Sunday, November 29, 2015

Can we all applaud Grace for actually giving this story a plot? Also, I didn't proof read, so sucks.

 It was a painfully awkward hug, but Becky loved it nonetheless because it was the epitome of who her father was.


Becky, Danny and Jesse stood in the graveyard for what seemed like the millionth time in the last 48 hours. Becky's father had sent her and her friends to salt and burn Taylor's bones as he stayed back to make sure it worked.

"I hate this place." Danny said, voicing all of their thoughts. 
"Isn't hate like, an elvish swear word?" Jesse said.
"I don't care, its the truth." Danny said defiantly. 
"Alright," Said Becky passing out shovels. "Let's send this ghost back to hell."
After an hour of digging and whining -mostly on Danny's part- the friends finally found Taylor's coffin.
"Jesse," Said Becky, who was breathing heavily. "Can you *breath* hand me the *breath* wrench?" Jesse obeyed. Becky took the wrench and opened the coffin. The friends climbed out of the grave.
Danny poured the salt, while Jesse poured the gasoline. 

Becky lit a match and threw it in the grave. 

Then she lit another one for good measure. She just wanted all of this nonsense to be over so she could back to her life. 
The three friends all sat and watched as Taylor's bones burned.

"Can we go home now?" Danny asked as the bones smoldered out. Becky nodded. The three friends walked arm and arm back to the McGunnigal's house.


"Dad?" Becky called, as she walked through the front door. Jesse and Danny had both gone home.
"Becky?" Sir Ernest's voice called from the kitchen.
"We burned the bones dad. Did it work?" Said Becky as she walked into the kitchen.
But it hadn't worked.

Taylor sat chained to the breakfast nook, right where she was when Becky had left. Sir Ernest gave Becky a worried look. 
"What?" Becky practically screamed."How could this have happened? You said if we burned her bones she would be destroyed-"
Sir Ernest cut her off, "I said if you burned her bones she might be destroyed. Apparently the thing that's keeping Taylor in this plain of existence isn't her body."
"Don't you just hate when people talk about you like you aren't even there?" Taylor said.
Becky and her father rounded on the ghost. 
"Listen up, missy. You're going to tell us what's keeping you here, alright?" Becky commanded. 
"Now, why on earth would I do that?" Becky hadn't really thought about why she would do this. I mean, why would anyone help someone figure out the best way to damn them to the very pits of hell?
"Because you're tired." Sir Ernest said. 
"Excuse me?" Taylor asked.
"That's right. You cannot enjoy this. You've been carrying around this huge weight of bitterness for over three hundred years. Come on Taylor. That must be exhausting. Give it up. If you tell us what's keeping you here, I might be able to put a good word for you. You know, shave a couple thousand years off of your sentence."
"Yes, but why would I give you the satisfaction of killing me?" Taylor replied.
"Let me do it," Becky replied. 
"Beckindwarf, I appreciate the offer. But if salting and burning doesn't work, then a very difficult incantation has to be preformed to the object which is keeping a ghost in this realm. And you're can't..." Sir Ernest's voice trailed off.
"I can do it." Becky said as though she was convincing herself.
"Let the girl do it, Ernest," Taylor said. "What's the worst that could happen? And I am tired. 300 years of plotting revenge is...tiring. And ghosts can't sleep? Did you know that? All I want is a nap. Oh, and maybe some pancakes. Back in my day, we didn't have pancakes. But you know, food just goes right through me. Do you think they have IHop where I'm going?" Becky and Ernest exchanged a look.
"Oh, I'm sure they do." Said Becky, unconvincingly. 
"I must fetch my spell book." Said Sir Ernest, as a large leather book came zooming into the kitchen. Sir Ernest flicked through the thick, yellowing pages.
"Ah, here's the incantation, dear." Said Sir Ernest, handing his daughter the book.
Becky cleared her throat and looked down at the page. 

Grace? We'll hear from you tomorrow? 

Friday, November 27, 2015


  "Becky sighed. "Fine then." She trudged off into the woods.

The little mismatched group all followed Becky out of the chilly cemetery and down to the sidewalk towards her large house. Becky's mind was racing with all the possibilities, of everything that could go wrong. She was honestly terrified. She knew she had to apologize to her father, and she wanted to. She was just afraid of him.

"Hey, everything is going to work out perfectly fine." Jesse said reassuringly, patting Becky's arm, as if he had read her mind, "I'm sure you're dad will be relieved that you've apologized, he's probably afraid that you hate him."

Beck sighed and let out a small, nervous laugh, "Well, it's a little weird when you find out that your dad has killed someone before....I mean, even if it was in his own defense. It's still scary, and a little frustrating." 

Jesse nodded and pursed his lips, "I can see how that might be weird..." he said, then became quiet as they reached Becky's rambling house. 

Becky drew in a sharp breath, her stomach turning uncomfortably as she paused at the front door, before shaking her head and walking in. It was now or never. 

