Friday, November 29, 2013

In which Grace finishes The Most Amazing Round Story ever so epically. (Post title by Mercy)

Teddy took Walter aside so no one would hear what he wanted to say, even though they were all watching and trying to hear anyway.
"In vain I have struggled for the right words, it will not do. Walter, you must allow me to tell you ardently I admire and love you." Teddy had been waiting to say that ever since he had read Pride and Prejudice but since he had only ever been able to sing he couldn't ever say it. But now he could and so now he did.
"Oh Teddy! That is my favorite book ever and I always said that if a man ever said that line to me I'd marry him right away" Walter exclaimed. Teddy's face broke out in a large smile "But-" Walter hesitated for a moment. "Now that it's happening I'm not sure how to feel. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I like you Teddy, you're a wonderful person but I don't really know you yet. We've only just met." Teddy's face now held a slight frown but Walter wasn't finished yet. "Why don't we take this slow. Get to know each other a bit, and then we can see where this thing goes." She reached down and took his hand and then looked him in the eye. "Can we live with that?" Teddy looked back at her and then nodded a smile growing on his face.
"I can't live with you not getting your dreams though." He said slowly. He wasn't quite used to the fact that he could actually talk. He led her across the room to Jerry. "Jerry... or should I say dad, this is Walter. Walter this is my dad." He smiled when he said dad for he couldn't quite get used to the fact that he had a dad and a sister. Jerry took Walter into the recording room and they started singing. Teddy sat down on the couch next to Harry who was sitting next to Amelia. They were getting acquainted and Teddy didn't want to interrupt. "Teddy you have to get to know your sister. She's awesome." Harry said to Teddy, making Amelia blush. As Teddy and Amelia got to know each other, Teddy felt so happy he could burst.

I've been waiting the whole story to put this in.

And now to Uncle Chris and Jane the sassy novice. Uncle Chris stood close to the window into the recording room watching his favorite niece sing her heart out. Well she didn't actually sing her heart out, that would be disgusting. But she was pretty close, that's how powerful her voice was. Jane came up next to him and looked in at Walter too.
"Chris, I think I need to be blunt with you because I am sassy and I enjoy being blunt with people. I know how you feel about me. You make it extremely obvious, but I don't feel that same way. I am a strong independent woman who don't need no man." At this statement Uncle Chris looked down at his toes feeling his heart fall all the way to the floor and shatter into pieces.

"But since all my friends at the orphanage are pretty sassy too, just not as sassy as me for I am the ultimate 'Mmm gurl', I have appreciated how calm you and how pleasant you are to be around. I wouldn't mind being friends but I do not need a boyfriend of any kind." She added this last part in a very sassy voice just so he would get the point.
"Okay. Friends is good." Uncle Chris said his voice that melts every girls heart, except the sassy novice's.

 She then gave him a quick sassy slap and then a small smile.
This was just to cute not to include

and of course there has to be a sassy gif
 After Walter was done recording and after Jerry had treated them all to an awesome New York dinner Sassy Novice turned to Harry.
"Is it time to find your sisters?" Harry looked around. He saw Walter and Teddy sitting next to each other and holding hands under the table, best friends just know these things. Uncle Chris gazing at sassy novice Jane. Amelia next to him and Jerry in between her and Teddy. He shook his head at Sassy novice.
"You know what Sassy novice Jane? I'm a little bit tired out. So much has happened today and I wouldn't even know where to start looking for my sisters. It's not that I don't want to find them, it's just that I don't think I'm ready to yet. Maybe next time we're itching for adventure we can find them." Sassy novice Jane nodded at him.
"That sounds perfect. Now, Jerry would you be interested in adopting your son?"
"Interested? That would be completely fantastic!" He said with a cheeky grin.

