That's right. The word is MERCY. Mwah.
I have no idea what song those lyrics are from, I just googled songs with the word Mercy in it and viola! Why am I so weird? Ehhhhh...
Laura, I loved your post dearly! It makes me feel extremely pathetic when I have to post after you, cuz you're all like 'Oh, I'm not a good writer, I just write like this all the time and it's gorgeous and beautiful and wonderful and whenever I write, somewhere, a baby unicorn gets its wings and rides off with rainbows and butterflies because my writing it so fantastically wonderful but honestly I don't think so and wow this post is so amazing and beautiful, okay have fun posting tomorrow Mercy, bye!'
And I'm kind of like this:
And I just want to curl up in a whole and cry for days because I'll never be even like a sixteenth of the writer you are, but I also want to jump around in fields of daisies because your posts are so beautiful.
Gracie... your post was... Bagtastic. And Jaquan-tastic? I liked it a lot.
Rosie, I thoroughly enjoyed your post, especially all the JA GIF's. Heh.
I don't really have a plan for this post, so, I'm going to put Spotify on and do sort of like... stream of consciousness (thanks Grace) and since that's usually how I go about living, just saying whatever comes to my mind, this'll be just perfect.
So my right foot is really cold right now. Which is weird, since my left one is pretty much fine. Hm.
I'm listening to Say Something by A Great Big World, and I love this song, but it's so depressingly beautiful.. I can't decide if I should cry or... cry. Imma cry, guys.
I can't believe Psych is ending tomorrow! Like, forever and ever! I am truly and honestly really upset by this. Psych is probably my favorite TV show, (okay so it's like tied with DW for number one. I have a thing for mad men with blue boxes) and I'm probably going to cry when it ends.
This'll be me
And this'll be me with Grace
But at the same time we'll be like having an awesome time and like dancing and just having fun because even thought Psych is ending, it's been so much fun and we own like all the seasons and can always go and rewatch and rerewatch and rererewatch episodes until we know all the lines and can act it out and *Heaves a sigh* it'll be fantastically heartbreaking.
Can we just talk about how much Gus and I are alike? I mean, like, the exact same. Except he's male. and black.
We both have a hard time controlling our emotions
Two words:
Harry Potter
We both love food. Especially sweet things.
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we can sniff it out anywhere ;) |
We think we're a whole lot cooler than we actually are
When really we're just a wimp in real life
Not part of one of our fandoms?
And we also have a best friend we couldn't survive without
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Or several best friends. But Grace and I ARE the Dynamic Duo. *Fist-bump*
Gurls, I tried finding a proper GIF to represent The Foursome and this is the best I could find:
And since there's only three people in that, I clearly failed. I have no idea where that GIF is from... but its making me laugh and cry at the same time.
Anyway, I gotta skedaddle... I'm sorry this post was messy and random, but I hoped y'all enjoyed it anyway!
xoxo, Mercy
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