Becky crept down the silent hallway towards her father's study, followed closely by Danny and Jesse. She stopped at the door, pressing her ear up against it, but she heard nothing from the other side. 

"Are they still fighting?" Danny whispered loudly, looking over at Becky with wide eyes in the dark hallway. Becky shook her head, "I don't hear anything..." 

Becky stood up straight and cleared her throat, glancing at the two boys, "If you don't mind, I kind of want to do this alone..." she said, pressing her lips together with a weak smile, nodding towards them expectantly. 

"Oh- yes, of course!" Jesse said and grabbed Danny's arm, making him stand up straight before they both saluted, "We will stay right out here." 

"Thanks guys, I appreciate it." Becky said before turning to knock on her father's door, determined. 

"Come in," Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII's voice came from the other side and Becky looked at the two boys with wide eyes, crossing her fingers before opening his door and walking in.

The study looked the exact same since she had last been in it, except there was no sign of Taylor.

"Oh, Becky, you're back." Sir Ernest said, looking up from the large book he was reading. 

Becky swallowed and nodded slowly, "Yes, I am.... where's Taylor?" she asked nervously.

Sir Ernest raised his eyebrows at her from over his book, then slowly set it down on his desk. He placed a bookmark in the spot he was at, before closing the book and slowly taking his reading glasses off, "She's in the kitchen, waiting to be sent back into eternal damnation." he said blatantly. 

"You're sending her back? When?" Becky asked, taking a few steps towards him.

"Well, I was planning on doing it as soon as I finished that chapter," Sir Ernest explained, gesturing to his book.

"Oh. Can I watch?" Becky asked, looking at her father hopefully. A small smile creeped on to the old wizards face, "Of course, my daughter." he said, nodding proudly.

"Thank you!" Becky said with a small smile, "But, um, that's not why I'm here." she said, her tone becoming quiet again, "Dad- I mean, father... I just wanted to say that I forgive you... for everything. For, you know, like, lying to me and killing that girl and all of that stuff....." she said awkwardly, staring down at her shoes and picking at the skin on her upper lip nervously, "I know it couldn't be easy for you and I'm sorry that you had to be tortured... I just- yeah. I forgive you. I hope you can forgive me for not being magical, like everyone else in our family...." she murmured softly, still keeping her eyes fixated on the floor.

There was a moment of silence before Becky heard shuffling from Sir Ernest's desk and she glanced up. He was rearranging some papers on his desk, "Becky... thank you. I accept your apology and, you know, I really owe you an apology as well. I know I have been a good father to you in these past 17 years of your life in a literal sense, but.... I was never really there for you, emotionally or morally. I know what I did was wrong and I appreciate that you understand that and can forgive me for it.
Also, you do not have to apologize for not being magical- which I don't believe that you're 'not magical'" He told her, looking at her with a stern look, "I truly believe you have magic in your soul, but I will try to stop holding you to a standard that you feel like you can't reach. Please, just.. relax. Take your time... I will always be here for you whenever you have any questions, or just want to talk."

Becky let out a deep sigh of relief and looked up at him, fondness coming over her face, "Thank you father. That means so much to me."

Sir Ernest nodded and walked around his desk, crossing the room and going over to her, "Never forget how much I love you, daughter." he said, before drawing her into a hug. It was a painfully awkward hug, but Becky loved it nonetheless because it was the epitome of who her father was.

ok i'm just leaving it there.... i hope you enjoyed this bc it was actually a real post for once but grace hates me for taking so long so i gtg !!!


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

In which Laura has no idea how to follow up after Gracie's masterpiece but she tries her very best because she's now on Thanksgiving break and actually has time to think about things that aren't related to nursing or choir.

"So now what?" Danny asked. "If we have this great wisdom, how do we put it to use."
"We could try to fly away now." Jesse looked questioningly at Rutherford.
"Your guess is as good as mine." He said, lowering a shoulder for the three friends to climb aboard...