And so the Sassy novice Jane took them all back to the orphanage with her fairy magic so that the next morning Jerry could do all the paperwork. Don't you worry though, all the girls stayed in separate rooms from the boys so nothing would happen. As Teddy lay in bed that night thinking about everything that happened he turned in the darkness to Harry and said: "Harry, this morning when I woke up I decide today would be the best day ever. And then it was."
"Really? What made you think of that this morning." Harry asked sleepily.
"Well I just had a thought that somehow this birthday would be the best."
"ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY?!" Harry asked sitting up in bed.
"Yep. September 1st. The same it's been every single other year."
"Oh Teddy I'm so sorry I forgot." Harry said feeling like a terrible friend.
"It's okay. I was to busy today to really think about it myself. And I guess I got the best presents I could ask for." Teddy said feeling content.
"Yeah. Maybe that's when we can find my sisters, on my next birthday." Harry said.
"January 11th." Teddy said. "Enough time for us to plan and find them."
"Maybe we can tell the others in the morning." Harry said as he drifted off to sleep. Teddy smiled and nodded just before he to joined Harry in a blissful sleep.

And so concludes the story... for the meantime. Maybe we'll tell you all about Harry's adventures some time. Except they haven't happened yet. If they do decide to go find his sisters it won't happen until January 11th as they said above. But if does happen and they tell us everything they do then we will faithfully record it here.

We hope you enjoyed this story, if you have any comments about it's awesomeness, if you find any plot holes, or if you want to publish it and then turn it into a movie we would be more than happy to hear from you. Just leave us a comment and tell us what you thought. We'll be back to posting like normal on Monday with Laura's post. Can you believe that it will be December? November is almost over and that means NaNoWriMo is almost over. Unfortunately I'm not close to being finished with my story but I did help write this one this November so I think that should count for something. I do know for a fact that I wrote over 50,000 words even if they weren't all in one story. Anyway, I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving and that you continue to have a fabulous holiday weekend and Laura we can't wait to hear from you on Monday <3 Grace

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Rose attempts to resolve as much conflict as possible because Laura told her to.

(Mercy, your post was fantastic!)

"...if you've seen a tall man who kind of resembles Christopher Eccleston? He's my father, and I need to speak with him."
The party stared at Amelia for a long second. "Uhm, yeah I just saw him actually. He walked into this building with my friend." Said Harry, with a beautiful and awkward side smile.

He could not believe Teddy's sister was this beautiful. Strangely enough, she resembled Teddy in an odd kind of way.
"Oh well, you all should come with me and stop standing here awkwardly. What are your names by the way?"
The Sassy Novice, who was tired of Harry doing all the talking, replied "I'm Jane (I decided to name the Sassy Novice because the Sassy Novice is not an acceptable name), the curly one is Chris, the gingery one is Walter, and the one  who is clearly in love with you is Harry." Jane's response made everyone, including Amelia, blush.
"Oh, well it's uh nice to, uh, meet to all." Said Amelia who could not take her eyes off of Harry, due to the Sassy Novice's comment.
"I think we should head inside." Said Uncle Chris, in an effort to make to the situation less awkward.
"Wait," said Harry, who clearly wasn't thinking, "if we go inside won't we have to tell Teddy that the Christopher Eccleston man is his father?" Immediately after the words came out of his mouth he regretted them.
"Nice move genius." Said Jane.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?!?!" Screamed Amelia. "I DON'T HAVE A BROTHER!!!!"
"Oh my goodness. I did not mean to say that. I am so thick." Said Harry, which had no effect on Amelia who was hyperventilating.
"We are going into this recording studio, and we are going to sort out this whole mess. Okay?" Said Tom Hiddleston I mean, Uncle Chris.
"Okay. I am okay. Okay let's go inside now. It's just, I have a brother? WHY DOES NO ONE EVER TELL ME ANYTHING? Okay. Okay, let's go inside." At this everyone went inside. 
"They're probably upstairs. But there's an elevator right over here that we can take." Said Amelia, leading everyone in the direction of the elevator. 
"I'm sorry for this. It was an accident. Sorry." Said Harry as they entered to elevator.

"Oh no, it's fine. I didn't mean to freak out. It was just kind of shocking to find out I HAVE A FREAKING BROTHER THAT I'VE NEVER MET. But other than that, I'm peachy." Said Amelia.
"Oh, I guess that could come as kind of a shock." Said Harry.

The elevator dinged and everyone stepped out and entered a large office room. Sitting on some couches was Teddy and the Christopher Eccleston man. Teddy looked really happy sitting there talking (singing?) to his father.

