Thursday, May 8, 2014

And this is why Laura writes the first blog post every week.

in which Martin Freeman accurately describes how I feel about this day of the week in particular
    I have never know what to do with Thursday. It's like the random day of the week, the one I always tell my friends we should hang out on because I never do anything significant on Thursdays. Today is so boring that if I didn't have everyone else's posts to reply to I would have nothing to write about. So here goes.
    Grace/Shank- still experiencing PTSD and anxiety from your Monday post. If I have learned anything this week, it's that we should never ever switch up the posting order ever ever again. It is something we all had to learn the hard way. Rosie says I should seek revenge, but oh, we'll get to that later ;)
    Mercy- the Hank Green GIF was the highlight of your post- not because it was bad, but because I freaking love Hank and I could hear him saying "I think you're gorgeous" in his flat, goofy voice and it makes me want to go watch every Vlogbrothers video ever.
    Rose- I really was torn between dishing out a big fat "IIII TOOOOOLLLD YOUUU SOOOOO" or being all "oh honey don't get me wrong, I'm super excited for school but if I don't get a roommate just as weird and awesome as you I'll probably implode from missing you so much too" when I read that heartwarming paragraph about me from your post. Listen. Next year, if you -all of you- don't spam me with letters/pictures/texts/phone calls/Skype/FaceTime/care packages/in-person visits (Fairfield is less than fifteen minutes from home, after all) I'll set the Division 1 lacrosse team at SHU on you.Y'all have been warned. I will probably go that crazy if I lose contact with any or all of The Foursome. And you gurls know well that I am hard enough to handle in my normal state.
    Anyway, my plan for this post was to seek revenge on Grace, or give a stern lecture about how we do not let the Russian noodle man penetrate our posts, but I thought I'd be a loving person and just do a Throwback Thursday photo or two:

from Lyman's, forever ago
This could constitute as revenge for Grace's Shanko post, I guess, but I love these sweet pictures of you gurls and I feel a little bad so here's an awkward Backus sister photo that out-embarrasses either of these:

    I don't even know what's going on. Mary-Kate (left) appears to be a cowboy stripper. Rosie (center) looks like a homeless bandit creeper, and I (right) seem to be dressed as an overwhelmed dance mom.
    Fast forward to now, almost four years later. MK graduates from nursing school on Saturday (she made it through college without reliving her brief stripper career woo hoo). Rose wears much less colorful clothing. And real pants. But she's just as creepy. Me? I'm still overwhelmed, but taller, and will be graduating from high school on June 6th- TFiOS day! Which reminds me-
    Grace, I watched the extended trailer, like I promised. Twice. It was so beautiful. And I really feel like it's going to be close to the book and I'm so excited and Ansel Elgort is adorable and I hope we all get to see it together so we can cry and fangirl and cry some more :)
    Oh! Since everyone made lists of the weird things they do, here's mine:
1. Sing extremely loudly in the shower
2. Smell everything
3. Find faces on inanimate objects
4. Feel bad for stuffed animals when I neglect them
5. Enjoy getting lost- on a run, walk, or in the car
6. Chew on the skin around my fingernails
7. So this one time, when I was 7, I couldn't remember if mustaches went over your nose or under your nose, so I drew all these pictures of my dad -when I was 7- of him with his mustache over his nose.
    ^^it IS Throwback Thursday, after all.
    The funny thing is that when I read all of your lists, most of your weird habits I found extremely lovable. Usually it's the weird quirks about people which make them my favorite people. :)
    I apologize for this crap-post. Teaching moment: this is why Laura posts first every week. Else she comes up with something random and shotty, and Grace emotionally scars everyone, and Rose displays actual emotion, and Mercy gets me all nostalgic. Weird things happen. Future self, I hope you post better on Monday- OH WAIT! We won't be posting at all next week, since G&M are in Florida for pretty much forever. But in a week and a half I will post again, and write something completely devoid of poor Russian figure skaters. I promise.
--Laura :)

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