WHAT IF WE JUST ALL HAVE A CONVERSATION AND THEN POST THAT??? and then people can see the real side of our unfiltered minds. *shudders* maybe that's not a good idea. but really, like just ask each other questions and then try and answer for each other or something... idk. I'm kinda just typing what ever my mind thinks. like if I was actually talking to you girls. just imagine my awkward voice and my squinty Asian like eyes and you'll get the idea ^.^
so yeah I guess just post your ideas, I know I started a message to but whatever. and then even if we need to stop at 99 and not post again until this master post is done that's fine with me.
OKAY EVERYBODY GRAB THEIR OWN FONT SO WE KNOW WHO'S WHO. I (Laura) am surprised and overjoyed that we reached the 100th post! I feel like OTAS is a journey, and it certainly has been an adventure for these past six months, getting to post with my three favorite females. I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you <3
anyway, I don't really know what to say, except that after being two-thirds of the way through the Lord of The Rings trilogy I have decided that us four are the Hobbits. Mercy is Pippin because she has no filter and eats anything and everything. Rose is Merry, Pippin's bff who is slightly quieter and more sensible, as well as dark and clever. Grace is Frodo- the most sensible and laid back, with a serious side and a keen sense of responsibility (I see those qualities in you, girlie, and I ardently admire and love them). And I'm Sam because I'm an overemotional mama bear with extreme senses of loyalty and duty. Also YOU DON'T HARM MY PEEPS BECAUSE IF YOU DO I WILL WHACK YOU WITH A FRYING PAN and then apologize. In conclusion, if we are the Hobbits then OTAS has been our quest (sorta) and it has been a pleasure, really :)
I guess this really is an unfiltered conversation. I shudder, yet anticipate what Rosie and Mercy have to say.
THEY ARE SO CUTE I CAN'T GET OVER IT! And when they're like singing in the car I just explode with feels. Too much. It's too much. and C.A.P IS SO JUST I LITERALLY CANT OKAY IMMA STOP NOW UGH.
Is it weird that I got all warm and fuzzy when I read what y'all had already written? I agree with Laura that this has been in incredible experience so far and I couldn't have asked for better blogging... people. I feel like I know you girls so much better and yet I'm always learning more at every post. I get so excited every Monday when I remember that the cycle starts again and I love each of your different styles of writing (or GIF placement) that comes out in each post. We've all had our share of emotionally wrecked, done with life posts. We've all had overly excited, way to many pictures or GIFs posts and we've all had the ones that are sprinkled with words of wisdom that came from who knows where and it's really exciting and cool to see.
I'm using the Georgia font. So y'all had better here everything I say in a southern accent. This is Rose by the way. You probably assumed because I'm the only one who hasn't written yet. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT ASSUMING! To Laura I would like to say I agree with the hobbit thing, but I heard that in the outernet* so you already know how I feel about that. Grace, I too have a horrible case of the warn fuzzies. I know you're all like "WHAT? ROSE IS FEELING?" It's true I do that sometimes. But only sometimes. Mercy, WHY IS K POP SO FANTASTIC? I MEAN IT MAKES NO SENSE TO ME BECAUSE I CAN'T SPEAK THAT LANGUAGE! Okay, Rose is done for now.
*The outernet is another word for the cold and dark sadness some people refer to as "reality". It has it's origins from tumblr. It comes from the word, so often used in the twenty-first century, the Internet.
WAIT MAYBE I'M NOT DONE! I have a question for my wifey: remember when we rewrote a Whole New World from Aladdin but we replaced the actual lyrics with lyrics relating to Plushenko (I can feel Laura and Grace groan while as I mention our dear Russian figure skater) you know what I'm talking about, right? I can't remember the other words. All I can remember is:
I can show you Plushenko
Shining, shimmering, flamboyant,
Tell me Shenko, now when did you last shank all the other competitors?
A whole new Plushenko
BUT WHAT COMES NEXT? I can remember what comes after that line, but I can't remember that line! ASDFGHJKL;'
Is this my (Laura's) font? I think so. Also, little sister, you have no idea how much self control I had to exert in order to not delete those ghastly lyrics above from our 100th post. Also, Mercy, I read the typewriter font in a monotone, robotic voice in my head. It's very vintage and alluring, but I read it the way I read it because that's how God made me. Also, Grace, you're adorable. That is all :)
Aw thanks Laurabear, I think you're pretty adorable as well ^.^
I think we need some sort of stopping point that we try and get to because otherwise, this could go on for all eternity and we did promise our readers that this was being published on Thursday. But I honestly don't care if it really does go on for all eternity. Because I could probably live in eternity with you and not kill you all. But actually.... it would kind of depend on how much the above song was being sung.... and I have a feeling that it would be sung way to much. So maybe I couldn't live in eternity with you 3. But I'm going to stop now before Laura takes away my 'adorable' title
About 16 hours later
GUYS!! It's over. Psych is over for all eternity. It was a truly perfect ending but it doesn't make it any less hard to say goodbye. Laura, you are Lassie. Not only are you rude and sarcastic and pretend to hate us, but I think that if you just let it go, you'd look just like a pirate too. And we all know that you're the one who holds us all together in your own snarky way. And as much as you say 'I hate you all' you really just want to get in the large cinnamon roll hug with us. Mercy is clearly Gus. Emotional, crybaby, doesn't want kids, addicted to sugar and she even has bad dreams nightly and then complains about how tired she is all day long. I'm Shawn. In a way. Best friends with Mercy, a little more sensible than her in some ways, but quick to be crazy and not care that people are watching. Some times, with some people, it's hard to let them know how much I actually care. And sometime, with other people (Laura/Lassie) it's easy to tease them about it all the time but never actually tell them that underneath it all, I really respect them for who they are. And Rose, you're Henry. Hard to please sometimes but always ready for a hug. But maybe you're chief Vick who is perpetually grouchy but you still love us (especially Mercy and I) and you put up with our antics. But hmmm, maybe that's actually Laura. POINT IS. I love them all and I wish I was best friends with both the characters and the actors. Excuse me while I muddle through the rest of the day trying not to eat to much pineapple and sobbing happy tears of beautiful pain.
