Thursday, April 24, 2014

Rose somehow escapes punishment. She doesn't know how, but we'll take it!

Okay, so it's not hump day. I -Rose- had a really sucky day yesterday and I couldn't post. But Grace isn't posting today because she's visiting her sister, so I somehow escaped punishment. I was like:

Anyway, I'm going to make this post really awesome because of my failure. And I'm going to reply to your posts now.

Gracedear: The baby Foursome was so cute. And awkward. Really awkward. AND I HAD NO IDEA SCUBA STOOD FOR SOMETHING! I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST A WORD! My whole life is a lie.

Lauradarling: All that talk about running made me want to curl up in bed and sleep for 6 weeks and then eat a 20,000 ounce container of pudding. There's a long list of things that make me happy. And 20,000 ounce containers of pudding happen to be towards the top of the list. I'll give you the actual list later.

Mercybear: THE GIFS IN THE BEGINNING OF YOUR POST SCARED THE LIVING CRAP OUT OF ME! IT WAS FREAKING SCARY! JUST NO! But the rest of your post, especially the picture of our boys, was wonderful. Your posts just make me smile like it's snowing ice cream. And make me want to see your glorious face.

Well, firstly I'm going to list all of the things that make me happy. In no particular order:

  • Jesus, obviously.
  • Books.
  • Shakespeare.
  • Sassy comebacks. Unless they're directed at me because gurlllllllll, mmmmhh no.
  •  One Direction. I can hear Laura and Grace groaning, but they just put a smile on my face. They're so cute. Just nope.
  • Benedict Cumberbatch's cute little dimply smile.
  • Sherlock, which is a completely different category than Benedict. 
  • Doctor Who, obviously.
  • Supernatural, of course. WAIT! IT'S THURSDAY! ON THURSDAY WE'RE TEDDY BEAR DOCTORS! I CAN USE IT! SCORE! YES! Okay moving on.
  • Jensen Ackles, again completely different category.
  • Music.
  • Captain America.
  • Laughter
  • John Green books.
  • Spring Breezes.
  • Baseball.

Okay I'm done now. I could go on but, that's just so much...effort.....

Okay, so now I'm going to talk about what I actually wanted to talk about. Why are we so unhappy? I think it's fair to say that almost every person on this planet has been depressed at one point in their lives. I can say I have. But why is this? In Ecclesiastes Solomon writes: "So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun." Solomon, the wisest man to ever live. Except for maybe Shakespeare, and I will fight anyone who says different. But anyway, God gave Solomon infinite wisdom so this guy knew his stuff.  And  he says that "There is nothing better for a person to do under the sun than to eat, drink, and be merry."  Life is too short, and too pointless to be anything but happy. So why do we all try so hard to be perfect? Because we can't be perfect on earth so why try? We should just love God and love others and eat great food and drink slightly gross drink disasters and laugh about creepy noodle men and be happy, because we could all be dead tomorrow. And I get that you can't always be happy. But you can't always be sad. I think we should just try to be happy in all circumstances. Even when we fail math, or when we lose friends, God has blessed us with so much so we should thank Him. We have air to breath, clean water to drink, and food to eat. We should thank God. We should strive to be happy. What is life that it should be lived in unhappiness? There is always a reason to rejoice. There is always a joke to laugh at. There is always a favorite movie to watch. We are so blessed in this country but we take so much to granted. An average of 19,000 children die a day of hunger. 19,000 children. And we freak out when we don't have the next generation iPhone. What does this say about us? We should be grateful, and we should be happy because we are so blessed. Well, I'm going to get off of my soap box now.


And now comes the time in this post where I spam you with gifs and call it a day.

Jensen's face.
Sometimes Molly reminds me of Mercy...
This one's for Laura:

Grace, I'm looking forward to your post tomorrow! -Rosie

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