...Danny was the first of the three friends to ascend the quivering dragon, followed closely by Jesse, who offered a hand down to Becky to help her up. Slowly, with wings that had not been properly exercised in ages, Rutherford lifted himself off of the sandy beach and high into the Robin's egg blue sky, gaining speed and strength the further up into the atmosphere he climbed. Eventually, when his wings caught a jetstream with just the right amount of buoyancy, Rutherford was able to fly west at a steady pace, racing greedily over the glittering ocean below.
    "I can't believe this!" Danny cried, spreading his arms out freely. "This is just like magic!"
Accidentally plagiarizing Gilderoy Lockhart. Oops.
    Rutherford flew on into a magnificent purple sunset, dodging clouds and other dragons in the dusky sky. Occasionally he would greet the beasts they flew past. "Hey, Quincy! Lookin sharp!" he shouted to a shimmery green dragon with a very long neck, who flashed him a sharp-toothed grin.           "Hi Teddy and Franklin!" He yelled at a black one with two heads.
    "Hi Rutherford!" Teddy and Franklin replied in unison.
     Eventually, Becky grew tired and absentmindedly laid her head on Jesse's shoulder, slipping her arms around his waist.
     When night finally settled in, Danny leaned forward and, with his head practically inside Rutherford's external auditory canal, (because once an anatomy student, always an anatomy student #nursing) shouted, "Hey! So exactly where are we going?"
     Rutherford looked up at Danny out of the corner of one of his luminous green eyes. "Home." He replied steadily. The dragon directed his gaze at the dark ground and began to make his descent.
     They landed softly in an empty field surrounded by trees. One by one, the teenagers slid off of Rutherford's back and onto the dewy grass. Besides the numerous stars and sliver of a pale moon in the midnight blue sky, the clearing was pitch black.
     "Hang on a second," Becky said, her voice rough and squeaky from disuse and turbulent air travel. "I know exactly where we are."
     "Where?" The boys asked at the same time.
     "This is the field on the other side of the cemetery behind the woods in my backyard. We're back in Salem!"
     "Great!" Jesse said. "But what are we here for? How does revisiting the field I used to get my butt kicked on in peewee soccer help resolve any of our stories?"
     "I think we all know why." Danny said solemnly.
     "Do we?" Jesse asked.
     "I don't think this has anything to do with the soccer field, Jesse." Becky said in a small voice.
     No one spoke for a few moments, letting the sound of the wind rustling in the tree branches fill the silence. Finally, Jesse began walking at a steady pace towards the cemetery. Without words the others followed, Rutherford bringing up the rear while Becky and Danny walked quickly behind Jesse's determined stride. Becky trotted up to Jesse and silently slipped her hand into his.
     Jesse was able to find his mother's grave without help in the darkness of the chilly autumn night. Letting go of Becky's hand, he knelt in front of the headstone, his breath coming out in visible, short puffs. No one spoke; Danny scarcely allowed himself to breathe for fear of disrupting whatever thoughts might be running through his best friend's head. Becky saw the anguish on Jesse's face and allowed a single tear to roll down her cheek. Rutherford stood very still and observed his new human friends with a strange sense of camaraderie and affection which the lonely dragon had not felt in years.
     After what seemed like several hours, Jesse finally stirred, throwing himself down in a bowing position and crying brokenly, "Forgive me." He remained like this for several minutes, shaking and crying and letting himself truly love and let go like he had never done before.
     Finally, Jesse stood up and wiped his eyes. Turning around, he found Becky and Danny standing side by side a few feet away from him. Becky's face was wet with tears and Danny had a look on his face that was either some uncommon form of affection or attributed to constipation. Jesse determined that it was the former when Danny bear-hugged him and whispered, "I am so proud of you, man."
     Becky slipped her arms through theirs and the three best friends stood in a group hug, sniffling and shivering in the still night air.
     After some time had passed, Rutherford grunted and said "Look, not to break up this little love-fest, but half of us have stories that need to be finished and the other half are tired and would very much like a donut and some black coffee from Dunks. So can we go?"
     Becky, Danny and Jesse broke apart from their group hug. "Becky, now it's your turn." Danny said.
     "My turn?" Becky cried.
     "Sorry kid. Proximity rules." Danny gestured in the direction of her house.
     "Becky sighed. "Fine then." She trudged off into the woods.
I liked this GIF because it reminded me of the call lights in the nursing home where I have clinical.

     Well, I tried. Mercy, we'll hear from you tomorrow!
     P.S, in the spirit of it being Thanksgiving-eve-eve I just wanted you girls to know how incredibly blessed I am to have such supportive friends who I can always be really weird with. You are all beautiful, inside and out, and you rock my socks. Your friendship reminds me of God's love with every private joke, fangirl session, and encouraging conversation we have. I love y'all to the moon and back and I'll stop being lame now.

--Laura :)

Friday, November 20, 2015

In which Grace writes the longest round story post in order to hopefully straighten things up and head towards an end (only one week left, ladies) and because she had images and ideas in her head which she wanted to write down and because she's tired of her NaNo novel and needs a distraction and another, better, way to get words in. It might be considered cheating but she doesn't think so.

You don't even understand how poop I feel about this story. 