"Hello father. I have a bone to pick with you." Said Amelia putting her hands on her hips.
"Oh hello dear. Who are your friends?" Said the Christopher Eccleston man.
"I'm Harry. This is Jane. That one is Walter. And the other one is Chris. We're friends of Teddy's."  
"Who's Teddy?" Said Teddy's father. 
"The lad on the couch across from you." Said Uncle Chris, gesturing towards Teddy.
"Oh, okay. I wasn't sure because all this boy has done since I met him is sing and I couldn't figure out what his name is. Amelia, what is it that you want?" Said Jerry.
"Well uhm...." Said Amelia, looking at Uncle Chris for help.
"Well you see, uhmm..." Said Uncle Chris, who had no idea how to tell Jerry that Teddy was his son.
"Jerry, Teddy's your son. He was left on the steps of the orphanage that I work at 17 years ago." Said Jane bluntly. 
At this Teddy fell over into a lamp.

Teddy awoke to a large crowd of people standing above him. 
"Teddy? Are you okay?" Said Walter, who looked very worried. 
"Yeah, I'm fine." Said Teddy. SAID Teddy. SAID TEDDY. "OH MY GOODNESS I CAN SPEAK!" SAID Teddy.
"Really? After all this time all you needed was to smack your head really hard on lamp? WE COULD HAVE FIXED THIS YEARS AGO! I HAD TO DEAL WITH YOU SINGING EVERYTHING ALL THIS TIME?" Said Harry, who was slightly annoyed.
"Can you still sing?" Asked Uncle Chris.
"I don't care!" Sang Teddy, in an incredibly offkey voice. 
"Apparently not." Said Jane.
"You're my son!" Said Jerry, wrapping Teddy in a huge hug.
"You're my brother!" Said Amelia, joining the hug. 
After the hug broke apart Jerry said,"The only problem is my boss really needs me to sign some new talent, and now I don't have anyone." 
"I'm sure Walter would love to do it." Said Teddy.
"That would be fantastic! Would you do it Walter?" Said Jerry 
"That would be fantastic!" Said Walter. 
"Uhm, Walter now that I can talk I have to tell you something."

(Gracie, don't forget about Harry and his sisters. Have fun concluding!)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mercy uses way too many GIF's- oh wait, NO SUCH THING!

(LAURA HOW COULD YOU?!?! No, I'm kidding, it's an amazing plot twist... also, is that dude SUPPOSED to be exactly like 9?)

Chris stared at the business card, then at The Sassy Novice, then at the card, then the novice.
“Th-That's his... dad?” He said in a quiet tone.
Walters jaw had dropped, “We have to tell him!”
Harry crossed his arms, “Um, I'm not so sure about this... are you quite sure this is Teddy's dad?” He looked at the sassy novice.
She gave him her sassiest look yet- 

(A combination of all of these cuz she's just that sassy and 
I couldn't figure out which one I liked best)

"Gurl, you don't just question a novice fairy, especially not THIS one!" She replied, with a sassy flip of her head. Harry held his hands up in surrender, "Okay, okay... I still don't think it's a good idea to tell him!" 
Walter narrowed her eyes in a confused manner, "Why not? We came here to find his parents, why would we not tell him?"
Harry shrugged, "He just a freakin' record deal! Wouldn't that kind of ruin the moment?"
"Ruin!?" All three of them said at the same time in disbelief.
"No, no, no, Teddy would be way happier to meet his dad then get a record deal!" Walter said defensively, for Teddy's sake. 
Chris nodded, "I agree with Walt." 
Sassy Novice glanced at Chris, then said, "I... guess I have to agree with Chris. But I also agree with Harry!" She added, before the glow of happiness completely took over Uncle Chris's beautifully defined facial features. "I agree with him in the sense that... we should at least think about how we should tell him about this... it is sort of a big deal. I mean, it's not every day that you meet your long lost father who looks uncannily like Christopher Eccelston and happens to own Empire State Record Labels." She nodded.
Uncle Chris nodded as well, "I agree," he said, agreeing with her for the sake of... well, his heart.

Walter saw the meaning and heartache behind his eyes and she felt sympathy for her Uncle.
The Sassy Novice opened her mouth to reply sassily, when someone tapped Harry on the shoulder with a small, "Excuse me?"
Harry turned around and his jaw dropped slightly, "C-Can I help you?" He stammered.
"Hopefully you can." She replied, in a mixed accent that was somewhere between Australian, Irish and Cockney. "I'm Amelia, by the way, and I was wondering if you could tell me..."

