Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I'm in the bathtub right now.

Good evening girls it's..... Wednesday?? 

*insert Dean "yeah which usually comes after Tuesday" gif*

to be honest, this new posting thing has thrown my entire week off... Like I keep thinking it's Tuesday but ITS NOT!!!

Also, I am in the bathtub right now. I'm using this bath bomb that my gramma got from Lush for Easter. ITS AMAZING!! 

*15 minutes later*

I'M OUT OF THE TUB AND I'M COVERED IN SPARKLES!!!!!! Finally I know what it feels like to be Mr. Bag.....

Okay so I know we've about talked spring to death, but I just need to mention it again..

As much as I adore the weather of spring, and the transition from winter into spring and all that, I just always feel weird and down all the time during spring because of bad memories connected to spring and now more annoying and bad (nothing to worry about) things are happening at school and I'm upset because I want to enjoy and love spring but I cant.

Also, I want to be a YouTuber. small (and big) YouTubers make me so happy. Mostly buzzfeed though. 

This girl is one of my current favorites, she's so funny and beautiful and HER HAIR IS FRICKIN AMAZING I LITERALLY WANT MY HAIR TO LOOK LIKE THAT SOMEDAY. 

I also watch her roommate (the guy, Stefan) who is extremely talented with makeup and he's sweet and adorable and has this syndrome that makes his eyes far apart like that (it's also gives him a chunk of white hair) but he's so adorable I love him. 

YouTubers are amazing, honestly, at least the ones I watch. They make me so happy and I just really enjoy watching (most) of their stuff. 

Anyway, this post is getting really random so I should go...

Rosie, I guess I'll hear from you tomorrow???


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