Becky awoke first, very disoriented. 
"Where are we?" She asked.
"We're in-"

"We're in the Land of Misfit Stories, I think." Rutherford landed softly, but still Jesse and Danny were jolted awake. They slid off of Rutherford's back and looked around. "I've only heard stories and legends of this place, but I have a feeling that it is exactly where we are. I wasn't flying in any particular direction, in fact, it doesn't make sense to end up in a completely different place altogether since I was mostly flying in circles, but still we ended up here. As if this place came to us." He swung his head around to see in every direction, and the three friends ducked. 
"Okay Rutherford, but what exactly is the Land of Mistfit Stories?" Becky asked. 
"Exactly what it sounds like. Something about you three isn't right. Your stories are misfit. They don't belong, they don't make sense, they don't work together. Unfortunately, you're stuck in this place with all the other misfit stories unless you can somehow work out a way to figure things out. Make sense of it all, and find a resolution to a current problem that you're facing." Rutherford's knowledge seemed to be great on this topic and the three children knew to take him seriously. 
"But I still don't get it." Becky cried in exasperation.
"Beck, it really does make sense though." Jesse said. "Think about it. We started out last night just trying to solve somethings about my moms death. Then we bump into a ghost. A freaking ghost." He looked around at all of them, wide eyed. "None of you seem quite as weirded out by this as I am." 
"Oh no. I am." Danny nodded. "I'm just very good at hiding it."  
"Okay so then after that, we have a large cat bus jump out of the bushes."
"Hey!" Danny interrupted again. "Lamrag is a dear dear friend. He also happens to be my personal chauffeur as well as bus so he's a two in one deal. Don't talk about him like he's a crazy freak show. Okay so maybe to someone who's never seen him before, he could be considered a crazy freak show, but both of you have met him. You two have even ridden inside his furry stomach." Danny pouted. 
"Moving on." Jesse said doing nothing to comfort Danny. "After Lamrag mysteriously disappears and aids us in absolutely no way, you, Becky, agree to talk to your father about magic. You hardly ever speak to your father about anything, much less a toxic subject between you two. And as soon as we breach that, we figure out that the ghost girl who promised to help, is an evil enchantress who tortured your father who happens to be four-hundred and thirty-nine years old. And also a murderer. Did I mention how weird this all is??? I'VE EATEN DINNER WITH YOUR FATHER. I'VE GIVEN HIM FRIENDLY HANDSHAKES, I'VE INVITED HIM TO MY HOUSE. HE HAS COME TO OUR SCHOOL ASSEMBLIES. Begrudgingly of course, but still. The dude killed someone!!!" Jesse threw his hands up in the air having made his point clearly. 
"You think I don't understand this thoroughly enough?" Becky said quietly, looking at her feet. She wiped a tear from her face and sniffed. 
"Oh hey, Beck. Look that's not what I meant. I'm just overstimulated right now." He took a step forward and wrapped her in a hug as she quietly cried on his shoulder. "I didn't mean to rub it in. I'm really sorry that this happened and I can't even imagine what you must be feeling right now." 
"Yeah I know. I'm sorry too." She wiped her face again. "I think we're all a little overwhelmed. 
Danny looked on awkwardly. He was a very empathetic person and he was always there for his friends whenever they needed him, but he sometimes felt like he needed to give Jesse and Becky some space. He never knew if maybe there was something between them or not. They never acted like yes there definitely was, but he never wanted to be the friend to get in between two people in complete ignorance to a situation that might be at hand, but Becky pulled him in for a group hug anyway and he was eternally grateful. 
"Anyway. Enough of this. Rutherford, you said the only way we could leave this place was to figure out our story and sort it out, right?" Becky asked her dragon friend. 
"Yes. That is correct." Rutherford said wisely. 
"Alright, then. That's what we're going to do."
"Well, how are we supposed to make that happen?" Danny asked quizically. 
"You should be able to find many other misfit stories lost here on the island. So, in order to change your story, you can learn from mistakes they've made. Learn lessons and things not to do that maybe they don't see for themselves. Maybe learn forgiveness for a terrible father. Or learn how to vanquish an evil spirit once and for all." Rutherford fell silent. 
"We should let this guy out more often." Jesse whispered. "His brilliance is exceptional." The other two nodded in agreement.
So off they set. The island they were on spread out ahead of them in a flat grassy plane. Wind gently swept around them, blowing their hair and clothes. The night was ending and dawning in soft gray, yellow light all around them and Becky felt as if she were in a dream. They soon stumbled upon other people, other creatures, other stories. There were large animals with multiple heads, characters upon characters from every different possible walk of life and story. There seemed to be a lot of characters from popular fanfictions, all of which Danny knew and was very surprised and excited to meet. 
"I've read so much about you." He said excitedly, shaking yet another Dean Winchesters hand. "That one was very messed up." He mumbled as they walked away, "But the writing was brilliant." 
After some time, they happened upon a beach. As they walked down the soft sand they saw a small little man sitting in the sand. He was old, with classic wizard robes on and a long white beard that piled up in his lap and spilled out and mingled in the sand, so great was the length of it. His feet were buried in the sand, his eyes facing out into the water.
"Hello." Becky said kindly as they neared him.
"Oh hello." He squeaked. "How are you fine people? Oh. I don't seem to recognize you. You must have just landed here on this island of ours. Please, sit down and tell me all about yourselves."
"Oh, well," Becky sat down in the sand next to him and the boys followed suit. "we're just some regular kids trying to find our way off this island actually." She knew better than to give out a huge amount of details to strangers, even if he might be a story book character.
"Oh please. I know you kids have a tragic back story. Something has gone wrong somewhere. I want to hear all about it. It's always interesting to hear new and exciting stories even if they don't always make sense."
Becky, Jesse, and Danny exchanged looks. Then Becky took a deep breath, they were potentially stuck on this island forever, what would it matter if they told him their story. Here goes nothing. She thought. And then she told him all that happened.
"And so, Rutherford told us all about the legends of this land. We hope that maybe if we learn how to fix our story, we'll be able to leave."
The old man nodded. "You children have quite a story. Almost as strange as mine. I am, the first draft of Merlin in any sort of work of literature. I'm afraid the author didn't get everything right on his first try, it's all quite strange. I've had lots of time to think about how strange it actually is. And compared to some other stories here, it definitely is a doozy. That's a word I learned from someone else. I didn't originally know it. Anyway, here is my advice whether you want it or not." He took a deep breath. "Becky. Your father maybe someone who scares you. And maybe now you know his tragic past, he scares you even more. Which is normal and perfectly expected. But if he's treated you well so far, he obviously cares and loves you very much. He hasn't hurt you yet and he did say he wasn't proud of what he did. So forgive the old chap. Magical folk are plain weird. They're different from everyone else, literally. But take some time to grieve and then move on. Forgive him and together you two can defeat the ghost girl. With the magic I know you posses, I am Merlin after all, you two can vanquish her for good, banish her back to the land of the dead where she was destined for, and move on together. I hear that family therapy is very good these days.
Jesse, you also need to move on. I know you loved your mother very much and you love her memory. But how are you ever supposed to go anywhere in life if your still holding on and going back to things that happened long ago. They're out of your control and there is nothing you can do to bring your mother back. Maybe visit her grave once a year, bring her flowers and honor her memory, but preforming rituals, scaring your friends, and trying to be a detective is not the best way to go about this all.
And Danny. Don't feel so sensitive about Lamrag. It is kind of weird." Merlin then took a deep breath of air as if he were to impart one more piece of valuable information, but then he fell silent. He gazed out over the sea once more, his eyes glassy. The children were silent.
"Whoa." They heard from behind them. They all turned and there stood yet another Dean Winchester, this time a Draco Malfoy stood next to him. (Becky blushed. She actually knew this fanfic) "The legend says that the great Merlin only imparts wisdom once every one thousand years." Dean's eyes got big. Then him and Malfoy quietly headed off down the beach again and disappeared in the distance.
The three children exchanged nervous yet excited looks.
"So now what?" Danny asked. "If we have this great wisdom, how do we put it to use."
"We could try to fly away now." Jesse looked questioningly at Rutherford.
"Your guess is as good as mine." He said, lowering a shoulder for the three friends to climb aboard

