Friday, September 18, 2015

newest favorite quote

In love with Fridays. In love with Tom Hiddleston.

see the beauty of the world you are in now instead of wishing you were in another

A wise Youtuber said this to me through the computer screen as I sat, probably, wishing I could have her life. I have the absolute worst habits of being jealous of other people's lives when mine is probably, definitely, perfectly fine. I see other peoples friends and I wish I had those friends when I'm clearly #blessed with the most perfect group of human beings alive. I see other peoples clothes, style, aesthetic, and wish that's what I looked like to the world even though I've been told countless times that my awkward personality and appearance is adorable and obviously that's a good thing, right? (although sometimes I've frustrated with the 'cute/adorable' labels that everyone has given me. but that's a different post for a different time) Lots of times I look at other families and wish my dysfunctional people would get the memo and then I'm like 'they may be dysfunctional people, but they're MY dysfunctional people' and I'm 100% sure I'm equally as dysfunctional and I usually don't have all my s*** together either. I'm constantly having to remind myself my life, my world that I'm living in, is not going to be perfect. It's not always going to be Instagram worthy and even in those moments, someone else's pictures will always be prettier than my own. It's hard though. It's hard to always be scolding myself not to harshly judge my own life and be jealous over someone elses. Because really, when you get into it, everyone is screwed up. Everyone has issues in one way or another. Everyone is unhappy or dissatisfied with themselves or their life to some extent and everyone has been jealous of someone else at one point. Heck, I could be that person that everyone thinks has it perfectly (you girls know I don't).
Anyway, that's all the thoughts I have on that topic. That was pretty much just stream of consciousness.
I did enjoy hearing from all of you lovelies this week. You know, today mom was talking about going down to your house tomorrow and I've been thinking about it. And it needs to happen so much. Now that Laura is back at the 'ol Backus Homestead part time and stuff, we need to convince the mothers that they desperately need to see each other just because in reality, we desperately need to see each other. 
I have to go watch some Doctor Who with the baby brother though because the freaking 9th season airs tomorrow and I swear, if it is not secretly a memorial to the 9th Doctor, they're doing it wrong.
<3 Grace 

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