Thursday, December 19, 2013

Let the day hold something special

Dear Laura, Rose, Mercy and whoever else might be reading this, 

Only 6 more days 'til Christmas! I'm so excited and so this post is going to be about that. But first I have somethings that I have to say. 

We will be taking next week off due to the big holiday that all four of us spend so much time celebrating. So many parties to go to, so many gifts to buy and wrap, all that food that needs to be made, church services to attend. Then we have Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and Rose and Mercy should not have to be burdened to write on those days. Not that writing on here is a burden. But it's Christmas. We shall return on the 30th with Laura posting again and straight into the New Year we shall fly and it shall be exciting to hear everyones thoughts on that. 

Laura, I loved your post. I can't remember what it was about, but I remember texting you about it after I had read it and saying how much I liked it so it must have been good. Also I am singing everything I am typing as I type it. Just thought you'd appreciate that. 

Mercy, your post was beautiful. I enjoyed all of those Kili and Hunter gif's. Also, I claimed Tom Hiddles long before you did. And that Cinderella guy

Rose. You're post was absolutely fantastic. It was really really fantastic. I adore Chris Eccelston and I miss him. But I also adore David Tennent and I shall miss him too. But I'll probably end up adoring Matt Smith. I hate this. 

Anyway, please listen to this song. I'm sure you've all heard it before. 

Ignoring the fact that this is Taylor Swift (our very favorite) and the choice of wording her lyrics and the oh so peppy tune, I actually like this song. No, I actually like the idea of the song. 

I love Christmas. I love the Christmas spirit, I love Christmas music and I love baking and cooking. Shopping and being secretive. I love putting up the Christmas tree and blaring Harry Connick's Christmas concert. I love when all the college kids come home and we stay up to late and laugh to much and it's just great. I'm very excited. But like this song says: as great as those things are, that's not what Christmas is about. Shopping is fun and food is fantastic but that's not what it's about. 

Christmas is about Jesus Christ's birthday and celebrating the time that he came to earth to save us from all of our sins. I know that we all know this because this is a basic fact in the Christian religion and even for non-christians this is something well known but we still forget about it and get side-tracked.

We get so caught up in all of it
Business and relationships
Hundred mile an hour lives
And it's this time of year
And everybody's here
It seems the last thing on your mind 
Is that the day holds something special
Something holy, not superficial
So here's to Jesus Christ who saved our lives

And all those things are great and they are the things that I mentioned above that I love so much but I think we need to pull away from those things a bit and just focus on Christ and what he's done for us. You know how you count down to your birthday and it's one of your very favorite days of the year because everything is about you and people tell you how awesome you are and how glad they are that you were born? Well this is the birthday of the guy who saved your life. And we're all caught up in the best deals at Macy's and what cookies we're going to make and what time our sister comes home from school. 

I've always kind of brushed advent off as something that we do at church. They light the candles every week and they read a nice bible verse and they talk about preparing for Christmas but I never really thought much else about through the month. Well this year I'm trying to slow down and take time to really think about this season. I'm doing an advent devotional on my phone and it takes like, 5 minutes to do but it's really nice to just take a few minutes to stop what I'm doing and think about what happened. The other it talked about Mary and Elizabeth and it made me think about them differently. Mary was like 13 and after the angel told her that she was going to have a baby she composed a song and sang. I think that if I had been in that position I would have cried. I would never have thought to write a song and sing it out. I would have been stunned and afraid and the awesomeness of Mary inspires me to be willing to do what God calls me to. Even if it was having a baby at an extremely young age and then knowing it was the son of God and having to take care of him while he grew up and then watching him get crucified on a cross and knowing that not only was he my son, and the son of God, and he was the savior of the whole entire world and all the people who had come before me and were coming after me. 

That's crazy. I can't even fathom that. And small things like that, help me put into perspective the whole thing. The whole awesome crazy fantastic-ness of it all. God is crazy. And amazing. 

On a completely different note that has nothing to do with God or Christmas, I had a dream with Tom Hiddelston in it last night. He was helping me fight dragons. And we could fly. That's also crazy. And amazing. 

Anyway, I hope you have a great weekend and that next week is crazy and amazing. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas. Have a great week whatever holiday you celebrate or if you don't celebrate any of them I hope it's a good week. We'll see you in a little over a week with Laura's next post <3 Grace

PS- who decided that red and green were Christmas colors? 

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