Monday, December 29, 2014

Undaunted Radiance.

Happy Monday, boys and gurls!
Today actually is a happy Monday. Everyone's on Christmas break, home and happy and safe and sound. The sun came out this morning, and Rosie and I were able to attempt to take the Young's dog, Loki, for a walk without freezing our hands off from the expected December chill (except we thought Loki got abducted so we went to Dunkin instead). I saw Becca Monster for the first time since I left SHU after the bedlam that was finals week, and we caught up and laughed as though it hadn't been almost three weeks since we went from seeing each other all day, every day, to conversing solely through text messages. I found out that a good friend of mine will not have to transfer from Sacred Heart next semester, and I'm having a great hair day, and I'm on my third mug of coffee (in my new Jane Austen mug, since I'm the idiot who dropped her old one on her dorm's tile floor).
    We just saw you Ege gurls, less than forty-eight hours ago, and in less than twenty hours we shall see you again, and that fills my little soul with sunshine in the most wonderful, God-given way. Bob Goff, author of the lighthearted Love Does and amazing advocate for the needs of the less fortunate, once said, "God gives us friends to love so we'd remember how He feels about us." And as this crazy, altering, emotionally exhausting year draws to its close, I realize how true that has been to me, especially over these past 365 or so days.
    A lot of changes occurred for me in 2014. I graduated high school and moved on to the college of my dreams and began to finally pursue the nursing career I have been dreaming about for almost my entire life. I strengthened so many relationships just by saying goodbye and moving on into this current season of my life. I made new friends, a few of whom I can see myself being close with for the rest of our lives. I made friends with boys- I was never good at being friends with boys in high school, because I was so awkward and terrified, and the few guys I ever became close to wanted to date me, and I said no every time because that was just not where God wanted me. But now, I have all these funny, burly, laid-back friends, who are a) male and b) don't want to kiss me (well, not all of them don't want to kiss me...but that's a story for a future time when I know how I feel).
    Friendship is a gift from God. He totally knows what He's doing by putting certain people in your life at the right time, even when you have no idea what the heck He's doing. Like when I met Libby's roommate and she ended up becoming one of the best friends I've ever had, or when a boy rejected me and it made me face some demons I didn't even know existed, or when the senior I irritated when we first interacted ended up becoming someone really important to me. At first, I couldn't see why God gave me these people, but now I am starting to see why, and for that I am eternally grateful.
    2015 has so much potential. I used to struggle with not knowing what tomorrow holds, but now I am learning to accept, even anticipate, whatever surprises God has in store for the not-so-distant future. I am willing to face the unexpected with the undaunted radiance of Christ, hoping to become more like Him and honor Him in my decisions, thoughts and actions.
    I can't wait to see where 2015 takes the Foursome. I can only hope we all become braver and wiser and develop our hilarious senses of humor. Let's take on the New Year like the butt-kicking fothermuckers we are, ladies.
All my love,
Laura Grace <33

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