Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I try to be smart and fail {about Gay Rights}

Good morning gurl's, it's Tuesday!

BUT FIRST- let me rant.
April 29th and it's utterly freezing in our den.
Millie bit my finger and it really hurt.
Grace and Lydia had an all-but-quiet argument this morning over firewood.
We're leaving for Florida in almost a week and I haven't even started packing yet.
I have too much new music I have to listen to and not enough time.
Call The Midwife is continually making me cry.
We (Grace and I) finished season 7.1 of Doctor Who and Amy and Rory are gone and I REALLY HATE CLARA ALREADY.
Summer is almost here and I am sooo behind in school.

OKAY I got it all out I am good.
*Takes a deep breath* 

It actually is really cold in the den and my fingers are like all cramped up. I hate this trip.

Laura! I truly loved your post a lot- it was sweet and happy and made me think, but it was short, which I do really like. 

Grace- all your GIF's in the beginning made me laugh a lot. The rest of your post was very nice, and even though you were ranting, it made me happy. 

Rosie- I think your last post was my favorite post you've ever written- it was beautiful and lovely and so Rosie-ish and it made me so happy and AHHH. Sunshine everywhere. 

Okay. Today I'm going to talk about Olan Rodgers. I'm also going to throw a Fall Out Boy song in there somewhere and probably fangirl about Harry Styles briefly. 
Just givin' y'all a heads up(:

I just want to like run up and give him a huge hug and shake his hand and invite him to join The Seven (eighth?) some for being such A FREAKING AMAZING PERSON! 
Also, I lied.
I'm not really going to talk about Olan Rodgers, even though he is a wonderful man.
I'm going to use his quote to talk about Gay Rights. Because I don't know why, I just feel like talking about it.


So this is basically how I feel about this- I'm a Christian, duh. I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. Duh. 
I understand other people have different views about that and I don't agree, but just because I'm a Christian does not mean I'm going to hate your guts and damn you to hell just because that's your opinion.
I actually know very, very nice people who I love and care about who are gay/lesbian/bisexual and I would never push them out or ignore them just because they have different opinions then me.

I find it very hard, at my school, to step up for what I believe in, because the majority of people there are not straight, so I find myself nodding and agreeing with people when we talk about gay rights and stuff and I've found myself softened to gay people- not that I was like against them before, obviously, but I've just let that become something normal that I say 'Oh yeah, good for you!' to. 

I guess what I live by when it comes to gay rights is 'Hate the sin, love the sinner' because that is so true.
I'm not going to support what you're doing, but I will love you just the same as anyone else. 

And one part of me feels bad and wants to tell them that what they're doing is wrong, but the other part of me says 'shoving your opinion down their throat is only going to make them hold on to what they believe even more.' Cuz you know when someone tries to change you, you just make sure to stick to your opinion even more cuz you feel entitled to it? I know I get that way sometimes- a lot of times. And.... UGH I don't know what I'm saying.

I want to let people have their own opinions and views and such because everyone is allowed to have theirs, but it's like.... that's not what God intended marriage to be. And I want people to know that. But it's hard in such a God-hating world, ya know?

What can we do? I can't help everyone, I know that. I just need to live so much for God, that He shines out from me like a sunbeam and people say 'I want what she has.' 


That should be my motto. I dunno, is that sacrilegious, to compare Jesus to drugs? I don't think so. But Jesus sort of is a drug, if you think about it, but not in a bad way. 

Okay, Imma shut up now. 

That Fall Out Boy song I promised you: 

It's so beautiful. That's all I'm gonna say.
Rosie, I can't wait to read your post tomorrow!
xoxo, Mercy

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