Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The fault in my blog-post writing

Good morning, gurls-
It's Tuesday. Huzzah.

I like the word huzzah
Laura! Your post was so lovely and Laura-ish. I really liked it. A lot.
To answer your question- Florida was, in a word, hot. I liked it though. Driving was... long. But everything else was nice. Harry Potter World was, well.... beautiful, majestic, wonderful, magical, and absolutely perfect. Even if it was a little small. I loved it. And Butter beer- oh my gosh. Gurls, next time we see each other in person- WE ARE MAKING IT. It was soo delicious.

To answer your other question, Laura- about what summer feels like to me.. well...
It feels like waking up in a cool bedroom and smiling, because you know you can go back to sleep again. It feels like swatting mosquito's off your arms and putting on bug spray, of redoing your pony-tail one too many times because you're sweating and running around too much. It feels like bicycle tires on pavement, it feels like lying on a blanket in a soccer field while you watch fireworks erupt in the night sky above you.
It smells like cool Cape Cod mornings, of eggs and bacon and fresh-baked donuts. Of sunscreen and salt-water and onion rings. It tastes like homemade lemonade, of burnt hot-dogs and ice cream soup.  It sounds like country music, like water guns and splashes in pools, like the sound of bare feet on pavement. It looks like sun-burnt noses, frizzy hair, ice cream shoppe's, Cuffy's sweaters, the sun in the sky, sunglasses and summer dresses. Of best friends having sleepovers in the backyard and whispering secrets under the fading sunset.

All these things are what make up summer in my mind. Of course, I could go on, but that'd take way too long. Plus I have stuff I need to post about. But anyway, I hope you liked my view of summer, Laura :)

So. I've found out that I have a really bad time at posting about stuff that is interesting/relevant in any of my posts and most of the time it's because I just don't take the time to (cuz I only have an hour of computer time) or my mind is like mushed broccoli. Or both. Usually both.

So I've decided, although it's lame and uncreative, to start my posts with like blogging/journaling prompts, which are all over Pinterest, actually.

So here it goes.

It's a list of 7's. 7 questions/prompts of 7 things. I like the number 7, okay.

7 everyday things I couldn't live without: 
1) My bed
2) socks
3) food
4) tea
5) the computer
6) my iPod
7) Does my family count? Also, Millie. (yes,I said it)

7 of my favorite songs: 
1) Classic by MKTO
2) In Christ Alone by whoever.
3) Miss Missing You by Fall Out Boy
4) Close Your Eyes by Dan+Shay
5) You Always Make Me Smile by Kyle Andrews
6) Little Things by One Direction
7) Human by Christina Perri

7 adventures I want to have before I die
1- Learn to skido (as in "Blue Skido, we can too!" I mean, if that counts.)
2- Travel all or most of the world, with my three favorite people ever.
3- Be on Broadway at least once
4- Fall in love
5- Get married
6- Live. ("To live would be an awfully big adventure...") 
7- Die? ("To die would be an awfully big adventure...") 
7- Go to Neverland

7 pastimes I never tire of doing: 
1) Sleeping
2) Eating
3) Procrastinating
4) Listening to music
5) Reading
6) Fangirling?
7) Watching movies

7 treats I could eat everyday:
1) Brownies
2) Ice cream soup
3) Chocolate cake with peanut-butter frosting. (Throwback Tuesday! Hahaha,okay, remember when we made that at The Backus gurls house for my birthday and I wrote Shank on the top in chocolate chips and Laura was like "I HATE YOU ALL" and covered it up by putting on more chocolate chips and then somehow we all started the "This one time, when I was 7..." story and Ben and John and his friend we're like <.< and we were all like "DON'T CUR" aahhhhh good times... and then in that same trip we went adventuring in the snow and Laura was like "Look out for the snow-snakes!" but really it was just the tracks from my crutches that I didn't even use and we tried bobsledding down onto the frozen pond and epicly failed and wow I'm laughing really hard right now, like so hard I'm crying because like SNOW SNAKES, LAURA??! I will never get over that oh my gosh I MISS YOU GURLS!) 
4) Chocolate milk
5) Rice-crispy treats
6) Mike and Ike's! I LOVE Mike and Ike's!
7) Spanakopita (if that counts, which it totally does.)

7 people I'd be lost without: (I don't know if Jesus counts cuz He's technically not a person.. I mean..)
1) Jesus
3) My parents
2) Laura Backus
3) Rose Backus
4) Grace Ege
5) The rest of my siblings
6) My Twinnie, Johnny.
7) Evgeni Plushenko
7) My bestest friend, Rachel

7 places I want to visit:
1) England
2) Ireland
3) Sweden
4) L.A
5) San Francisco
6) Hawaii
7) Nashville

And that's it! Y'all are probably like

 And I'm like

this is my new favorite gif btw 

AND BOOM- two LOTR's gif's in one sentence-thingy.

WOW THIS POST IS SO LONG- OOPS. THAt awkward moment when caps lock is on and you don't realize and you're like

No but really, I'm actually so proud of this post. It's nice and long and even though it doesn't have a point, I mean... at least I didn't just ramble, right? I even got nostalgic about past Foursome memories.

Okay so with that, Imma gooooo... I'm really bad at ending my posts, so here's a song-

I really love this song, especially this version (and cuz Grace doesn't like the original. You're welcome, AB.) 

And a GIF of my baby
Just... don't ask.

Rosie, I can't wait to read your post tomorrow, as always.
xoxo, Mercy Curly-locks

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