Thursday, October 29, 2015

I'm a wackadoodle, okay?

Well it's Thursday.

Sorry I forgot to post last week. I suck as a human bean.

I'm going to psychoanalyze your posts now because I've been taking an intro to psych course and it's super interesting and since I've done like half of it I'm totally qualified, right?

Grace: Your post was full of passive aggression and underlying messages. I sense some deep seeded anger that needs to be dealt with before you literally turn into the Hulk. That's how the Hulk happened, right? I don't know I could never sit through that entire movie, it was too boring and weird.

Is this the hulk or the Green Giant guy? 

Laura: I'm clearly unqualified to handle all of your issues. You should see a therapist. Like a real actual therapist. You're just a mess.

Mercy: I don't know if post concert depression is a real disease that's recognized by the medical community, but I definitely think it can be solved by watching This is Us and binge eating all the candy you're supposed to give to children on Halloween.

So now that I'm done giving out unwarranted advice to others let's talk about my problems.

Where to start? Uh, okay. So I have this problem/condition/disorder I like to refer to as Obsessive Compulsive Wikipedia Spirals, wherein I, both obsessively and compulsively, hide from my responsibilities/feelings by reading an entire Wikipedia page. Usually it's the entire page of something really morbid, like the Columbine shooting, or Kurt Cobain's suicide. Or random things like the Terri Schiavo case, and Terri's Law and basically everything about and pertaining to Terri Schiavo. Or I just skip about from page to page hoping to feel whole inside again.

So I've been trying to convince my mom to let me get a cat. Once Pippin dies of course.Because I actually like cats because they're fairly low maintenance and clinically insane like me.

 I've decided to get a calico because look at these cats.

This one has seen things.
They're freaking perfect. I'm going to name mine Cymbeline and call it Symba, so I can arise every morning and hold it up over my head like that scene in Lion King on pride rock.

In this scenario I'm the creepybutsmart? monkey man. And Symba is Symba except like a cat. Like a real cat. Not like a cartoon cat. Do you get the picture?

So I recently (and by recently I mean today) purchased a book of short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald because he's my favorite author and I love him. And in this book of short stories is The Curious Case of Benjamin Button which I recently (and by recently I mean today) discovered is by Mr. Fitzgerald. You've probably heard of the Curious Case of Benjamin Button movie which came out a couple years ago (if you haven't: it's about a guy who ages backwards and it's really strange) and was popular. Anyway the short story is really good and you (and by you I mean Grace because let's be honest Laura doesn't have the time and Mercy doesn't have the attention span) should read it.

So that's all I've got for you today.

Grace, we'll hear from you tomorrow?

Gurl please -Rose

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