Wednesday, May 20, 2015

***DISCLAIMER*** I swear I'm not a pervert, just really, really tired.

Good evening girls, it's Wednesday. 

I tried posting a slow-mo video of Millie barking, but it wouldn't let me, so you get this instead.. 

4/4 selfie from 5.17.15. THANK YOU NIALL. 

So I um I did read all your posts but I only remember Graces, I don't even know why... Hold on... Ah yes. Laura's was about her absolutely perfect life, Graces was about her busy life, and Roses was about criminally insane children. 
I have such wonderful friends. 

No, honestly though I enjoyed all of your posts. I am so so ready for this school year to be over, even tho I'll still have to finish up stuff over the summer. I am completely and totally NOT ready to be a junior, it actually scares the crap out of me. I'm not smart enough to be a junior. I can't take the SATs, or at least take them and get a reasonable score- no. I already know I am bound to fail them, so why take them at all? I was never smart in the first place, so why test that now? I could tell you right now that I am not smart, no SAT needed. I mean like maybe I can be socially smart or street smart or have commen sense or whatever else you wanna call it, but I'm not academically smart, don't even fight me on this. 
I'm done. 

Hey girls, so I met this guy. He's really funny and he's a hipster, he lives in this really exclusive town, there's only like 2 other people in the whole town, it's tiny. Anyway, he's funny and smart and he gardens and he's social but he likes to stay in too, he loves documentaries and he loves cooking, he loves animals, and he has this really nice neighbor and they work at the same place too, I've met her she's actually awesome. 
Anyway, this guy, he's more of the depentant type, as in he needs a lot of caring for, and since I'd said I've got a pretty nurturing personality, we go well together.

 Anyway, his name is Cashew Almond and I thought y'all should know about him. 
There he is. Isn't he a cutie?? 

Anyway, I should go, Rosie I'll hear from you tomorrow. 


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