I (Rose) may or may not have just stolen the part were Mercy's supposed to write but whatever.
Slalom dearest, you fangirl so eloquently. Personally though, I don't think I'm Henry or chief Vick because I simply to ridiculous. Actually, I think I'm probably Yang. Because lets be honest if any of us was to go crazy it would be me. My mental state is very fragile, and it's contingent on fictional characters and fictional places. Not to mention I have totally thought about killing people. Why did I say that? That sounds really awful. I swear I have never seriously considered murder! I don't want to really kill anyone I swear!
And Laura you know you love the Shanko song so don't even start with me.
And Grace is right we should probably stop this post at some point. Okay I'm done.
ROSE! You're so right! Dude you know yourself so much better than I do :P
I just have to say a shout out to our newest follower Charlotte ^.^ I don't remember if we did a shout out when Johanna or The Big Bad Wolf joined, but welcome to all you dear people. This blog is a bit crazy (as you can probably tell from this post alone) but it's crazy in a good way. Charlotte, you're the bomb and I'm glad that you're part of our fandom. 'cause it makes it that much more awesome of a fandom. Johanna and Big Bad Wolf, I might have just looked through your blogs (in a completely innocent way) and found Pinterest accounts and pure awesome geeky-ness (even if some of it needed to be translated back into English) and I'm proud of our awesome little fandom that's growing out of a few girls quirky ideas about life and love and friendships and food. Laura, Rose, and Mercy. If you haven't stalked these three and their blogs than I implore you to go do that right about.... now.
And I'm officially done posting on this post because some other blonde child needs to get on and add some more thoughts and then hopefully she'll post it tonight... SHE WILL WON'T SHE??! *looks in Mercy's general direction*
You're welcome.
Also, I feel like a complete loser writing on this with y'all cuz I cannot write to save my life and the three of you can... Grace, you say you can't write well WHICH IS NOT TRUE CUZ THAT PARAGRAPH ABOUT US BEING THE DIFFERENT PSYCH CHARACTERS WAS FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC! So don't even start with me.
ALSO I TOTALLY CRIED IN THE PSYCH SERIES FINALE! I am literally so depressingly upset that it's over... I do not want to talk about it. Ever. Ever again. Literally EVER AGAIN. I AM SO FREAKING UPSET.
Rosie, I agree with you on you being Yang. But I think if anyone was to go crazy, it'd be me. Oh wait. DONE THAT. I am so far gone, it's not even funny. Okay, its kind of funny, actually.
Listen to this beautiful song by my beautiful boy
Yeah he's got a new song. And it's freaking beautiful. Just like him.
Also this song
It's literally sooo cute and makes me smile and sing along and dance and makes me want to find a perfect gentlemanly boyfriend who may or may not look exactly like Tom Hiddleston and have the name Tom Hiddleston...
I love this blog, gurls, and I love you and I'm glad we started it. It makes me so happy. Like as happy as I get when I see this persons beautiful face...
I literally almost posted a shirtless GIF of him. But I withheld, because I figured y'all would kick me off the blog and out of The Foursome and probably like everything. Life. You'd kick me out of life.
So yeah.
Imma try for like a hawt second to write something good. Bear with me.
You girls are my best friends. And I wouldn't be where I am today without your constant friendship, hilarious jokes, inappropriate humor, phone calls, six-page long letters, and everything in between. (oh my gosh I just spelled 'between' like 'bweeten'. what is my problem.)
You girls have danced and sung mindlessly with me, baked and cooked delicious and scrumptious creations (like that tomato soup omg), stayed up late watching anything and everything, talking, laughing, crying, singing, making more inappropriate inside jokes, rewriting lyrics to perfectly innocent Disney songs, and not so innocent Taylor Swift songs (*sings under breath* we are never, ever, ever getting in your white van...) played Barbie VS. Polly Pocket, (WEEK THREE) suffered through my insane fangirling over stupid things like boybands, put up with mine and Rosie's many imaginary creepers (huhuhuhuhuh) and so much more.
