Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Good morning gurls, it's Tuesday.

SPN ftw. 
So recently I've actually been obsessed with Supernatural, and it's not like I've been watching it, but my internet friend Meredith is like OBSESSED WITH IT (thanks to me) and so now I always find myself pinning SPN stuff and yeah, Tumblr is like my Supernatural dealer, because even though I've only seen like 5 episodes, I know a lot of stuff because of Tumblr, so thanks Tumbly-tumb.

except Cas is actually my favorite

literally I've never even seen an episode with Cas in it, but I love him so much.

I don't think I ever told you this, but one time, Grace and I were deciding what to watch one night after the kids went to bed and mom was probably working, so I was like 'SUPERNATURAL' and Grace was like 'um no' and I was like 'but I'm a Supernatural woman' and then I started singing this song that literally the only line was 'I'm a Supernatural woman' but it had this ridiculously annoying tune and yeah know I'll just walk around the house singing it sometimes really randomly, and I've actually heard Lydia singing it, too, which is weird.... yeah. We're a weird family.

So I'm gonna reply to your posts now.

I LOVED your post, because it was so true and literal and I just love the way your write, plus there was a sufficient amount of GIF's, which made me happy and yeah. Your post was pretty much the bomb.com.

Grace- your post made me like 120758127587109351635 times more scared of growing up than I already am, so thank you very much for that one.
Besides that I thought it was nice. And sad. And scary.

Laura, I really loved your psot cuz it made me feel better after Grace's post, so yeah, thanks for that!

Okay, so I just have on quick thing to.. um.. post/talk about before I go into my post.

Listen to THIS and die from laughing.

Then, once you've come back to life, listen to THIS  and die from laughing again.
AH. I just can't. Tumblr is literally the best.

ANYWAY I had written out a really soppy blog post last night in a draft on my phone/a notebook, but then this morning I was like 'aaahahah that's cute.' and decided not to post it, cuz I'm not in a soppy mood right now.

So, I've been having a pretty good past couple of days. I got to hang out with Bailey over the weekend, and then Grace and I had a sleepover with Charlotte, and we prank-texted your brother (John) which did not work and but was really entertaining because it was like 11 at night and we were way too sleepy, and then tonight, our moms are out together, so basically we made a CRAP LOAD of no-bake cookies and are planning on a movie night, because Abigail is also out with her boyfriend, so it's just the kids home, wut wut.

SO YEAH basically that's what's been happening in my life, not that any of you care. And Grace already knows, so yep. #thatwaspointless.

Song thing time I guess.

9- A song that makes you hopeful.

Enough said(:

OKAY OKAY so I watch this youtuber named Superwoman, and sometimes she dresses up as her parents and oh my gosh, I love her so much so just watch this

This is my favorite one.

okay so I know this really sucks and stuff but I'm running out of time...

You know, I have no idea why I haven't been kicked out of the foursome yet, I'm so lazy, unproductive, write THE WORST blogposts and I only add drama. Y'all are crazy for keeping me.

my baby 
okay okay, bye bye now.

Rosie, I can't wait to read your beautiful bluntness tomorrow.

(with literally 30 seconds to spare)

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