I know this doesn't say 'to be continued' but it showed up when I googled 'to be continued gif' and I couldn't just ignore it. Anyway. Hope you all have wonderful weekends. I hope to see you soon and gnight everybody. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

I don't know where this is going. Sorry.

Mercy, you can't complain about Laura and then write the shortest post ever.

Suddenly a deep voice came from the darkness. "Oh, I'm sorry. That might be me." 

"Because I'm so cool!" Becky, Danny and Jesse turned around to see Rutherford, the McGunnigal family dragon.

"Oh, Rutherford I forgot you were down here." Becky said.

"Oh it's fine. So did your father. I haven't been fed in months."

"Really? Oh, I'm sorry buddy. These are my friends, Jesse and Danny by the way."

"Hi Becky's friends Jesse and Danny! Any friend of Becky's is a friends of mine!"

Becky had an idea. "Hey, Rutherford?"

"Hey Becky."

"Would you be willing to take us somewhere?"

"Somewhere, like outside?"


"I get to go outside? I haven't been outside in a century! Oh my goodness!"


Becky, Jesse and Danny all lay asleep on Rutherford's back. It had been a long, weird, exhausting night and they were all tired. 

Becky had told Rutherford to fly to Danny's house but she had nodded off before she could tell him where that was. So Rutherford just flew around aimlessly, happy for an opportunity to stretch his wings. 
Becky awoke first, very disoriented. 
"Where are we?" She asked.
"We're in-"

Sorry this was really lame and short. I suck as a human bean.

Rice, we'll hear from you tomorrow maybe?


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

this is an indirect to laura

thanks for totally developing the plot laura :) 
do i have to post? like?? where am i supposed to take this??? is this necessary??? 

Becky, Jesse, and Danny were making their way through the dank dungeon, and they could still hear the echos of Taylor and Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII from above. 

"Why didn't we stop them?" Jesse asked, as he followed closely behind Danny.

"Who wants to breakup some arguing adults? That's like trying to breakup a bunch of wild pitbulls..." Beck mumbled, pulling out her phone and bringing up the flashlight.