I would be such a boring and depressing boring person without you.
*in Southern, sniffly accent* Y'all just mean so much to me, and I couldn't do this without you, KIIIIMM, GIINNAA, Or KAARRENNN.
I (Rose) may or may not have just stolen the part were Mercy's supposed to write but whatever.
Slalom dearest, you fangirl so eloquently. Personally though, I don't think I'm Henry or chief Vick because I simply to ridiculous. Actually, I think I'm probably Yang. Because lets be honest if any of us was to go crazy it would be me. My mental state is very fragile, and it's contingent on fictional characters and fictional places. Not to mention I have totally thought about killing people. Why did I say that? That sounds really awful. I swear I have never seriously considered murder! I don't want to really kill anyone I swear!
And Laura you know you love the Shanko song so don't even start with me.
And Grace is right we should probably stop this post at some point. Okay I'm done.
ROSE! You're so right! Dude you know yourself so much better than I do :P
I just have to say a shout out to our newest follower Charlotte ^.^ I don't remember if we did a shout out when Johanna or The Big Bad Wolf joined, but welcome to all you dear people. This blog is a bit crazy (as you can probably tell from this post alone) but it's crazy in a good way. Charlotte, you're the bomb and I'm glad that you're part of our fandom. 'cause it makes it that much more awesome of a fandom. Johanna and Big Bad Wolf, I might have just looked through your blogs (in a completely innocent way) and found Pinterest accounts and pure awesome geeky-ness (even if some of it needed to be translated back into English) and I'm proud of our awesome little fandom that's growing out of a few girls quirky ideas about life and love and friendships and food. Laura, Rose, and Mercy. If you haven't stalked these three and their blogs than I implore you to go do that right about.... now.
And I'm officially done posting on this post because some other blonde child needs to get on and add some more thoughts and then hopefully she'll post it tonight... SHE WILL WON'T SHE??! *looks in Mercy's general direction*
Number two- ROSIE, The Shenko lyrics go like this
I can show you Plushenko
Shining, shimmering, flamboyant,
Tell me Shenko, now when did you last shank all the other competitors?
A whole new Plushenko
You're welcome.
Also, I feel like a complete loser writing on this with y'all cuz I cannot write to save my life and the three of you can... Grace, you say you can't write well WHICH IS NOT TRUE CUZ THAT PARAGRAPH ABOUT US BEING THE DIFFERENT PSYCH CHARACTERS WAS FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC! So don't even start with me.
ALSO I TOTALLY CRIED IN THE PSYCH SERIES FINALE! I am literally so depressingly upset that it's over... I do not want to talk about it. Ever. Ever again. Literally EVER AGAIN. I AM SO FREAKING UPSET.
Rosie, I agree with you on you being Yang. But I think if anyone was to go crazy, it'd be me. Oh wait. DONE THAT. I am so far gone, it's not even funny. Okay, its kind of funny, actually.
Listen to this beautiful song by my beautiful boy
Yeah he's got a new song. And it's freaking beautiful. Just like him.
Also this song
It's literally sooo cute and makes me smile and sing along and dance and makes me want to find a perfect gentlemanly boyfriend who may or may not look exactly like Tom Hiddleston and have the name Tom Hiddleston...
I love this blog, gurls, and I love you and I'm glad we started it. It makes me so happy. Like as happy as I get when I see this persons beautiful face...
I literally almost posted a shirtless GIF of him. But I withheld, because I figured y'all would kick me off the blog and out of The Foursome and probably like everything. Life. You'd kick me out of life.
So yeah.
Imma try for like a hawt second to write something good. Bear with me.
You girls are my best friends. And I wouldn't be where I am today without your constant friendship, hilarious jokes, inappropriate humor, phone calls, six-page long letters, and everything in between. (oh my gosh I just spelled 'between' like 'bweeten'. what is my problem.)
You girls have danced and sung mindlessly with me, baked and cooked delicious and scrumptious creations (like that tomato soup omg), stayed up late watching anything and everything, talking, laughing, crying, singing, making more inappropriate inside jokes, rewriting lyrics to perfectly innocent Disney songs, and not so innocent Taylor Swift songs (*sings under breath* we are never, ever, ever getting in your white van...) played Barbie VS. Polly Pocket, (WEEK THREE) suffered through my insane fangirling over stupid things like boybands, put up with mine and Rosie's many imaginary creepers (huhuhuhuhuh) and so much more.
I would be such a boring and depressing boring person without you.

*in Southern, sniffly accent* Y'all just mean so much to me, and I couldn't do this without you, KIIIIMM, GIINNAA, Or KAARRENNN.
(Ugh that GIF was supposed to go under what I just said but Grace's stupid phone won't let me move the freakin GIF. I hate smartphones.)
Anyways. Thank you to everyone (is there even is anyone) reading this outside of The Foursome. I'm surprised you've made it this far, but I congratulate you. *small round of applause*
Anyway gurls, that's all I have to say and I suppose we need to wrap this post up.... I love you all! I'm sorry I suck!
Laura, Grace, Rose, and Mercy.
The Foursome<3
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