Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mercy uses way too many GIF's- oh wait, NO SUCH THING!

(LAURA HOW COULD YOU?!?! No, I'm kidding, it's an amazing plot twist... also, is that dude SUPPOSED to be exactly like 9?)

Chris stared at the business card, then at The Sassy Novice, then at the card, then the novice.
“Th-That's his... dad?” He said in a quiet tone.
Walters jaw had dropped, “We have to tell him!”
Harry crossed his arms, “Um, I'm not so sure about this... are you quite sure this is Teddy's dad?” He looked at the sassy novice.
She gave him her sassiest look yet- 

(A combination of all of these cuz she's just that sassy and 
I couldn't figure out which one I liked best)

"Gurl, you don't just question a novice fairy, especially not THIS one!" She replied, with a sassy flip of her head. Harry held his hands up in surrender, "Okay, okay... I still don't think it's a good idea to tell him!" 
Walter narrowed her eyes in a confused manner, "Why not? We came here to find his parents, why would we not tell him?"
Harry shrugged, "He just a freakin' record deal! Wouldn't that kind of ruin the moment?"
"Ruin!?" All three of them said at the same time in disbelief.
"No, no, no, Teddy would be way happier to meet his dad then get a record deal!" Walter said defensively, for Teddy's sake. 
Chris nodded, "I agree with Walt." 
Sassy Novice glanced at Chris, then said, "I... guess I have to agree with Chris. But I also agree with Harry!" She added, before the glow of happiness completely took over Uncle Chris's beautifully defined facial features. "I agree with him in the sense that... we should at least think about how we should tell him about this... it is sort of a big deal. I mean, it's not every day that you meet your long lost father who looks uncannily like Christopher Eccelston and happens to own Empire State Record Labels." She nodded.
Uncle Chris nodded as well, "I agree," he said, agreeing with her for the sake of... well, his heart.

Walter saw the meaning and heartache behind his eyes and she felt sympathy for her Uncle.
The Sassy Novice opened her mouth to reply sassily, when someone tapped Harry on the shoulder with a small, "Excuse me?"
Harry turned around and his jaw dropped slightly, "C-Can I help you?" He stammered.
"Hopefully you can." She replied, in a mixed accent that was somewhere between Australian, Irish and Cockney. "I'm Amelia, by the way, and I was wondering if you could tell me..."

 (I had to bring someone in for Harry, but I'm thinking that maybe they wont end up together.. Rosie, you decide.. just don't make her be a jerk or anything.)
xoxo, Mercy 

1 comment:

  1. Mercymerc, Peter Goulding is basically supposed to be Chris Eccleston with a Boston accent. And I loveloveloved your post :)
