Monday, November 16, 2015

Sorry this is late.

"Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII, after what you did to me, I've come back to extract my revenge."

Everyone in the room turned and stared at Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII. But he stayed silent. 
"Dad!" Becky yelled at him. "What is she talking about? What is anyone here talking about?" She looked around in confusion. 
"Oh you don't even want to know what this man did. The flirting and the laughing. Taking me on dates. You know once upon a time I was young, attractive, wanted for my incredible spells and potions. Mostly potions. I had perfected the art of a potion that would give the drinker, eternal life. I invented it, you see. I'm brilliant beyond compare." 
Realization began to dawn on the young children's faces. 
"Putting the pieces together now, aren't we my dears." She cackled and suddenly Becky could see how old maybe this ghost was. Maybe not in physical years but this girls mind was eternal. Becky knew powerful wizards and she could now see the same type of power behind Taylor's eyes. Becky glanced at her father.
"So what did he do." 
"I asked her for it, nicely." He responded. 
"Yes he did." Taylor said, throwing her nose up in the air.
"So... what's the problem?" Jesse asked uncertainly. 
"I'M NOT FINISHED YET." Taylor screamed at him. 
"When Taylor didn't give me what I wanted, well I flirted with her just like she said. I told her she was brilliant and I probably wouldn't be able to make the potion for myself anyway." Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII said, sitting down at his desk. "Now Beckindorf, I'm not proud of what I did. I see that now, am I satisfied with the results, maybe. But proud. No. But I'd rather you hear it from me rather than that witch." He pointed a menacing finger at the ghostly girl. 
"But you fell for the flirting trick?" Danny asked Taylor, his mouth hanging open in surprise. 
"Well, yes. At first I did. He was rather good at it. I wasn't the most popular, despite my intense magic skills. But he did all sorts of things. He never mentioned the potion again. I thought he had simply moved on and was now honestly interested in me as a person. He played the part oh so very well. Until I found out one day." 
"And then she made me her slave." Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII. He looked up, hatred burning in his eyes. A dark cold anger. "She pranced around, made me do everything for her. Used me as a personal test subject for all her potions and curses that she made up. She tortured me and then entranced with love spells, and thoughts of immorality once she had finalized the potion." He fell silent for a moment and Danny, Becky, and Jesse turned to Taylor to pick up where he left off. She was looking down at her floating feet and didn't say anything for a moment. 
"And then he killed me." She said so silently they almost didn't hear her. Becky, Danny and Jesse exchanged looks. How is anyone supposed to respond to a comment like that?
"On the eve of our intended wedding night. He came up behind me... and slit my throat. Just perfectly so I suffered for a couple seconds and could see him laughing over my dying body." 
Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal looked up at his daughters shocked face. Becky was having a hard taking controlled normal breaths. They were coming in short gasps and she could feel her heart picking up speed, her head getting light. 
"I... I don't know what to say." She said also almost too quietly. 
"You don't have to say anything." Jesse put a comforting arm around her shoulder. 
"So how old are you really?" Becky suddenly asked, stepping out of Jesse's embrace and towards her father. 
Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII gave a smile, an evil glint in his eye....

Alright, that's all I've got ladies. Sorry this is late and not very long. My weekend was bad. <3 Grace

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