"It's really cold down here," Danny said with a pout, glancing around.

Suddenly a deep voice came from the darkness. "Oh, I'm sorry. That might be me." 

sorry if this is so short, im just feeling really passive-aggressive and annoying and i thought that was the new trend now so here ya go :) 


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

At least one of us posts on time. I'm passive-aggressive and annoying.

Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII gave a smile, an evil glint in his eye....
     "My age is of no consequence to anyone," he replied, an evil glint twinkling in his eye.
     "He's 439." Taylor stated.
      Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII glared at the ghost. "Things would have never worked out between us," He shot back bitterly. "You're mean."
      Taylor scoffed. "For a 439-year-old man, you're pretty childish."
      "You're an ugly ghost. Awfully pale."
     "At least I wasn't an ugly person while I was alive. Unlike you- you possess a complexion similar to that of an ogre."
     "I wish you would die...again!"
     The adults continued to bicker, their voices rising shrilly, paying no attention to the teenagers who stood wide-eyed before them.
I saw an opportunity and I took it.
     Becky, Jesse and Danny sat in silence for a few moments. Finally, Danny whispered, "You know, we could leave now and I guarantee they wouldn't even notice."
     "That's a great idea," Jesse replied, "But how do we get out of here? He must have enchantments all around the boundaries of this room."
    Becky furrowed her brow. "Hang on for a sec." She began intently pacing the room, staring at the flagstone tile floors with a fierce sort of determination. Finally, after a few minutes during which the arguing between Ernest and Taylor intensified, Becky exclaimed "I've found it!"
     "Found what?" The boys asked in unison.
     "The secret passage to the dungeon." Becky replied.
     "Don't you mean the basement?" Danny asked.
     "No; I mean the dungeon." Becky hissed, afraid of attracting the attention of one or both of the adults.
     Jesse and Danny moved stealthily across the floor towards the tile Becky had discovered. With a little leverage, they were able to move the trap door and uncover a dark opening descending far below the ground. One by one they slid into the hole and down a rickety metal ladder.
     Becky was the first to reach the bottom. The ground beneath her feet was damp and stony, and in the distance she could hear water dripping. Danny and Jesse jumped from the bottom rung of the ladder and landed on either side of her.
     "Now what?" Jesse inquired.
Sorry this sucked. But I know you girls can salvage this hot mess of a story.
--Laura :)

Monday, November 16, 2015

Sorry this is late.

"Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII, after what you did to me, I've come back to extract my revenge."

Everyone in the room turned and stared at Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII. But he stayed silent. 
"Dad!" Becky yelled at him. "What is she talking about? What is anyone here talking about?" She looked around in confusion. 
"Oh you don't even want to know what this man did. The flirting and the laughing. Taking me on dates. You know once upon a time I was young, attractive, wanted for my incredible spells and potions. Mostly potions. I had perfected the art of a potion that would give the drinker, eternal life. I invented it, you see. I'm brilliant beyond compare." 
Realization began to dawn on the young children's faces. 
"Putting the pieces together now, aren't we my dears." She cackled and suddenly Becky could see how old maybe this ghost was. Maybe not in physical years but this girls mind was eternal. Becky knew powerful wizards and she could now see the same type of power behind Taylor's eyes. Becky glanced at her father.
"So what did he do." 
"I asked her for it, nicely." He responded. 
"Yes he did." Taylor said, throwing her nose up in the air.
"So... what's the problem?" Jesse asked uncertainly. 
"I'M NOT FINISHED YET." Taylor screamed at him. 
"When Taylor didn't give me what I wanted, well I flirted with her just like she said. I told her she was brilliant and I probably wouldn't be able to make the potion for myself anyway." Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII said, sitting down at his desk. "Now Beckindorf, I'm not proud of what I did. I see that now, am I satisfied with the results, maybe. But proud. No. But I'd rather you hear it from me rather than that witch." He pointed a menacing finger at the ghostly girl. 
"But you fell for the flirting trick?" Danny asked Taylor, his mouth hanging open in surprise. 
"Well, yes. At first I did. He was rather good at it. I wasn't the most popular, despite my intense magic skills. But he did all sorts of things. He never mentioned the potion again. I thought he had simply moved on and was now honestly interested in me as a person. He played the part oh so very well. Until I found out one day." 
"And then she made me her slave." Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII. He looked up, hatred burning in his eyes. A dark cold anger. "She pranced around, made me do everything for her. Used me as a personal test subject for all her potions and curses that she made up. She tortured me and then entranced with love spells, and thoughts of immorality once she had finalized the potion." He fell silent for a moment and Danny, Becky, and Jesse turned to Taylor to pick up where he left off. She was looking down at her floating feet and didn't say anything for a moment. 
"And then he killed me." She said so silently they almost didn't hear her. Becky, Danny and Jesse exchanged looks. How is anyone supposed to respond to a comment like that?
"On the eve of our intended wedding night. He came up behind me... and slit my throat. Just perfectly so I suffered for a couple seconds and could see him laughing over my dying body." 
Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal looked up at his daughters shocked face. Becky was having a hard taking controlled normal breaths. They were coming in short gasps and she could feel her heart picking up speed, her head getting light. 
"I... I don't know what to say." She said also almost too quietly. 
"You don't have to say anything." Jesse put a comforting arm around her shoulder. 
"So how old are you really?" Becky suddenly asked, stepping out of Jesse's embrace and towards her father. 
Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII gave a smile, an evil glint in his eye....

