OH MY GOODNESS I'M LISTENING TO NOAH AND THE WHALE RIGHT NOW AND I ACTUALLY THINK HAVE ACHIEVED NIRVANA. Don't you hate when you find a new band that you absolutely love, and then you find out that they've already broken up? That happens to me a lot. Oh gosh, I sound like such a hipster. I hate hipsters with their Starbucks, and ascetic tumblrs, and their unoriginal originality. Anyway, moving on.
I'm going to reply to your posts now.
Grace: A piece of me died along with Gilbert Blythe.
Laura: I have no explanation for the shower curtain, okay? I've stopped asking questions, okay? This family is too frickin' weird for its own good, okay?
Mercy: Oh honey.
I wish we lived closer so could go to your house and make you tea and watch netflix in our pajamas in a blanket fort. But unfortunately I can't do that. So I have to resort to using gifs of various Supernatural characters hugging one another and hope that you will be able to feel the sentiment.
So, like Mercy I've been thinking about the future a lot lately. This is not a particularly normal thing for me, because well, I don't spend an awful lot of time thinking about real things. But for some reason these last 2 weeks I've been thinking about my future. For the last, probably 4 years, I've wanted to be a teacher. But as this year has progressed, I've become less and less enthusiastic about that particular career path. I like kids. I do. But I think I might actually die if I had to spend all day with them. So I've been casting around trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. I know I want to do something involving english. And I'd love to study philosophy, but you can't get a job in it. And I love history. And politics fascinate me, but I'd hate to work in them because of all them because of all the silliness that goes on. Then I was like, what if I became a lawyer? You literally get paid to argue. But more than that, it incorporates everything I enjoy. There's so much to learn in law. There's so many different kinds of law. Yeah, it's really competitive and I'd have to deal with a lifetime of lawyer jokes, but it's an interesting job that helps protect the rights of the citizens of this fine country.
Who knows what the future hold. Maybe I will be a teacher. Or the worst nurse in the whole entire world. Or maybe Peter Pan will finally get his act together and take me to Neverland, and I won't ever have to become anything at all. I'm still holding out for that last one...freaking Peter.
My mind will probably change six thousand times between now and next week, but that's my current plan.
There's this great Noah and the Whale (holy crap I'm so obsessed) song that goes along with all of this.
I love them so much, I can't. Anyway, this song leads into a question: where do you see yourself in 5 years? I feel like as a teenager, you have adults constantly throwing tons of advice in their direction, so much that it's hard -for me at least- to be anything but over-stimulated. But one piece of advice that I've been actually been able to process, is that it's good to set goals. So what I want to know is what is one of yours? Do you have any? I don't mean, like curing cancer or ending the unrest in the middle east (not that those are bad goals, and if that's what you feel led to do then you should do it), I mean like I don't know. Maybe you want to be happy. Or maybe you're goal is to just be alive in 5 years time. My goal is...oh crap. I asked a question and now I don't even have an answer to it...I guess I just want to have my life in some kind of order. I want to feel put together. A little more put together than I feel now. Because I wouldn't really be myself if was put together...
Anyway, I have stuff to do. Who am I kidding, have 3 hours to waste on Youtube before bed.
Gurl please. -Rose?
HOLY CRAP THIS IS THE 300TH POST! And we did nothing at all about it...oops...
I'm going to reply to your posts now.
Grace: A piece of me died along with Gilbert Blythe.
![]() |
I can't even. |
I wish we lived closer so could go to your house and make you tea and watch netflix in our pajamas in a blanket fort. But unfortunately I can't do that. So I have to resort to using gifs of various Supernatural characters hugging one another and hope that you will be able to feel the sentiment.
Who knows what the future hold. Maybe I will be a teacher. Or the worst nurse in the whole entire world. Or maybe Peter Pan will finally get his act together and take me to Neverland, and I won't ever have to become anything at all. I'm still holding out for that last one...freaking Peter.
My mind will probably change six thousand times between now and next week, but that's my current plan.
There's this great Noah and the Whale (holy crap I'm so obsessed) song that goes along with all of this.
I love them so much, I can't. Anyway, this song leads into a question: where do you see yourself in 5 years? I feel like as a teenager, you have adults constantly throwing tons of advice in their direction, so much that it's hard -for me at least- to be anything but over-stimulated. But one piece of advice that I've been actually been able to process, is that it's good to set goals. So what I want to know is what is one of yours? Do you have any? I don't mean, like curing cancer or ending the unrest in the middle east (not that those are bad goals, and if that's what you feel led to do then you should do it), I mean like I don't know. Maybe you want to be happy. Or maybe you're goal is to just be alive in 5 years time. My goal is...oh crap. I asked a question and now I don't even have an answer to it...I guess I just want to have my life in some kind of order. I want to feel put together. A little more put together than I feel now. Because I wouldn't really be myself if was put together...
Anyway, I have stuff to do. Who am I kidding, have 3 hours to waste on Youtube before bed.
Gurl please. -Rose?
HOLY CRAP THIS IS THE 300TH POST! And we did nothing at all about it...oops...