Thursday, January 30, 2014

Let's just watch this trailer over and over

THIS FREAKIN TRAILER IS FREAKIN AWESOME. It took me like three times of watching it to soak in all the beauty and awesomeness of it. It's also made me want to re-read the book before the movie comes out.

I will do that.

Actually I remember sitting at your (Laura and Rose) house and reading Laura's copy and sitting in the big awesome comfy chair and closing it and putting it down on the coffee table and looking at Laura. She probably looked up at me with big tear filled puppy dog eyes and asked me how much I loved it. I probably answered in a some-what wimpery voice and then I probably didn't know what to do with myself for the rest of the day. That was last January when we spent two super long super awesome weeks together.

Anyway, moving on.


I don't do Physics. I've never tried. I love science. Except Chemistry.  I love Biology. My friend and I actually rant about Physics together because he's taking it this year and he hates it. He just had a midterm. He wasn't happy about it. So yeah, but if you like Physics thats totally cool.

Mercy, you're post was musical and it had Tommy Hiddles and that's all I really care about.

Laura, you're post was girly and nerdy at the same time which is one of my favorite combinations. Nerd girls ftw.

And now to add to our list of cool things to do while we're together over Single's Awareness Weekend.

-make things that belong in mugs
-quote many things
-tell a round story in bed instead of going to sleep
-Watch a Jane Austen film or two
-Bake things

-Watch Supernatural and Doctor Who both :)  
-Watch Love Labor Lost  
-sleep very little 
-watch all the Harry Potter movies in one day 
-get into shape (by that I mean go on the occasional walk GOSH ROSIE AND MERCY STOP FREAKING OUT) 

Girls gurls, I'm super excited. It's going to be crazy.

Well I have to decide what I want to eat for dinner, I'll just leave you with the trailer one last time <3 Grace

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