Wednesday, May 13, 2015

In which I use only Avengers pictures and talk about our Fandom.

Good evening girls, it's Tuesday!!

So, I'm sitting in the den, its around 7pm, I'm trying not to let the stress of up-coming share days at school, jury's (a theatre kids finals) and essays that are due on Monday, get to me at the moment, by drinking a big mug of green tea (with sugar and milk in it because I'm a weirdo!), and listening to my Disney station on Pandora. 

Lol running anyway from my problems like 

First I'm gonna reply to your posts and then I'm going to talk about some super exciting things!! 

Rosie- I loved your post so much!! Your way of writing is impeccable, and I can completely relate to your deadness right now. I was feeling that way for a long time these past few months, as the end of the year stress came upon me, but now since we're SO FREAKING CLOSE to the end of the year, I'm just like "screw it, I can do this," and I've kind of just been pushing through these past few days. It's trying my patience. 

Grace- wow, your post was short it's like it almost didn't exist. 

Laura- Oh, I get it now ^^^

OKAY I'm listening to my Disney station on Pandora and this song is literally the best 

okay, so I was reading Rosies post and I noticed someone commented, and of course I got so excited. So I read the comment and it was from a lovely viewer named Ali! I'll copy and paste her comment right now...

Hello! Sorry to bother you! 

My name is Ali, and I started reading this blog around the beginning of April and I absolutely love your content!

If you four wouldn't mind, I've tagged you in a versatile blogger tag that I thought you would enjoy doing :) You honestly don't have to do it if you don't want to, or you could post them on your personal blogs instead, if preferable! 

Good Luck, if you chose to accept it!
- Ali xx

She was so sweet!! and I found her blog and read some of her stuff and she seems so, so cool! (Ali, if you're reading this- HEY!! 

(And this is where the text centers itself and because I'm on my stupid phone, I have no idea how to fix it) 

So yeah, y'all should definitely check out her post where she nominated is for this cool thingy!! 

I don't have anything else to say so here's all my bæs 

Literally us.

I ordered myself an avenger phone case and I'm SO SO EXCITED!!!! Also, if y'all haven't seen Age of Ultron already- GO SEE IT ITS AMAZING I AM IN LOVE WITH HAWKEYE. 

Rosie, I'll hear from you tomorrow. 

Okay bye.


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