Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Willy Shakes.

It's hump day!!!!!!!


 Mercy, wait till you get to season 3 and Cas comes in. Well, actually, with Supernatural you don't have to watch it in order once you have the general idea. Of course, you can if you want to. But if you decide not to then you should watch The Mystery Spot, it's the best. It's just. I can't. I just can't.

Anyway, did you know Wednesday is Woman Crush day? Because apparently everyone else did and I didn't. If I had know this I would have been spamming you guys with Beyonce pictures for months. MONTHS I TELL YOU! So now I have to make up for 17 posts worth of Beyonce pictures. I'll just post 3 a week for the next 9 weeks.

Anyway, happy Birthday Laura. And it's good to know you think the scrapbook I made you is superawesglamfultastic because it is. AND GRACE YOUR POST WAS WONDERFUL!

I'm going to take the majority of the rest of this post to fangirl about Shakespeare, because the only person who I can fangirl with is my mom and it's really weird to fangirl with your mom.

This past year I've really begun to love Shakespeare. I mean, I've always like it, but I've never quite loved it. I think it was when Laura and I watched Hamlet. I mean, this guys life sucks. His creepy uncle kills his father and then marries his mother, and Hamlet figures all of this out from his fathers ghost who shows up and is like "Oh hey Sonny! I was taking a nap and your creepy uncle killed me! By the way, I may or may not be in hell right now! Gotta go bye!" and this literally drives Hamlet mad, and then in order to protect his girlfriend Ophelia (which is a stupid name by the way, I mean what do you nickname her? Ophie?) he tells her to join the convent, and then Hamlet accidentally kills Ophies father thinking he's Uncle Creeper which drives Ophelia crazy and because she's so dang crazy she drowns herself, and then of course, Hamlet finds out about this and is like "Oh crap! I guess I shouldn't have told my GF to be a nun!" and then Uncle Creeper convinces Ophie's sketchball brother to challenge Hamlet to a duel which ends up killing Hamlet, brother sketchball, Uncle creeper, and Hamlets annoying mother. I mean people don't write like this anymore! The most sucky thing that happens in modern "literature" is like the main character can't decide if she should date a vampire or a werewolf. LIKE REALLY PEOPLE? How can we have fallen so far in 4 hundred years?

And not only do sucky things not happen, main characters don't even have depth. Like in the Hunger Games, Katniss Everdean's most defining feature is her ability to complain. Hamlet is a young boy, not much older than Laura who is forced to come home from college, and grow up  because his father is dead. So he's going through some pretty crazy grief, and to add insult to injury his mother has married his uncle not even 2 months after his fathers death. So he's feeling betrayal  and sadness and anger. And then of course he figures out that his new uncle-daddy killed his father and that freaks him out a lot. So now on top of all this anger and grief he's gone mad. And then to figure out if his ghostly dad is really telling the truth he puts on this play that is a reflection of real life, and there's this guy who kills his brother while he's sleeping and Hamlet watches his uncle during this scene to see his reaction and it's clear to him that his father was murdered by Uncle Creeper. And so all this stuff is going on and Hamlet is feeling all these things and then the play stops for one of the most wonderful combination of words every written: the to be or not to be speech. This speech is proof that there is a God. This speech makes grown men cry. This speech is possibly the best thing Shakespeare ever wrote. Naturally -or perhaps, Supernaturally- it's about suicide. Hamlet is feeling all of these things and he just can't handle his feels, so he questions whether or not he should kill himself. He asks himself is it is better to "sleep perchance to dream" than to go on living. I just don't understand how writing could start sucking this badly in just a few hundred years. I mean, yeah there is writing today that is good. It's just not great. It's just not Shakespeare.

So the moral of this story is I was born in the wrong time, and I've been spending too much time with my mother.

 Anyway, I should probably add some stuff to The List.

The awesomesauce list of awesomesauceness:
-Bake things
-Watch Supernatural and Doctor Who both :) 

-Watch Love Labor Lost

While I was spending too much time with my mother, we watched this version of Loves Labors Lost that's a 1930's musical, and while I love Elizabethan England I love the 1930's and 40's even more. IT'S MY 2 FAVORITE THINGS COMBINED!!!!!!!!!!! 

Before I finish this obsessively long rambly post I want to post my favorite Supernatural gifs for my favorite new Supernaturalist. 

Grace, have you started watching Supernatural yet? I can't wait for your post tomorrow! -Rosie

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