Thursday, April 2, 2015

i hate blog titles more than i hate bologna

I'm literally obsessed. I've listened to this more times than socially acceptable.


So as I was driving home from work today, the sun was shining and the windows were open and everything was sunny and warm and peaceful and "How He Loves" by David Crowder Band played on the radio. I was suddenly thinking about Easter and the great power and grace of our Heavenly Father. The amount of love he has for us and for everyone else in the entire timeline of this earth and that he sent his son for us. And he didn't just send Jesus but he let Jesus die for us. Um at Christmas 2014, it kinda hit me harder that Jesus came down to earth for us and now it's hitting me again that he came to save us and it's the most humbling thing but also just basking in the love of the Father and knowing how much he cares about us is kind of remarkable and astounding. I know that I'm doing a terrible job of putting my thoughts into words but maybe you guys are feeling the same kind of thing as we head into the Easter weekend. 


Mercy and Rose both of your posts were beautiful and also short (kind of exactly like Laura and I) and Rose those GIFs made my heart cry lovely magical memory tears. And Mercy- WE ARE ALL BAT PEOPLE!!!! 


That's what I was like on Tuesday morning when I checked the blog. 

Anway, I'm going to follow suit and make my post short/NON-EXISTENT 

So goodbye. We're talking on the phone later. I'll hear your melodious voices then
<3 Grace 

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