those creepy GIFs in the beginning of your post I really enjoyed it. I think I already told you this, but your happy theatre rant made me want to be an actress. Except I can't cry on command so maybe scratch that.
    Rose- you are one. Lucky. Duck. You were almost punished first -and I know I was honestly betting that the first one of us to forget would be Mercy, then me, then Grace, and finally you- but your Thorsday post was awesome and soap-boxy so it made up for your grievous sin.
    Graaaace! Your post made me happy. Actually, all of your posts made me happy, because they were about what makes you gurls happy, and I get this extremely golden happy feeling inside whenever I hear people talk about their passions. It's so interesting when you find out what it is that someone loves, whether it's a hobby or a song or a person. Who we are is said more by what we do than what we say.
    So, I think I have gotten over the hump of depression which dogged me for the past few weeks of my senior year. I only have a month and a half left of high school, and seeing that light at the end of the tunnel is enough to put a smile on my face and motivate me to live every day, not just survive. Mom sent in my enrollment deposit to SHU today- know what that means? I CAN SIGN UP FOR ORIENTATION AND APPLY FOR MY DORM AND SET UP AN AUDITION FOR MY PERFORMING ARTS GRANT AND AGH I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO BUT IM SO EXCITED.
    But enough about college. I've been overtalking about the C-word waayy too much lately and I want to vomit. I kind of just want to be a kid again. I realized this on my run this morning. I was jogging down Tesiny Street, listening to Rend Collective (they have so many songs with lyrics about running so of course I listen to them when I run) and this song came on, and its truths sang to me through my headphones as I huffed and puffed on the uneven sidewalk:
Give me a childlike heart
Lead me to where You are
Cause I'm coming back
To my first love
Only You
    I want to be little Princess Laurelai again. I want to go back to the days of French braids and homemade dresses with white collars and buttons down the front. I realize I'm not a Time Lord, so I can't physically relive my childhood. But I can regain a childish attitude.
    I'm not saying we should act like kids in the sense of fart jokes and temper tantrums. A childlike attitude is one of moon-eyed wonder, a carefree and pure outlook on life where we literally think we are invincible and anything is possible. Didn't Jesus say that unless we come to Him like little children, we are incapable of entering His Kingdom? And Jesus knows what's up.
    Grace, there was something you wrote in one of your posts a long time ago, and I copied it into my phone and I read it from time to time. You said: "But I realize that I don't get to choose if I want to grow up or not. We all have to grow up, even if it scares the crap out of us. But why do we have to lose the child that is in all of us? Why must we conform to the world and become boring business people who don't have time for each other? I say we all take a pact, we keep this blog, posting gif's and Tumblr images and creepy SNL videos (yes Rose, that was directed at you ^.^)  And even if we all go to college and grow up physically, we still call each other and joke about IMP and fangirl over Harry Potter and Tom Hiddelston."
    I love it. I love this blog. It brings out the child in all of us, not just because we unleash our inappropriate senses of humor and crazy jokes but because we get excited about everything and write about our hopes and dreams like our 7-year-old selves. I'm thankful we have this opportunity to bring out the childlike attitude God meant for each of us to have, and that is all I have to say.
    Mercy my love, I hope you have a blast posting tomorrow! --Laura :)

Friday, April 25, 2014

that moment when Grace rants and gets angry about being happy

Hello lovely readers of my late post :)

Like Rose said yesterday, I was visiting my sister in RI yesterday so I couldn't post which is how Rose managed to get out of a punishment. You lucky, lucky girl.

This is what I looked like when I realized that Rose hadn't posted. 

And then I looked like this when I realized that the stress of maybe being the first one to forget was finally over 

And then when I realized she'd get punished

And then when I realized that I wasn't worthy to punish her because I was skipping my day. 

Anyway, enough GIFs for today. (I can hear Mercy and Rose gasping)

Laura, I loved your post and it made me want to go on a run. I told Mercy we were going to start doing it... but we haven't. But later when she gets home from school, I'll force her out there with me because she's done it to me before. And we're going to Florida in about 10 days, and we need some nice toned legs for all the short wearing we will be doing. 