Alright, that's all I've got ladies. Sorry this is late and not very long. My weekend was bad. <3 Grace

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII is Mr. Darling.

Becky rolled her eyes and flung her hands up, "Fine! But when my dad gives y'all an evil curse or something, don't blame it on me!" she said, turning on her heels and leading the mismatched group back down the road to her big, rambling house...

Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII sat in his study at his large oak desk. His eyes where open, but unseeing, for he was asleep. Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII always slept with his eyes open, because that's how all wizards sleep. That is, except for Becky. But, Becky was a wizard. Becky had to be a wizard as far as her father was concerned. Maybe she slept with her eyes closed, and couldn't make so much as a speck of dust disappear, and she burned even the simplest potion, but none of that mattered to Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII. No child of his would be a muggle. That was simply impossible. Not after what those muggles did to her mother. 
Sir Ernest shuddered in his sleep. Perhaps because he was thinking of just this. Or maybe because he was dreaming of a swamp full of turtles, one of which is giving birth right next to him, causing him to be unable to move because he was frozen in fear, but really the only thing I wanted to do was get up and run as far away as possible because it was so gross and I just feel itchy thinking about it it was so gross and weird and just what were we talking about?
Ah, yes.
Sir Ernest shuddered in his sleep. He was a hard man and a harder father, but in this moment, he looked utterly helpless.

All he really wanted was what was best for his daughter. He just didn't really know how to communicate that to her.
Just then there was an echoing knock on the large oak door. Sir Ernest awoke with a start. He rubbed his eyes and grabbed his wand, just in case.
"Enter." He said in his big booming voice.
Becky entered her father's study closing the door behind her.
"Uh, hey so dad." She said awkwardly.
"Uh, hey so Beckindwarf." Sir Ernest replied somewhat coldly.
"So I have an uh, a question for you."
"It could not wait until the morning?"
"No, not really."
"Alright. What is it?"
"It's a magic question."
"Really?" Said Sir Ernest, excitedly. This was it. Becky had finally gotten her powers.  All was right in the world!
"Can you, well, would it be possible to like, bring someone back from the dead?"
Sir Ernest demeanor went back to being cold and guarded. "Of course not. Death is final. Magic cannot touch it."
"But, like what if the person who you where trying to bring back, was like, a ghost or something?"
"Beckindwarf, I do not understand why this could not wait until the morning."
"It's just, because well, you see-" Becky was cut off by an icy voice behind her.
"Because of me." Said Taylor who had just floated through the wall.
"What are you doing here?" Sir Ernest shouted pulling out his wand.
"Dad, no it's fine. This is Taylor, she's a friendly ghost." Said Becky.
"There is no such thing as a friendly ghost. People are meant to die. That's the natural order of things. Only tortured souls remain on this earth."
 "But that doesn't mean all ghosts are evil. Maybe some are just hurt."
"That is true, but I can guarantee that this one is evil."
"Because I am." Taylor replied.
"What?" Said Danny's voice from the hallway.
"I was not expecting this." Said Jesse.
"Me either though!" Said Danny.
"Open!" Sir Ernest commanded the door.
Jesse and Danny fell into the room because they both had been leaning on the door.
"Ouch." Said Danny. "Hi, Sir McGunnigal, sir, how are you doing tonight?"

"What are these two idiots doing here?" Sir Ernest demanded.
"Hurtful." Said Jesse.
"These two idiots are my friends, dad and I don't appreciate you calling them that. I mean, it's true. They are idiots. But they're my idiots."
"Thanks...I think." Jesse said. 
"Aw, Beck, that was so sweet." Said Danny.

"Uh, so can we get back to the part where I'm evil?" Asked Taylor.
"Oh, yeah sure go ahead. We didn't mean to interrupt. That was kind of rude." Said Jesse.
"It was kind of rude. Back in my day, when I was alive, kids respected their elders. And nowadays, there's just no respect." Said Taylor.
"I know, my mom always says the same thing." Said Danny.
"It sounds your mother and I would be friends." Said Taylor.
"Oh my gosh, I see that. Well, aside from the whole you're an evil ghost lady, and my mom's an elf soccer mom named Carol."
"Right, right, aside from that."
"Anyway, sorry. You're evil?"
"Right." Said Taylor, turning on Sir Ernest. "I may be evil, but I'm not as evil as this man right here." As she spoke, the lights began to flicker and the whole house began to shake. "Sir Ernest Michael McGunnigal XVII, after what you did to me, I've come back to extract my revenge."

