Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Rose is being...productive?

Hello all of you lovely ladies. (I don't like this opening either, it's sounds.....Bag-ish.) 

Yes it's true. I got up at 7:54 this morning (Actually it was 7:49 because my alarm clock is 5 minutes off) because Laura's INCREDIBLY annoying phone alarm woke me up. I never get up this early as y'all know. I don't know what's gotten into me. I worked out (Sorry Mercy, it's fun). I made waffles for breakfast. I did all my school and it's only 12:42. I'm dressed (Actually I'm in my Pajama's,I haven't worn real clothes since Friday. It feels liberating.) But my point is I've actually done what a normal homeschooler does every day. I PROBABLY HAVE A BRAIN TUMOR! OH MY GOSH! I'M GOING TO DIE! I LOVE YOU ALL AND I WANT YOU TO KNOW THE BODY IS HIDDEN- No Just kidding. I have legit motives for being productive today. I'm going to watch Iron Man 3 today. I love that movie! Not to mention if I was going to die I'd mail you a map to the body and not reveal the location on the internet, lest the police find me. And since I finished school so early I can squeeze in a nap before Iron Man! TODAY IS A GOOD DAY! 

Not only have I been productive lately (Actually it's only today that I've been productive. But there are different kinds of infinity, right? Okay so that seemed logical in my head but now I see it's completely irrelevant.) I've come up with all different kinds of conspiracy theories! I've even invented a new....friend...stalker....person...thing to add to our list of slightly imaginary but completely real friends! Here's a picture of him (Note: I drew this yesterday when I was being unproductive!)
This was originally supposed to be a picture of Mokiki but obviously it went terribly wrong. 
Anyway, enough about me. I have decided to reply to all of your posts because I'm only nice when I'm tired. AND I'M REALLY TIRED SO NOT ONLY AM I GOING TO TALK ABOUT YOU GUYS I WENT THROUGH MY LIKES ON TUMBLR AND I HUFFLEPUFFED (FOUND) A TON OF PICTURE FOR Y'ALL! SO LET'S ALL GET ON THE HAPPY TRAIN TO SUPER FUN VILLE, DESTINATION AWESOMENESS! Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I really should have waited to post after my nap. My brain is a steaming hot bowl of mashed potatoes right now. Sorry.

I'm going to start this off talking about/to Gracie!
Grace, your post on Friday was fantastic! I'm so happy to hear you're doing better! I'm real proud of you! So to celebrate your wonderful achievement I'm going to post a bunch of hilarious pictures, which doesn't actually make any sense, but I don't care.

This picture isn't funny, it's terrifying. They switched Beyonce and Adele's faces AND IT FREAKS THE CRAP OUT OF ME BECAUSE IT LOOKS SO NATURAL!

Now on to my roommate.
Laura, I was very surprised when I read your last post. You sounded like me. Actually for like 30 seconds I thought you were me. Anyway, to calm you down I'm going to post some pictures of things you like.

I hope this makes you feel better Laura!

And finally,

I've got to get me one of these. 

This may be the best part of the whole 7th book.

Well, I really need a nap but before I do that, here's a picture for the 4th of us.

Grace, I'll see you tomorrow.

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