Wednesday, December 3, 2014

I also thought there was going to be an exorcism.

 Uncle Chris said, looking over at the now *PLOT TWIST* magically repaired flying car.

"Actually," Said Jane, after thinking for a second, "We can't leave yet. I have something to say." Jane grabbed a crate full of banana's a duped them overboard. She turned the crate upside down and stood on it. "LISTEN UP!" She shouted.
Everyone stopped there merriment and turned towards her.
"Thank you. A man has just died. Albeit a bad man, but a man just the same. And you're celebrating? Where is your humanity? Samuel Manchester was possessed. He did not commit his evil acts of his own volition. When you reach shore you will have a proper burial for him. You will give the respect in death, that you deprived him of in life." Said Jane authoritatively.
"And, why may I ask should we listen to you?" Asked Miranda.
"Okay, listen Ms. Sassypants, all I'm saying is that someone just died and you need to stop being happy about death because that's creepy and wrong."
"Well, you killed him." Miranda pointed out.
"Actually, no she didn't." Said, *PLOT TWIST* Samuel Manchester, walking up from the lower decks. Everyone stood frozen in shock. Then they all gasped loudly and over dramatically, like they were in a soap opera. Examples of what I mean are below.

"This novice did not kill me. She killed the demon inside of me." The was a collective "Oh" from everyone present.
"But you're still as evil as you were before?" Asked Pepper.
"Let me tell you a story." Everyone sat around Samuel in a half circle, like kindergartners. 
"Ten years ago," Started Samuel.
"Aw, I thought this was going to be a once upon a time story, I like those best." Said James. Scurvy Steve shushed him sharply.
"Go on." Said Steve.
"Once upon a time," Began Samuel again.
"Oh! It is a once upon a time story!" Said James excitedly. Steve shushed him again.
"When I was 17 years old, I left my mother and father's house to become a sailor. My father was a duke and I was fed up with aristocracy, so I went to the local shipyard and asked around. However my problem was, no one would take me seriously because they thought I was a silly little rich boy who wanted to play sailor. I ended up being turned down by every ship in port that day. So I tried again the next day, because I was too prideful to go home and tell my father I had failed. I was turned down again, so I tried again, and was turned down again. It soon became a game for all of the sailors who came to our town to play. They laughed at me a called me horrid names. I became very angry. I was so engulfed in my anger, in fact, that my own anger turned into a demon that possessed me. Soon enough I did the unthinkable: I set fire to every ship on harbor one night. The only ship that survived the blaze was the Isabella. I climbed aboard the ship and killed it's crew and captain. Then I sailed all around the world collecting treasure and a new crew filled with horrible criminals. And that was my life until I came aboard the Snarfing Charley. It was not until that novice stabbed me that I finally saw through my anger. Now that I know what I created, I must face it with as much integrity as I can muster." 
James started clapping, then everyone slowly joined in.

"On behalf, of the Snarfing Charley, I would like to formally apologize for our treatment of you." Said Steve. "Also at this time I would like to offer the lady Miranda the position of captain, because I can't seem to stop fainting at important moments."
"What about Pepper?" Asked Miranda.
"Oh, I never wan'ed to be the cap'n miss. I just like bein' the firs' mate." Said Pepper.
Miranda thought about it for a second, then she came to a conclusion.
"I don't want to be the captain quite yet." She said. "After hearing Samuel's story, I think I need to go home and resolve the whole mess I created."
"Well, Chris, I think we can leave now." Said Jane.
"Wait!" Said Samuel. "Because you saved me...."


Grace, have fun finishing this tomorrow, if you can. I tried to fix as much as I could. -Rose

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