Grace, we'll hear from you tomorrow?


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Lamrag is a usage of all our first initials (in posting order) idk i was bored

  Becky, Jesse and Danny were about to reply, when a thundering crash echoed through the trees in the forest surrounding the ceremony. Alarmed, the trio and their new ghostie friend whirled around, only to see--


"Lamrag!" Danny said, letting out a huge sigh of relief as the giant catbus approached them, an eerie but innocent grin on it's wide face. Since's Danny's family was so big, a simple homeschooler's 15 passenger van was no use for them. They needed something much bigger and better and cuter, so they adopted the catbus as their mode of transportation. However, Lamrag didn't always like to stay put. 

"Jesus Christ, your stupid cat nearly gave me a heart attack," Becky said in exasperation, holding a hand to her heart as she looked up at the friendly, clumsy creature, a look of disgust on her face. 

"Hey, don't speak about causes of death so lightly.." Taylor muttered, crossing her arms and giving Becky a pout.

Becky sighed and shrugged, shivering slightly as she glanced down the street towards her house, "Hey, look, dead girl," she said, suddenly fed up with everything, "The only way I can figure out about bringing you back to life, is by talking to my dad. And I'm just telling you, he's not the friendliest of wizards. Are you sure you want to be alive that badly?"

"Yes! And don't call me dead girl," Taylor said with a huff, glaring down at Becky.

"How'd you die anyway?" Becky asked, ignoring Taylor's anger.

Jesse looked over at Becky, his eyes wide, "Oh my god, Becky, you can't just ask someone how they died!" 

"Listen, lets just... go to your dads house and see what he can do! Maybe he won't be a bad mood?" Danny suggested, staying positive, as all elves did. 

Becky gave a small sigh and an doubtful expression, "I mean, we CAN.... but I doubt it..." she mumbled.

"Please?" Taylor begged, clasping her ghostly hands, "I'll do anything to have a pulse again," she said, giving a pitiful pout. 

Jesse gave Becky a look, raising his eyebrows expectantly, "Let's just go," he mumbled, giving a small shrug. 

Becky rolled her eyes and flung her hands up, "Fine! But when my dad gives y'all an evil curse or something, don't blame it on me!" she said, turning on her heels and leading the mismatched group back down the road to her big, rambling house...

i really gotta go.. i might die from anxiety before i can post next week... #gottalovebeinginashow 


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

These Characters all Have Names from Full House? Was This Planned??

People of Earth.
    Today is Tuesday, November 10th, and I am sleepy. This weather makes me want to go home, crawl under my covers and hibernate until Spring takes away these cold and dreary rainy days when nature looks especially Novemberish- gray, bare, ready for snow.
    But here I am, ready to compose the 5th installment in The Foursome's 3rd annual Round Story.
    Here goes nothing:

    "But then, surely you can help us." Jesse insisted...
    "I can help you," Taylor replied, "Under one condition."
    Jesse, Danny and Becky nodded their heads. Their eyes wide with anticipation, they waited for the ghost to reply with baited breath.
    "Upon completion of your task, you must grant me entrance back into the realm of the living."
    "Huh?" Said Danny.
    "That's impossible." Said Jesse.
    "How would we even attempt to do that?" Wondered Becky.
    Taylor laughed, a hollow, wispy noise that cut the three best friends to the bone with its eerie echoes of a life cut tragically short. "You think it's impossible to bring someone back to life?" She asked, her eyebrows raised as if she almost found their narrow-mindedness comical. "And yet you're entirely on board with a ghost, whose existence you were unaware of until tonight, helping solve the mystery of someone else's death?"
    "Becky told us ghosts existed." Danny blurted out. "Her dad's a wizard."
     Taylor's misty eyes became wide as dinner plates. "So do you know magic?" She asked Becky incredulously.
    Becky colored and looked at her slippers. "No." 
    Taylor softened her gaze. "Oh."
    Jesse spoke up: "There's a chance she could still have magic powers! Her father calls her a--"
    "Late bloomer," Becky finished, her voice in a deadpan. "But I know he's wrong. I'm sixteen. I'm the latest bloomer there is."
     Taylor was quiet for a moment, her brow furrowed in thought. "Well, since you are familiar with magic and its implications, you are aware that lingering souls can be brought back to life if they do a good deed for a living person?"
    The friends nodded in unison.
    "I'll cut you a deal," Taylor said. "I help you investigate the nature of your mother's death, you grant me life again. Sounds good?"
    Becky, Jesse and Danny were about to reply, when a thundering crash echoed through the trees in the forest surrounding the ceremony. Alarmed, the trio and their new ghostie friend whirled around, only to see--
    Sorry I'm lame guys. Mercy, we'll hear from you tomorrow!
--Laura :)