Thursday, October 23, 2014

I just have a thing for pirates

Hi girlies 

I hope all of you are well. I feel like I've been extremely tired, and almost like something's been missing from my life for a couple weeks.... but I don't want to dwell on those thoughts. I should face them eventually but if I haven't yet, than do I ever have to? 

That's the thing I've realized about myself, I'm pretty emotional and not only do I seriously dislike that, but I also try and ignore it. And it works pretty well, for the most part, until I end up feeling things that I don't know how to deal with. And I seriously don't know how people deal with me, because I can't even deal with myself. I think that's why i spend so much time sleeping, reading, YouTubing etc. I don't want to deal with anything and it's a terrible way of living and that's why I don't know how my family deals with me. Hopefully I won't ever have to start my own family and make them have to deal with me. Unless I get over myself at some point and learn to live. 

ANYWAY. Moving on because I don't want to think about that anymore. 

I think our NaShoStoWriMo story should have a pirate element. Why? Because pirates are FREAKING AWESOME, that's why. 

1) They live on pirate ships 

2) they have cool clothes

3) They talk to mermaids

4) they travel all over the world 

5) they have awesome accents

6) They shoot guns

7) they sword fight 

8) Jack Sparrow is a pretty cool guy

9) facial hair

10) they're known as ruthless killers, but underneath, they're like big TEDDY bears (see what I did there?!? I referenced last years story, incase you couldn't tell) 

Also, bonus fact, we're going to Mystic Seaport this weekend and I'm really excited to hopefully see some pirates. 

But anyway, I have other things to do LIKE GO READ THE NEW WORLD WAR 2 NOVEL I GOT THAT ROSE NEEDS TO READ. It's called Rose Under Fire and it's by Elizabeth Wein and it is about an American pilot who gets captured by Nazis and sent to a concentration camp and it's just so fantastic. One of the best books I've read in awhile. I'm only about half way in but hopefully the end will be as good as the beginning. 

<3 G

Ps- from now until Thanksgiving, I'm going to make a list of things I'm thankful for starting today. 

Today I'm thankful for my job. Even though I do complain about it, I am extremely thankful that I work in a safe, fun, rewarding environment with some very nice people. And with some extremely tasty food. And some nice paychecks 

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