Like Rose said yesterday, I was visiting my sister in RI yesterday so I couldn't post which is how Rose managed to get out of a punishment. You lucky, lucky girl.

This is what I looked like when I realized that Rose hadn't posted.

And then I looked like this when I realized that the stress of maybe being the first one to forget was finally over

And then when I realized she'd get punished

And then when I realized that I wasn't worthy to punish her because I was skipping my day.
Anyway, enough GIFs for today. (I can hear Mercy and Rose gasping)
Laura, I loved your post and it made me want to go on a run. I told Mercy we were going to start doing it... but we haven't. But later when she gets home from school, I'll force her out there with me because she's done it to me before. And we're going to Florida in about 10 days, and we need some nice toned legs for all the short wearing we will be doing.
As for the things that make me happy, I could make a list of things like Mercy and Rose did but I'm not going to because then I would list all the things in the world practically. I'll just focus on two.
1- music. Music makes me so incredibly happy, almost all the time. And even if I'm sad and I'm listening to sad music, it still makes me satisfied which makes me happy. As stupid as that sounds and how little sense it makes, just the fact that there is music I can relate to, makes me so happy. Also, just playing guitar and piano makes me so incredibly happy. It's almost as if, when I'm playing piano or guitar, it makes so much sense to me, and it feels so right that I know how incredibly blessed I am to have these gifts from God and it makes me want to play even more. That's why I'm considering doing Music Education in college because when I play, it fills me with incredible joy and I want to be able to pass it on to others. And teach them and let them grow in their God given gifts and talents. And I want to be surrounded by people who love the same things I do.
2- the foursome. yep. you girls are up there as part of my happiness. There's something about you three that makes me so very, very happy. And I'm not sure if it's because Laura and Rose live far away and I see you two more through your blog posts, and Pinterest pins and text messages and phone calls than actual face-to-face. I'm not sure. Whatever it is, it's fantastic. And you girls always makes me happy. Well, almost always.
(I'm going to respond to Rose's before Mercy's because it ties in. *GASP* SHE'S CHANGING IT UP!!!!) Sorry, but not sorry.)
Rose, yes. yes. yes. Happiness almost gets underrated in teens these days. It's almost as if being depressed is the cool new thing. And before anyone says anything, I realize that depression is a real thing. I have a few very good friends who struggle with it and I've even had my times of hating myself and my life. It is a real and serious condition and I'm not trying to call anyone out for saying that they have it, but happiness is a real and serious condition that many people don't seem to understand. Why would you choose to be unhappy when you there is such a beautiful life to be lived? Especially now that it's spring, because I understand the whole super overwhelming sadness that comes during the winter. (Mumford just came up on Spotify. That is a reason to be happy if ever there was one.) but seriously, this life is so beautiful and anytime I'm faced with a hard or difficult situation, I try and find some good in it. And maybe there's nothing good in that situation, so I'll shift my focus and try and find something else good to think about. Just so that I'm not completely overwhelmed with whatever is making me unhappy. Because this life is to short to be anything but happy. And it's to short to be wallowing in self pity. And I've also found, that sometimes you need to find your own happiness. It's not just always going to walk up and present itself to you, sometimes it will, but sometimes it doesn't. And that's when you have to take charge and decide that you're not going to live in a state of suckyness, you're going to get off your butt, and you're going to change your life. Well, maybe you can only change your outlook on life, but that's a good start. And being caught up in the whole "I have to have a perfect life to be happy" or "I just need more to be happy." or "I just need a significant other to be happy."... that's complete crap. I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. I hate those excuses. There is no such thing as a perfect life, more stuff will probably make you more unhappy, and a significant other, while having some benefits, will not perfect your life. Only God can do that. And you can help.
I'm going to stop there because I could literally go on for days but it's kind of getting long...
I'm going to stop there because I could literally go on for days but it's kind of getting long...
Mercy, I enjoyed your post about music and reading and other good things that make you happy. And I know you're going to be mad that I didn't go on a rant or long tangent... but that's what you get for not asking a question, or touching on a topic that I feel very strongly about.
But since I went on for awhile, I'm just going to leave it at that. I don't really have the time or energy to talk about anything else. But I hope you all have a beautiful Friday and a very happy weekend <3 Grace
But since I went on for awhile, I'm just going to leave it at that. I don't really have the time or energy to talk about anything else. But I hope you all have a beautiful Friday and a very happy weekend <3 Grace
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