I hope this post finds all of its readers in good health, having enjoyed the long Labor Day Weekend, and preferably not too anxious about the week ahead.
I myself am healthy and happy, my only anxieties pertaining to a pharmacology quiz on Thursday and potentially having an awkward run-in with my former male suitor in school tomorrow.
Solutions for alleviating my fears shall involve study sessions with some fellow nursing majors and a hella cute outfit which will (hopefully) evoke fear into the hearts of any and all men who deny me the privilege of being taken seriously.
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*whimpers* |
Mostly this one. These lyrics give me chills. Agh.
This song sounds really good with the acoustics in my favorite recital hall: The Shower.
When I'm really angry and reflective, this one too.
Making Jesus the biggest part of my life was the best decision I ever made, eternally speaking. In regards to life here on earth, however, it makes living a normal life a little difficult. I have to constantly remind myself that God has a plan for me which is better than anything I could have ever imagined, that this present awkwardness and heartache will soon pass.
And it has passed, mostly. This month I have seen such growth and healing, alongside the pain and rawness which comes along with falling out of love with someone you once cared deeply about. And I know it can only be for God's glory, that He is delivering me, bringing me closer to His throne with every moment.
I do not at all feel lonely. If all I have is Christ, then I need nothing else.
ANYWHOOZLES. I greatly enjoyed all of the posts from last week and could not be happier that we are back to writing on this here blog-a-doodle:
Mercy: it sounds like you had/are having the high school midlife/existential crisis that everyone has. I like to call it Pre-Senioritis (however, in my case it was seasonal depression more than anything else). I am not pretending that I 100% understand your unique situation, but I want you to know that life gets as heartbreakingly difficult as it gets breathtakingly beautiful. God would not bring you to anything He couldn't see you through. I am here for you. I am praying for you. I love you.
Rose: Thanks for being the best roommate ever and not being a giant slob and never having boys over unannounced. Good luck as you start junior year tomorrow. Not that you need it, you gigantic smart a$$.
Grace: I miss your perfect face so much. My only hope is that I can see it soon enough. Thanks for being the only other human being besides me who dresses like an Eskimo in 90-degree weather (guess who has two thumbs and is wearing a jean jacket tomorrow? THIS GURRRRL).
Speaking of things that have to do with colder climate, guess what time of year it (basically) is?
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#PSLforPresident2k15 |
I am so freaking white girl excited about the eminent onslaught of Starbucks' pumpkin spice everything. I helped Eugene unpack and organize his room when he moved into his dorm, and he said he would repay me with coffee, and you know what I'm making him get me?
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This fine beverage right here^^ |
That is all, folks. Mercy, can't wait to hear from you tomorrow!
--Laura :)
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