 (I had to bring someone in for Harry, but I'm thinking that maybe they wont end up together.. Rosie, you decide.. just don't make her be a jerk or anything.)
xoxo, Mercy 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Sassy GIFs sass sassy people sassily

(Girls, this has to be our last week of the Round Story. Soon it will be the holidays, and we will be too busy decorating trees and watching Muppet's Christmas Carol and getting fat from too many peanut butter balls. Also, Gracie, if you can't post on Turkey Day -which is this Thursday. How the heck did that happen?- we shant punish you if you're too busy to do so).
(Now, let's get down to business):

...They ran into the Empire State Building. Literally. "Ow!" Teddy sang (Mercy, did you catch my 1D reference? Of course you did), rubbing the bruise now forming on his cheekbone. Uncle Chris staggered back a bit and said, in his voice that crept softly like warm sunlight at dawn, "Oh! I'm dreadfully sorry. That was my fault entirely, it appears I forgot to put in my contact lenses this morning." He looked around, a perfect wrinkle of worry forming on his golden brow. "Did you all follow me? Is the Novice alright?"

This is the face the Novice made. She doesn't really look like this I just felt like our blog needed Sassy Dumbledore)
   "Gurl please," the Sassy Novice sassed from somewhere behind Teddy. "I wouldn't trust your sense of direction if we were lost in Elysium."
    "That doesn't surprise me," Uncle Chris said. The resigned tone in his voice was achingly beautiful and heartbreaking. He whispered softly, so that only Teddy heard him: "But...I would follow you to the ends of the earth."
    Teddy felt the urges to both throw up and give Chris moral support at the same time, a common feeling one experiences when one has a friend suffering from the juvenile emotions of unrequited love.
    The Sassy Novice took charge. "Look, everybody, we need to divide and conquer if we are going to get anything done, and we need to work FAST, because Sister Mary Jane is going to delete the season finale of "Naked and Afraid" from the DVR if I don't get home in time and watch it. Now, here's what we're going to do, so ALL of you-" she shot a dark sassy look at Uncle Chris, who flinched as if he had been slapped "-had better listen up."
    The Novice was about to explain her plan in cynical detail, when a tall man in a leather jacket stopped her on 5th Avenue. "Excuse me, sistah!" he barked in an obnoxiously typical Boston accent that was the polar opposite of Uncle Chris's lilting and flawless British inflection, "I own this building, and you have to pay to stare at it. That'll be $78.00 if ya please," He held out a massive hand impatiently.
    "Oohhh, he poked the wrong bear with a stick!" Harry whispered.
    "He really messed it up this time, didn't he my dear?" Teddy trilled.
    "Thank you for singing the clean lyrics," Walter said endearingly, "Vulgar language is a big turn-off for me."
    Teddy blushed and murmured, "I'd do anything for you," but Walter turned away at that very moment.
    "If I was louder, would you see me?" Teddy sang pitifully behind Walter's back.
    The Novice geared herself up for a catfight.
    However, before she could sass the imposing man to Kingdom Come, he turned to Teddy and eyed him suspiciously. "Was that you singing, sonny?"
    Teddy gulped, "Of course not!" He sang, thus exposing himself as a liar.
    The man's eyes went wide, and to Teddy they were eerily familiar. "You're wicked good, sonny. Say, I own the Empire State Record company. How's about I write you up a contract and we record a demo CD?"
    Teddy heard Walter gasp, then let out the air with a defeated sort of sigh. He wanted so badly to help Walter fulfill her dream, but unfortunately there were no song lyrics that went "This girl I'm madly in love with wants to be a singer as well. Sign her, maybe?" So instead, as he felt his heart breaking, he sang, "I'm yours, signed, sealed, delivered!" Maybe if he became famous he could write and sing songs for her, explaining everything his heart was full of that had to do with this remarkable girl.
    The tall man said,
and, grabbing Teddy by the arm, led him through the golden revolving doors of the Empire State Building, handing Uncle Chris his business card on the way.
    Walter sat on the curb, feeling defeated and worthless and many other myopic teenage girl emotions all at the same time. Uncle Chris sat beside her and said, "Penny for your thoughts?"
    A tear slipped down Walter's cheek. "Do you know what it's like? To have a dream and watch someone else fulfill it for themselves? But you can't be mad at them, because they are too wonderful and good of a person?"
    Chris put his arm around her. "So, the boy of your dreams stole all of your dreams?"
    Walter nodded slowly. Up until that moment, she had not realized the degree of affection she felt for Teddy.
    "Oi!" Harry cut in, "If you two wet blankets are done having your Hallmark movie moment, we have news."
    "What?" Uncle Chris asked.
    The Sassy Novice was holding the business card that had been handed to her by Chris, her hand trembling. "We fairies used our magic to find out who Teddy's parents were many years ago," she whispered. Uncle Chris stood up and went to her side, his forehead wrinkled with concern. "His mother died, and his father was off in another corner of the world, completely unaware of his son's existence. We didn't tell him any of this because we didn't want to complicate things further...but, this business man, his name is Peter Goulding. And he is beyond the shadow of a doubt Teddy's dad."
(That was a Downton Abbey worthy plot twist, if I do say so myself. Take that, Julian Fellowes)
--Laura Bear

