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missing mom's homemade coffee dearly on this dreary Monday. |
This quote speaks to my secretly introverted side. I am a closet lover of do-nothing days, when my hair's a tumbled mess, my face is devoid of makeup, and I have no obligation to leave my dwelling. I love shuffling around in sweatpants and slippers, drinking coffee and playing my ukulele and watching Jane Austen film adaptions.
It's the little things in life that make me happy. Like snowflakes swirling down from the night sky and long conversations with my mom when my life is falling apart. I need people, too. I never thought I'd admit it, but I crave human interaction in its simplest forms- When the Foursome gets together and we tackle each other with a million hugs, when Dad lets me snuggle up close to him on the couch, when Joe puts his arm around me after a long, stressful day at school. It's in those little moments that I feel at home, when I am reassured that yes, there is a God, who created friendship and family and all the love that comes along with it.
I have such a desire in my life to be like Christ, all of the sudden. He is convicting me- I haven't been the nicest, most tolerant human being lately, and I've realized that it's my job, as a follower of the One who made my soul, to love as He loved me. And I'm pretty crappy at that. I get swept up in what other people think, and I become like them, shunning the outcasts and chasing the pretty ones. But...That so is not what Jesus was about. He hung out with the marginalized, the widows, the prostitutes, the lepers. And, if He did it, then so should I.
Y'all could be praying for me, to live a life of integrity. It's something I haven't been the best at lately, and by the grace of God I hope to be vulnerable and victorious in my struggle.
I loved all of your posts from last week. They made me miss you gurls deeply, and I'm extremely jealous that y'all will be getting together without me soon. But the rumor is, I may get to see you soon, and that is what keeps me going.
Mercy, I love your almost-sixteen-year-old-face, and I can't wait to hear from it tomorrow.
Love love love,
Roy Kim
--Laura :)
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