As for the things that make me happy, I could make a list of things like Mercy and Rose did but I'm not going to because then I would list all the things in the world practically. I'll just focus on two. 
1- music. Music makes me so incredibly happy, almost all the time. And even if I'm sad and I'm listening to sad music, it still makes me satisfied which makes me happy. As stupid as that sounds and how little sense it makes, just the fact that there is music I can relate to, makes me so happy. Also, just playing guitar and piano makes me so incredibly happy. It's almost as if, when I'm playing piano or guitar, it makes so much sense to me, and it feels so right that I know how incredibly blessed I am to have these gifts from God and it makes me want to play even more. That's why I'm considering doing Music Education in college because when I play, it fills me with incredible joy and I want to be able to pass it on to others. And teach them and let them grow in their God given gifts and talents. And I want to be surrounded by people who love the same things I do. 
2- the foursome. yep. you girls are up there as part of my happiness. There's something about you three that makes me so very, very happy. And I'm not sure if it's because Laura and Rose live far away and I see you two more through your blog posts, and Pinterest pins and text messages and phone calls than actual face-to-face. I'm not sure. Whatever it is, it's fantastic. And you girls always makes me happy. Well, almost always. 
(I'm going to respond to Rose's before Mercy's because it ties in. *GASP* SHE'S CHANGING IT UP!!!!) Sorry, but not sorry.) 
Rose, yes. yes. yes. Happiness almost gets underrated in teens these days. It's almost as if being depressed is the cool new thing. And before anyone says anything, I realize that depression is a real thing. I have a few very good friends who struggle with it and I've even had my times of hating myself and my life. It is a real and serious condition and I'm not trying to call anyone out for saying that they have it, but happiness is a real and serious condition that many people don't seem to understand. Why would you choose to be unhappy when you there is such a beautiful life to be lived? Especially now that it's spring, because I understand the whole super overwhelming sadness that comes during the winter. (Mumford just came up on Spotify. That is a reason to be happy if ever there was one.) but seriously, this life is so beautiful and anytime I'm faced with a hard or difficult situation, I try and find some good in it. And maybe there's nothing good in that situation, so I'll shift my focus and try and find something else good to think about. Just so that I'm not completely overwhelmed with whatever is making me unhappy. Because this life is to short to be anything but happy. And it's to short to be wallowing in self pity. And I've also found, that sometimes you need to find your own happiness. It's not just always going to walk up and present itself to you, sometimes it will, but sometimes it doesn't. And that's when you have to take charge and decide that you're not going to live in a state of suckyness, you're going to get off your butt, and you're going to change your life. Well, maybe you can only change your outlook on life, but that's a good start. And being caught up in the whole "I have to have a perfect life to be happy" or "I just need more to be happy." or "I just need a significant other to be happy."... that's complete crap. I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. I hate those excuses. There is no such thing as a perfect life, more stuff will probably make you more unhappy, and a significant other, while having some benefits, will not perfect your life. Only God can do that. And you can help.

I'm going to stop there because I could literally go on for days but it's kind of getting long... 

Mercy, I enjoyed your post about music and reading and other good things that make you happy. And I know you're going to be mad that I didn't go on a rant or long tangent... but that's what you get for not asking a question, or touching on a topic that I feel very strongly about.

But since I went on for awhile, I'm just going to leave it at that. I don't really have the time or energy to talk about anything else. But I hope you all have a beautiful Friday and a very happy weekend <3 Grace

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Rose somehow escapes punishment. She doesn't know how, but we'll take it!

Okay, so it's not hump day. I -Rose- had a really sucky day yesterday and I couldn't post. But Grace isn't posting today because she's visiting her sister, so I somehow escaped punishment. I was like:

Anyway, I'm going to make this post really awesome because of my failure. And I'm going to reply to your posts now.

Gracedear: The baby Foursome was so cute. And awkward. Really awkward. AND I HAD NO IDEA SCUBA STOOD FOR SOMETHING! I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST A WORD! My whole life is a lie.

Lauradarling: All that talk about running made me want to curl up in bed and sleep for 6 weeks and then eat a 20,000 ounce container of pudding. There's a long list of things that make me happy. And 20,000 ounce containers of pudding happen to be towards the top of the list. I'll give you the actual list later.

Mercybear: THE GIFS IN THE BEGINNING OF YOUR POST SCARED THE LIVING CRAP OUT OF ME! IT WAS FREAKING SCARY! JUST NO! But the rest of your post, especially the picture of our boys, was wonderful. Your posts just make me smile like it's snowing ice cream. And make me want to see your glorious face.

Well, firstly I'm going to list all of the things that make me happy. In no particular order:

  • Jesus, obviously.
  • Books.
  • Shakespeare.
  • Sassy comebacks. Unless they're directed at me because gurlllllllll, mmmmhh no.
  •  One Direction. I can hear Laura and Grace groaning, but they just put a smile on my face. They're so cute. Just nope.
  • Benedict Cumberbatch's cute little dimply smile.
  • Sherlock, which is a completely different category than Benedict. 
  • Doctor Who, obviously.
  • Supernatural, of course. WAIT! IT'S THURSDAY! ON THURSDAY WE'RE TEDDY BEAR DOCTORS! I CAN USE IT! SCORE! YES! Okay moving on.
  • Jensen Ackles, again completely different category.
  • Music.
  • Captain America.
  • Laughter
  • John Green books.
  • Spring Breezes.
  • Baseball.

Okay I'm done now. I could go on but, that's just so much...effort.....