Thursday, November 21, 2013

They clean up good

{Rose. Mrs. Obama makes a gurl please face to compete with yours. You will always be the ultimate gurl please but her face is pretty good.}

"Do you need any help?" Ron asked them as he drove up beside them. "I think we're okay." Uncle Chris replied as they floated through the air. Ron and Harry Potter drove away (back to Hogwarts obviously) and the magical parachutes magically took them where they needed to go.

"Where are we now? Where are we now?" Teddy sang when they had landed on the ground. "We're on the out skirts of the New York City." Uncle Chris said offering a hand to the Sassy novice who promptly sassed him and stood up by herself. "Well that's nice that the parachutes took us here and that we're close but why couldn't they have dropped us in the city?" Walter asked looking down at her shoes which were not fit for walking through the outskirts of a city.

"Because all those city folks would freak the crap out." Sassy novice said and then started marching towards the city.

When they finally reached the city, Walters shoes were officially disgusting. "I think we need a shopping trip." The sassy novice declared. "I would agree. We left in such a hurry that no one brought anything and we don't know how long we're staying we might need a hotel room." Uncle Chris said responsibly. "Ah that's smart. I was just thinking we cod go shopping cause it's a whole lot of fun." Sassy Novice said so off they went. Uncle Chris took Harry and Walter to book a hotel room and Sassy Novice took Walter shopping.

A few hours later they all rejoined.

Walter. With better city walking shoes


Uncle Chris

{The Sassy Novice asked me not to include a picture of her on here so I didn't. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. She's camera shy so the only pictures we have of her are a little weird and she does'nt want them on the internet.} 

Uncle Chris had gone shopping with Harry and Teddy also and Walter thought that they cleaned up very nicely. {So do it ^.^}
"You look wonderful tonight!" Teddy sang when he saw Walter walking up to them with the Sassy Novice. "Why thank you. I think you look wonderful tonight too Teddy." Sassy Novice replied with a smile. Teddy looked down at his shoes and blushed. He didn't want to seem rude to the Sassy Novice but he needed Walter to know he had been singing to her. "I think he was singing to Walter." Harry whispered to Sassy Novice who just gave Harry a knowing smile.

They then headed off to find Walter's parents and get Teddy fixed and find Harry's sisters but before they found all those people what did they run into but...

{I'm sorry that this is short but I have to run along to babysitting and piano lessons and I didn't have much time to write this up. Can't wait to read your post on Monday Laura!}

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

This post might just suck because I have to go watch black Cinderella.

[ It's HUMP DAYYYY!  Sorry this is such a late post. I was watching Hamlet and getting creeped out by bleach blonde Kenneth Brannagh.  But I ain't gonna bo the first to get punished gurl, mmmmhhh. OH AND BEFORE I WRITE THE NEXT PART OF THE ROUND STORY I HAVE TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING!


