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most accurate gif in the history of accurate gifs |
But just now, as I was sitting at the counter bar in our yummy-smelling kitchen (sausage meatballs and
So, here I am.
Moving past myself. Gurls, how are you? I always miss our posts when we take time off, or when I cannot read them. OTAS is becoming part of my routine- a warm, fuzzy habit which I hope we can keep up for as long as possible. Don't y'all agree? I like these awkward and public letters we exchange back and forth over the cyber warmth of the Internet. I love when we see each other in person, when the sisterly halves of the Fearsome Foursome are reunited like a nerdy, hysterical family. No one is "The Mom" or "The Baby of The Family." We are each equal, although undeniably diverse. Everyone contributes, whether it be with a hug or a snide, well-meaning comment or baked goods or a shoulder to cry on or a body to spoon with (in a very PG-rated way;). Let's never ever forget to be awesome.
G&M- HOW WAS FLORIDA?? We should have a phonecall as soon as possible- Wednesday night maybe? I want to hear all about it, in your posts as well as in our shared Third Space over the phone.
Did you appreciate my TFiOS reference? Speaking of which, it comes out in theaters in *drumroll please* 18 DAYS! WHICH ALSO MEANS 18 DAYS UNTIL I FINISH HIGH SCHOOL!
In other news, my graduation party is on the 1st! The Ege clan is coming, riiiight?
In other other news, I have freshman orientation at SHU for the next 2 days after that- I'm actually really excited. Originally I was extremely nervous, but I went for a few jogs and cried out to God and talked to my mommy and I feel a lot more confident about making my first impression on the kids I'll call my classmates in the fall. Some of us have connected a bit over the Internet on our Class of 2018 Facebook page. A few kids have friended me and I have actually met in person a few of my fellow incoming freshman (one of whom was this really sweet and pretty girl who loves Mean Girls and goes to Notre Dame and we decided we are going to be bffs in the fall!!). Gurls, I'm so happy. And excited. And sad. And nervous. But God is in control :)
In other other other news, I have already almost raised my money for the Hartford Project! It is almost actually happening, ladies, and I cannot wait to serve the community and the Creator we stand in awe of, with you fabulous ladies and your cool-seeming church friends.
oh yes, ladies and gents, we are going to change the world! (Well, at least Hartford) |
Here goes:
The Foursome's Epic Summer 2014 Bucket List:
-See The Fault in Our Stars in theaters and cry (at least, Mercy and I (Laura) will)
-Cape Cod maybe?
-Finally have our 19-20 hour Harry Potter movie marathon
-Do the Hartford Project. Make the world suck less.
-Have one of our fun family parties where we wear cute summery outfits and eat too much of my mom's amazing food and laugh and hang out with our older sisters and watch a movie with all the kids
Ah, summer. I see it in the leaves on the trees and my mom's beautiful gardens and the freckles creeping across my nose. Summer sounds like country music and waves crashing on Nauset Light Beach in Chatham and the churchy songs I sing in the VBS band. It tastes like s'mores and barbecue and Cape Cod kettle donuts and the sips of hard cranberry lemonade my parents let me have from time to time. It feels like grass under bare feet and sun kissing my shoulders. Is that what it feels like for everybody? What does summer feel like for you gurls? What tastes come into your mouth when you dwell on June, July and August? What smells waft through the breeze, letting you know that summer is truly here? I wonder, I wonder, I am fascinated by how different things mean different things to different people. We live in a world of fascinating diversity and I am kind of obsessed with that fact.
Well, it's after dinner now, and Thing 2 (Laura J) is going to bounce through my front door anytime now, with her fiery curls and sassy flip flops. So I should go. Mercy, I cannot wait to hear from you tomorrow :)
--The Laura B
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