Okay, so now I'm going to talk about what I actually wanted to talk about. Why are we so unhappy? I think it's fair to say that almost every person on this planet has been depressed at one point in their lives. I can say I have. But why is this? In Ecclesiastes Solomon writes: "So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun." Solomon, the wisest man to ever live. Except for maybe Shakespeare, and I will fight anyone who says different. But anyway, God gave Solomon infinite wisdom so this guy knew his stuff.  And  he says that "There is nothing better for a person to do under the sun than to eat, drink, and be merry."  Life is too short, and too pointless to be anything but happy. So why do we all try so hard to be perfect? Because we can't be perfect on earth so why try? We should just love God and love others and eat great food and drink slightly gross drink disasters and laugh about creepy noodle men and be happy, because we could all be dead tomorrow. And I get that you can't always be happy. But you can't always be sad. I think we should just try to be happy in all circumstances. Even when we fail math, or when we lose friends, God has blessed us with so much so we should thank Him. We have air to breath, clean water to drink, and food to eat. We should thank God. We should strive to be happy. What is life that it should be lived in unhappiness? There is always a reason to rejoice. There is always a joke to laugh at. There is always a favorite movie to watch. We are so blessed in this country but we take so much to granted. An average of 19,000 children die a day of hunger. 19,000 children. And we freak out when we don't have the next generation iPhone. What does this say about us? We should be grateful, and we should be happy because we are so blessed. Well, I'm going to get off of my soap box now.


And now comes the time in this post where I spam you with gifs and call it a day.

Jensen's face.
Sometimes Molly reminds me of Mercy...
This one's for Laura:

Grace, I'm looking forward to your post tomorrow! -Rosie

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I ramble. I fangirl. The norm. Except I'm not normal.

Good morning gurls.
It's Tuesday.

you're welcome
I'm very well, thanks for asking Baby Mr. Bean. 


*clears throat*


Okay time to reply to all your posts cuz that's just how it goes down here.

Laura- I already told you this via the telephone, but I really, really loved your post! Grace is now going to make me start running again with her.

Rosie, I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOUR POST OH MY GOSH AND I'M READING THE BOOK THIEF RIGHT NOW AND I'M ONLY LIKE 30 PAGES IN BUT ITS SO AMAZING I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! I also love the word 'thief' because it's like one of the very few words that the 'I before E' rule applies to.

Grace, you know how I feel about your post. #tbt for the win. #samebrain.

So I like got on the computer yesterday and I was all like 'I should start writing my post early so it'll be nice and long and ready by tomorrow' and then this happened...

Pretty much. And I spent too much time on this other website called That's So True and it's literally the best website ever (after Pinterest) and you should go check it out.

Anyway, I'm going to reply to Laura's question- What makes you happy?

WELL. Lets see.
There's a long list.
And I mean, obviously Jesus is like number one, but that's given.

You guys already know that music makes me happy. Really, really happy. But it also makes me sad. And lonely. and depressed. and wistful. and all other sort of emotions, but in the midst of all those emotions, I still manage to always be content while listening to music because I can always find that perfect song that fits my situation, whatever it may be. And that's what makes me happy.

A song I really love right now-
It took my a couple of listens to really start to like it, but I honestly just love this song. I don't know why. I just do. Music is like that a lot.

Just a few more music related things before I move on-

but this is so accurate. If someone insults my music- just no.
Moving on, before I get too violent
Yes, Neil Patrick Harris. It really would be.

Y'all know how much I love theatre- I strive to be a professional actress someday.... scratch that- I am a professional actress. I strive to be a paid, and hopefully famous actress someday in NYC, on Broadway- and with the help my amazing teachers and piers at The Greater Hartford Academy Of The Arts, hopefully I'll get their someday.
I just love the feeling being onstage gives me- like I could conqueror the world or something. I get nervous before performances, but even now it's more of just an excited adrenaline. I feel confident and powerful onstage and... I wouldn't trade it for anything. Every day at school I'm inspired to become the best actress I can be, while still being humble and admiring everyone else's work around me. I love my friends at school and I hope I can be good help and support for them as we all work towards the same general goal- Theatre <3.
I added it to the dictionary. I may rest in peace now.)

Well, I could probably go on forever on things that make me happy (food, for example, or my many, many TV shows, or fandoms... GOD THE FANDOMS!....) BUT I'll only add a few more.

Books- I would die without them.

And please don't cringe at this one Laura and Grace but-
One Direction.
They honestly make me happy. They're music may not be the deepest or most amazing, or even edifying at all times, but they do have good music (Midnight Memories actually has some amazingly written songs- Through The Dark, for example, or Don't Forget Where You Belong) and a lot of their songs have actually really helped me (Little Things, Strong, Through The Dark, Truly Madly Deeply...) and I genuinely just enjoy their music.
They're also pretty wonderful people. I mean, they're not Christians and not everything they do makes me swoon and cry, but they're not drugging themselves up, dressing in thongs and twerking all the time. They really appreciate their fan base (and annoying and stupid as we are), they do lots of things for charity and such and they really are very nice people.
And I know I'm not going to marry any of them- as much as I would LOVE to- but I accept that. But, I mean, a girl can dream, right? ;)
All in all, I really just love them because they make me smile, not to mention they're all incredibly attractive.
except Niall's hair. I don't even know whats going on there.



