Also it's Saturday. At 10:43 PM. I suck as a human bean. Also, I'm not proof reading this so you're just going to have to suck it, okay?
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Same. |
Grace, I entirely relate to your winter blues. There's something about the icky weather and icky effect it has on people that just makes February unbearable.
Laura, like so, being an adult probably does suck. But like, I also kind of don't think adults really exist because like high school never really ends and all adults are children. But that's just me, like personally.
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Donald Trump has convince me that adults don't actually exist. |
So, how's my month been, you may ask? It's been good, I might answer. Actually I wouldn't say that my moth has been good. Not to say it has been bad, of course. It hasn't really been a anything at all. Since last I wrote you, not much has happened.
Mercy turned 17 this past Wednesday, which is pretty cool. I hope my dearest, that you had the loveliest of all birthdays! And that your 17th year will be the year in which you grow in your understand of the world and yourself, and I also hope that it is the year that Larry comes out, because I know that would bring you countless joys.
Mercy, as you all know, stayed last weekend, which was so nice. The thing I love about The Foursome is that the is literally no expectations in our friendship. When we hangout, no one is required to wear real pants and the majority of what we do is take naps and just sit in each others presence. Because just being together is enough. And when we do talk, we hold nothing back. We don't have to lie to one another about anything. Our relationship is like coming home again after you've been away a while, and getting to sleep in your own bed. It is safe. It is comfortable. And I don't think I'll ever be thankful enough for it.
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This is for all of you <3 |
Enough of this cheesy nonsense.

Firstly, Room by, Emma Donnoghue, (which was just made into a movie that is nominated for best picture at the Oscars).
It's the story of a college student who gets abducted when she is 19. The story is told from the point of view of her son Jack, who is the product of the abductors rape. Jack, who is 5, has only ever been in a single room. In his mind, Room is the whole world.
I was expecting it to be like, really depressing and hard to read, because kidnapping and rape are kind of, you know, heavy topics. However it wasn't.
It was just really good and you all need to read it/watch the movie because I know none of y'all have time to read books.

I can't tell you anything about this book without spoiling it or making it sound really really shitty, but believe me when I say it was one of the best young adult fiction books I've read in a long time.
And the freaking ending. It has this great plot twist ending that will absolutely destroy you, but it's totally called for.
It was so good. Just so good. You have to read it.
Another good book I read this month was Speak by, Laurie Halse Anderson but I don't really have time to talk about it because it's almost midnight. It was just really good young adult fiction that you should definitely read. It really made me think.
This month was pretty alright book-wise I guess. Except for when I woke up Friday morning (read: afternoon) to discover that Harper Lee died, which kind of destroyed me. I know it's unreasonable to think that I would ever get to meet her or whatever, but just knowing that she was alive and could still possibly write another book made me really hopeful. After she published To Kill a Mockingbird she couldn't write anything again and became essentially a hermit. And like, I get that she wrote one of the greatest works of American literature ever, but it still made me sad that she never wrote anything else. I mean, at least she was alive to see Go Set a Watchman published, but I don't know. She was just one of my favorite authors and she's not alive any more. And that makes me really sad. I spent my Friday night watching To Kill a Mockingbird on Netflix and trying not to cry. So that kind of sucked.
Also Donald Trump won the South Carolina primary, which made me lose just that much more faith in humanity.
So that was February.It was...a month.
Write you again next month.
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