Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Happy Things.

Good evening, people of earth.
    I had a bad day, and I almost forgot to post. However, instead of crying about cancelled plans, biased professors, and crazy ex-boyfriends, I'm going to make a list of things that make me happy. Because it has taken me nineteen years to understand that I deserve to be happy, and I'm not going to let one bad day wreck me. This God-given life of mine is brimming with worth and potential, and I'm doing my best to keep my head above water and remember how passionately loved I am by the One who created me.
    So, today sucked. But there's always tomorrow. On Wednesdays I have lab at 8am and get to see my best friend and learn all about the profession of nursing. Later on I have choir practice, where I get to conquer the challenge of singing a capella and absorb that spine-tingling rush I get whenever we bring a piece together and it sounds angelic. I get to wear my scrubs all day, and Campus Ministry gives away free bagels from Panera. The performing arts Halloween social is tomorrow night, and as long as my firefighting friend Liam is my escort I know I'll be able to handle anything.
    Here are some other things about life which do not at all suck:
-Autumn. I looked at the trees outside the library at dusk and they took my breath away, their almost bare branches standing out against the sunset sky. I see the beauty of God in nature, and I'm so thankful for this season, which continually reminds me of His love and goodness in all its colors and natural wonder.
-Coffee. Nothing else motivates me to get up in the early hours of dawn like a hot cup of Mom's home-brewed coffee. Tomorrow Libby is buying me Dunkin- another reason why I'm anticipating the end of today.
-The chapel at school. Getting to go there and reflect between classes really calms me down. I find solace at the altar, where I have no problem achieving clarity of mind and thanking Jesus for all He continues to do for me.
-Singing. Singing is my antidepressant. That is all.
-My male suitor. He is too good for me, and I appreciate his compassionate and gentle demeanor, which constantly reminds me of the love of God. I'm a lucky lady:)
-Taylor Swift. Her music inspires me to be proud of who I am, love openly, and drink the blood of all the men who have done me wrong. She is my spirit animal.
-Running. I feel majestic when I exercise, even though I probably look like a diabetic sloth stampeding through molasses. I regret nothing.
    That's all I have for happy things today. I feel a lot better now, ready to go to sleep, arise at dawn and greet the day with as much gall as I can muster.
    Mercy, good luck with rehearsals. I'll hear from you tomorrow.
--Laura :)

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