It's so Inception-y I can't even get over it.
Okay, really, I am done now. LITERALLY DONE UGH.
xoxo, Mercy
p.s. Rosie, I can't wait for your post tomorrow!

Monday, April 21, 2014

My thoughts run like I do.

hay gurls.
    Okay, so I don't really hate all the Mondays ever. I've just been a bit of a Negative Nellie lately. Sometimes I feel like I would die of myselfness if I didn't have this blog and you lovely ladies to talk to, rant with, and bare a glimmer of my soul to whenever I read or write on this blog.
    Right then, ladies and gentlemen, we have now come to the part of the post in which yours truly replies to each and every post from last week! *Game show theme music intensifies* AND GUESS WHAT, LADIES AND GENTS? LOOK UNDER YOUR METAPHORICAL CHAIRS. THIS WEEK YOU EACH GET THE FIRST PICTURE ON GOOGLE IMAGES THAT POPS UP WHEN I SEARCH YOUR NAME! *cue pre-recorded applause*
Mercy- YOU GET *drumroll*
    I'm really glad you found yourself in all those quizzes. Those things are always totally accurate (did you get my sarcasm? What I really mean is "those things are either 100% spot on or extremely shotty and give you a complex because your result pegs you with all these character traits you don't really have"). And gurrrl, Harry Styles can be your celebrity boyfriend if you want, regardless of what that quiz told you. As long as you keep yo hands off of Chris Evans. He's miiiine.
YOU GET A ROSE! Without a hot bachelor to hand it to you on one knee. Life is full of disappointments, kiddo.
    I completely agree with your mild rant on the crappy job people do with writing these days, and I think what you should do about it is become a butt-kicking editor with a sassy haircut who passive-aggressively criticizes crappy authors by sending their manuscripts back to them, covered in red-ink grammar corrections and sassy comments. ;)
at least this one's cool and beautiful- just like you :)
    Throwback Thursdays have always seemed lame to me, but those old pictures of Baby Foursome you posted were adorably awkward and perfect. God, I had awful hair back then- why did no one tell me? Also let's forever remember that I used to be the Tall One. Puberty has a way of crushing dreams and making hair grow in the most inconvenient places. Also, I vote we change the title of our blog or our URL to I Opened It Up And Got Scared And Left. Those nine words accurately describe how I used to react to letters we got from you gurls, and how I now react when I go to OTAS on the computer (I blame Plushenko) and how I open doors and drawers whenever we spend a lot of time together at each other's houses.

    Anyway, guess what I started doing again? I started running. I'm slower than a turtle, and I have to stop and just walk until I catch my breath sometimes, and my legs are sore, but I started running. And it's great. It's cathartic to me, like writing and singing. When my feet are pounding on the pavement and my iPod is on full blast, all my stress seems to melt away.
    I run to forget. I run until my calves are numb and all my worries seem silly and childish. I run to work out my problems, and sometimes I run from my problems. I run to get out of the house, to notice things like sunlight on the trees and laundry hanging picturesquely on an unknown neighbor's clothesline. I run and pray- for my community, for my family and friends, and for myself, for this startling recklessness burgeoning inside of me. And when I sprint home I feel a momentary peace, and the recklessness pulsing in my chest temporarily subsides.
    I know how you gurls feel about the E-word(exercise). Mercy and Rose at least have made their opinions about "working out" known. I honestly would hate exercising if it didn't make me feel less guilty about eating like a truck driver after a workout. But, not only does running give me those sexy leg muscles I have never had nor wanted, but it makes me feel better about myself. The endorphins  produced when I run chase depression away.
    So, if you gurls are still reading after my extremely boring sermon on the perks of the E-word, I have a lil question- what makes you happy? What brings you relief, makes you grow, ignites your passion? I just want to know. I want to know, and I want you to do whatever your answer to my question is, for your sake as well as for the sake of the world. The world would be a better place if everyone just worked hard at what makes them happy.
    That's all the time I have for today, ladies and gentlemen! Tune in sometime tomorrow, when Mercy hopefully tells us about what brings her joy with her usual Mercyish air of sunshiney sarcasm and One Direction GIFs- OHMYGOSH YOU KNOW WHAT I'VE BEEN COMPLETELY FORGETTING TO DO LATELY???
that's right. My Weekly Dose of This Guy and His Amazing Eyes. That is all :)

    --Laura :)