Thursday, April 9, 2015

Book reviews for days

And another Thursday afternoon is here at last. I'm so tired from work and still have school to do, but I'm going to try and make this a really good post. I like it when I can tell that you girls put effort and time and thought into your posts, but I feel like a write more "bad" posts than anyone else. Well, nah that's not true. I'm just usually not satisfied with what I post but I fear punishment more than anything else so I always publish without being happy.

Today I will put my time and effort into this blog post and hopefully come out with something beautiful and worth reading. Basically I just am avoiding anatomy and I feel guilty just scrolling down Tumblr. See I'm really good at procrastination, but I feel terrible while I'm doing it. Except sometimes when I really don't give a **** about life or responsibilities anymore. On those days, I'm the queen of procrastination. (Guys, I just Googled 'google'. Yep. It's one of those days.)

Okay okay I'm going to spread awareness to one of the more amazing websites on the internet. So I'm really big into buying everything on clearance. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. It's bad. I could be really hungry and I'd be at the store like.... 'Nah. $4 is too much for a box of protein bars.' (this has actually happened.) Or I'll have a paycheck in my pocket and I'll be like 'No, $7 is a really expensive shirt. I don't really want it that badly.' I guess in the long run it's a good thing that I'm not spending all my money all the time but whatever. Plato's Closet,, and the 50% off rack at Target are my best friends when it comes to shopping and I recently have been buying off of which is (as you probably guessed) an online used bookstore and I have bought off it but I haven't received the books yet so I can't personally vouch for how good it actually is (though I know people who have received books off the website) but I can tell you that their prices are awesome. It takes a little bit of hunting to find what you're looking for and obviously new books are going to cost more than the older books. They also have a great page of 3 books for $7.99 and I'm just waiting for the perfect combination. And no I'm not sponsored by to say this (I wish) but I do just really like their website. I actually just ordered a book I recently read which I guess I'll tell you about because it's beautiful.
So The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern is honestly one of the more beautiful books I've ever read. It's more focused on emotion, and feeling than actual plot though the plot line it does have is great. It's about a magical beautiful circus and some of the different people who get mixed up and involved with it. But the descriptions it has and the visuals the author gives you are breathtaking. One of the story lines focuses on the guests who visit the circus and the great thing is that they always put into words exactly what I was feeling towards the circus and the story and I felt like I knew them and I was visiting the circus with them. I know that doesn't really make any sense but trust me, this book is beautiful.
I have this really terrible habit of picking up a book and nonstop reading it until like 20 pages from the end and then right when it's the most intense and almost to the end, I'll put it down for a couple days and not think about it for awhile. And of course that happened while reading The Night Circus so I kind of feel like I need to read the ending again just to get the whole picture of the story. But you guys should also read this book and then when some smart people finally turn it into a movie, we can go to the MIDNIGHT premier (ooh that would be the best) in costume and then go out to dinner because.... midnight dinners. See these are references to the book that none of you understand. Aren't you jealous that I'm having a little inside joke party with myself that you're not part of? Good. You should be. You should also be wanting to read this book. Except wait until next fall. It wouldn't be a good summer read.

Okay I'm going to stop talking writing about books now. You're welcome.
I also need to go eat dinner and do school.

But now I'm back because I'm not a loser who just posts as soon as a distraction comes. I'm a winner who saves the post and then comes back to finish. Try and beat that. You can't. Sorry. Also sorry for the mood I'm in right now. I'm tired from work but I've also had a lot of coffee today as well as desserts and chocolate. It's a bad combination. 

Can we just talk about how fan-freaking-tastic everyone's post were this week? Yes we should. They were all long and funny and insightful and moving and although I mostly just remember stories of Joe, Anne Hathaway and Russell Crowe's distorted faces, and suicide fun/not-actually-fun-because-suicide-is-not-fun facts but all of those things are things that delights my screwed up little soul. Another thing that delights my screwed up little soul is watching Shark Tank. Except the girls on right now are so... I don't know. Too cute. They're making me angry. 

Okay. I'm done now. G'night everybody. 
<3 G

 Public Service Announcement reminder: starting next week, we are shifting posting order forward one day. So, Laura will be posting on Tuesday, Mercy on Wednesday, and so on. 

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