Wednesday, December 10, 2014

In which I try to end this post like 5 times before I actually do.

It's hump day!

Although The Round Story 2.0, was incredibly fun to write, I'm very happy that I can write a regular post once again.  I'm going to reply to your posts now.

Grace: You did an amazing job ending the round story. Thank you!

Laura: Your post this week was short it was almost as thought it never happened, because it didn't ever actually happen.

Mercy: Your post was long in that it was longer that Laura's, and short in that it was short. But I loved it. It gave my heart a warm, fuzzy, yuletide feeling. ALSO WE NEED TO FANGIRL ABOUT FOUR VERY SOON LEST I EXPLODE!

Well gurls, we all know what is two weeks from tomorrow: the day in which we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ (even though December 25th isn't actually the day Christ was born, it's just the day we celebrate it). I consider myself to be fairly excited about Christmas. I'm nowhere near as excited as I was back when I was small-ish and cute, but that's a given. I mean, no one except for children love Christmas a children do. I realize that that was a very obvious statement, but whatever. I believe this Christmas is going to be a fun one.

I cannot think of anything else to post'm going to end it here.

Well, actually, the freaking Round Story was freaking beautiful and think we all deserve a hand for making it so freaking wonderful.

Okay, so I think I'm done. This post was short and lame, so sorry. To put it metaphorically, my brain is like a chicken that was once young and spry and jogging (can chickens jog?) around the little coop on it's little, spindly legs, but then it was murdered by an wicked cruel farm owner, named High School, and turned into crunchy scary greasy fried chicken, by a fry cook at KFC named Algebra. Do you see what I'm trying to say? No probably, not I'm not even sure what I'm trying to say anymore! High school is supposed to be the best years of your life right? WRONG. Not only is school boring and overly complicated, but you have to deal with the children your age who are all idjits. I just !@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!@#$^&*(*& Also can we just talk about reconstruction for a second? It was a good idea, that failed miserably. Do I really have to learn it? Anyway, I should bounce.

Actually, I just watched Guardians of the Galaxy last night, and it was amazing. If you haven't seen it, you need to it was hilarious. And weird. Like everything I love in this world.

Also I may or may not be becoming a Star Wars nerd.


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