Saturday, April 18, 2015

A toast to Friday and social awkwardness

don't have very long right now. Maybe an hour before I have to go to a babysitting job. But I'm going to try and write something interesting and worthwhile with the time I have.

First. It's Friday. 

I actually don't like Fridays super much. They're good, don't get me wrong. But I never have motivation to do anything on Fridays because I want the weekend, except it's not technically the weekend yet so I can't shirk my responsibilities of school and such. It's just a conundrum every week of whether I should do something or sit in bed reading all day. Usually I sit in bed all day with a school book on my lap and maybe end up doing some. 
A really good thing about Fridays though is that I listen to this song every week because it's one of my favorites.

Ah her voice is flawless. As is his. I like them a lot. 

Rose, that music video was perfection. His face. His voice. His lyrics. Sir Ian McKellen. Just all of it. I have no other words to describe it. Perfection. The rest of your post was perfect also. Like always:) 

Mercy, ah YouTube. That wide place full of comedy sketches, cat videos, and people playing video games, plus a lot of other random crap and a lot of other magical ideas and adventures. I do love it. And when we become YouTube sensations, it's going to be great. We'll have people who love us, and people who hate us, and people who think we're "better than the original." We should get it started soon.

Laura, I hope that your weekend is easier than your week has been. My week hasn't been great either but so far, we've both survived and we can have hope that thing are gonna get easier. 

Alert, I may be falling in love with George Ezra, his voice, and his music. While writing this post, I've been listening to him on YouTube and, thanks Rose, I may have a new obsession. We'll see. I might forget about him by Sunday O.o

-Later after babysitting-
Ah I'm so tired. I didn't even do anything tiring today and yet, I'm still tired. It is a constant problem of mine. Another constant problem of mine is how incredibly awkward I am in social situations (as 100% proven tonight). I always think I'd rather be in a situation with only 1 or 2 other people rather than a whole group of people, but let's be honest, I'd rather not be in any social situation. I know that sounds terrible and I also know that it's partially not true. There are some people (*coughcough* you guys *coughcough*) who I like to spend time with. And if we spend an hour in silence, it's totally okay. But we can also have an entire conversation of friendly banter composed entirely of movie quotes and that is totally okay also. You guys help me feel comfortable and safe and keep the conversation going when I'm taking too long to think of something to add. And I wish I could feel that way in every conversation. I wish I could introduce myself to new people or have things to say to old friends. And I wish group conversations weren't hard for me to follow and keep up with. I wish small talk didn't make me squeamish because usually that can lead to real conversations. And things like internet chat or texting are great. Mostly. About 50% of the time it's great. Most of my friends I can text for hours, talk every day about everything and nothing but then seeing them is so hard to keep the conversations going and to make myself feel like they're entertained. It's like I spend more time focusing on how crap I'm being in the situation than actually figuring out how to fix the situation and make it better. And I hate it. And I wish I were better at pronounce words and I could remember jokes and knew how to do small talk. 

The Socially Awkward Penguin and I have too much in common. And guys this isn't only a problem in my conversational habits, I don't know. I had a day of really bad anxiety at work this week and I'm not really sure why.... but it's been lingering in the back of my mind, haunting my every thought and action. Fricken annoying. But I'm going to stop complaining now. It's not helping. 

I also have to add that this switching up the posting days completely screwed up my thought process all week. I'm sure it'll be fine in a week or so, and I'll learn to pour all my distracted energy I find on Friday into blogposts. But for now it's just confusing me. 
I hope all your weekends are great. I almost just said we should have a phone call but then I remembered that Laura and Rose don't share an address and home phone anymore. Unfortunate. But Laura, next time you go home. Foursome phone call. 

<3 Grace

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