Saturday, October 26, 2013

our messed up rules

I'm dreadfully sorry for how late this is. Blogger has been really dumb of late and hasn't let me post. I promise I did write this on Thursday though. And I haven't changed anything since then <3 AB (Asian Burrito) 

Dear Laura, Rose, Mercy and whoever else might be reading this, 

I don't know what I'm going to be posting about. But I don't want to be punished so I thought I'd just post something.

I guess I'll respond to y'alls posts first.

Laura- yay!!! I'm so happy you're doing NaNo or is it NaSho? whichever it is, I'm happy you're doing it! I know you're going to do great and we should definitely do a round story on here sometime in November. if we have time to do our blogging that is. I'm going to ask a total writer question and ask you if you have a word goal yet. Do you have a word goal yet?

Also, this was in the Sunday paper and when I saw it I immediately thought of you. I cut it out and was going to send it by real mail but decided it would get to you sooner this way.

Rose- I love your hair cut!! it is pretty hawt. is 'Between the Lines' a magic book? it looks like she is holding a magic wand on the cover. maybe I'll get it out of the library.

Mercy- I'm going to find a super awesome gif for you. I had a really good one all picked out. But it was what was freaking Blogger out. That. is how awesome it was.

So gurls, I'm listening to The Phantom of the Opera soundtrack and I want to cry! I love that movie so much.

Oh! So for the rules, it says that you can not post if you are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. Well... all of us are probably going to become pregnant at some point in our lives. So... technically we should change that rule.

So I've also been reading and I picked up a book off my mothers book shelf called A Walk With Jane Austen by Lori Smith. It's about her going to Britain and seeing a bunch of different places that have to do with Jane Austen and it's really good so far. I've alos been reading Sherlock Holmes and I can not get Benedict Cumberbatch and Martian Freeman out of my head. Perks of being a geek girl who watches BBC.

Well I have to go watch some episodes of TLBD before I make dinner finish school before I make dinner. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend <3 Grace

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