(I need to clear a few things up- we've been getting all the characters confused so I'm just gonna list who's who:
Samuel Manchester: Jarpad/HotVillain Guy.
First Mate Pepper: old guy with cockney accent who looks like Teddy Roosevelt. NOT NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM.
James: skinny 17 year old who probably looks like Neville Longbottom.
Scurvy Steve Dreadbeard: pretty sure he's the same guy as the chubby sailor from my first chapter???
Miranda: Miranda.
Byron: Miranda's bf who looks like Logan Lerman apparently.
Okay... I think that's it. All these names are so confusing! Anyway. Onto the story.)
Samuel Manchester stared down at the toes of his once cleaned, polished boots that were now scuffed and muddy.
Such a shame that his best pair of pirate boots had to go to waste- but alas! It was all for.... his plan.
The first steps to his master plan were complete-
- Track down and find the insufferable girl.
- Get "captured" by the enemy.
- Pretend to be broody and infuriated when really analyzing his plan and celebrating on his success thus far.
Samuel nodded in satisfaction, then brought his mind to more pressing matters- the rest of his plan.
His crew mates were still aboard the ship, locked away in the lower decks, being held hostage just as he was- but a few of them had slipped away in the ruckus of the attack and we disguised as the "good crew", pretending to be on Miranda and Scurvy Steve Dreadbeard's side.
Now, the ship was sailing to East Italy, were the crew was doing trade with their cargo- however, Samuel was supposed to be delivering the "lovely" Miranda to Señor Edoardo Enrico, the Prince of Spain, who would be awaiting them there, on a business trip with the Duke of Italy.
Señor Edoardo Enrico had met Miranda during a banquet in her hometown, when the Real Life Queen Of England had come for a visit! The Queen had only been in town for a few days on business matters but there had been a fancy and enormous banquet that the whole town had been invited to. Señor Edoardo Enrico had been traveling with the Queen and when he met Miranda at the banquet, he'd been taken by her charm and beauty. Miranda had thought nothing of Señor Edoardo Enrico and probably didn't remember him at all now.
Samuel was mystified by Señor Edoardo Enrico's feelings for Miranda. Sure she was beautiful, and she was certainly good at maintaining a rowdy crew and ship, and her sense of humor was impeccable... But besides that, she was annoying, conceited and overall just... Annoying.
The only part of the plan Samuel hadn't figured out was how to get off the ship without being seen when they reached Italy, and get Miranda away from the ship long enough to bring her to Señor Edoardo Enrico.
Just as Samuel was letting out a humph of frustration, he heard footsteps from the stairs and he looked up to see young Jesse Took, bringing him a tray of what he guessed was his dinner.
Jesse smiled crookedly at Sam as he set the tray down at his feet, "For you, sir," he says, looking up.
Sam opened his mouth to reply and said......
To be continued. Sorry to Grace for hogging your phone. Thanks for letting me use it.
Rosie, I trust you.
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