Mother Abbess lost control of the Jittermobil because she was so shocked by another flying car. The old Jeep sat in the air for a couple seconds and then proceeded to drop out of the sky. Harry -regular Harry- began screaming very girlishly. Teddy wished he could scream -his curse only allowed him to sing lyrics- so he couldn't make any noises at all. He couldn't even laugh. So Teddy sat in the back seat with his mouth open pretending to scream while the old car spiraled out of the sky. When Uncle Chris realized Mother Abess was not going to do anything, sprung into action. He opened the glove box and pulled out 5 parachutes [THE GLOVE BOX WAS BIGGER ON THE INSIDE!] and threw three of them to Teddy, Harry, and Walter. Apparently one of the perks of being in a nun/fairies flying car was that it had magical parachutes that put themselves on  by themselves.

When all of the members of the party were properly outfitted Uncle Chris screamed of the roaring wind in his beautiful perfect accent "OPEN YOUR DOOR AND GET OUT OF THE CAR!"
Mother Abbess, who had recovered from her shock screamed back "IS YOU CRAZY? I'M NOT LEAVING THIS JEEP!"
 Uncle Chris screamed back "DO AS I SAY ABBESS! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?"
Mother Abbess gave one last look at Uncle Chris, opened her door, and jumped out.

Uncle Chris looked at the kids in the back seat and said "GET OUT OF THIS CAR! IT WILL PROBABLY BLOW UP WHEN IT HITS THE GROUND!" That was enough to make Harry jump out, closely followed by Walter and Teddy. Uncle Chris was the last one out of the car slamming his door behind him. The parachutes, because they were magical, pulled the cords by themselves so no one had to worry about that, and the group fell softly to the ground.

"Well that was bloody brilliant." Said Ronald Weasly.

[Well that was a short post. Gracie, have fun with Harry Freaking Potter tomorrow!]

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Harry Freaking Potter returns

Sometime later-- Harry suggested they should start telling a round story.
“A round story?” Walter inquired, “What's that?”
Both Teddy and Harry gaped at her. “You mean you don't know what a round story is?!” Harry said, astonished.
Walter laughed, “No-oo... is that bad?”
Teddy nodded vigorously, “YOU HAVE NOT LIVED UNTIL TODAAAAAYY!” He sang.
Walter laughed again, “Well, what is a round story then?”
It's a story a group of people tell together, taking turns to tell each part. Uncle Chris could start, say a few lines to get the story started, then Sister would go (because she doesn't really have a name) and continue it, adding her own twists and turns to the plot, then I'd go, then you, then Teddy, then Uncle Chris, and so forth.” Harry explained.
“That sounds so fun!” Walter said, beaming.
“So, do you want to do one, then?” Harry asked. Walter nodded, “Oh, yes! What about you, Teddy?”
“I couldn't be happier!” Teddy sang enthusiastically.
“I'm in!” Uncle Chris said in is divine accent that made all woman, young and old, fall to his feet, overcome with feels.
Sounds like fun,” The Sassy Novice agreed, and so with that, Uncle Chris began one of the best round stories of all time. (Besides this one, duh.)

* * *

After the round story was told and then laughed and cried over- for any good round story has both victories and heartbreak- the group in the Jittermobile quieted down, for it was now late in the afternoon and the lull and sleepiness of sunset was upon them. Teddy rolled down the window next to his seat for some fresh air, breathing in the lovely scent of pine trees and trickling rivers, for that was the scenery going on below them. “I love the free, fresh wind in my hair.. life without care, I'm broke- it's oke!” He sang under his breath, until something made him stop- something very peculiar.
Another flying car.
Teddy squinted, looking out towards the baby blue car that was flying nearer to the Jittermobile. Suddenly, Teddy gasped, finally seeing who was driving this miraculous flying car, that was not the Jittermobile. “IT'S HARRY FREAKING POTTER!!” He sang at the top of his lungs, making Walter shriek awake and Harry-regular Harry- jump so high his head hit the ceiling of the Jittermobile. “OHMIGOD TEDDY, WOULD YOU STOP-” Regular Harry started to yell, till he glanced over and saw it actually was- Harry. Freaking. Potter. Sitting next to Ronald Bilius Weasley. 


Rose, you know what's up. It's Harry Freaking Potter. Please make it awesome. 
 xoxo, Mercy
 p.s. Regular Harry looks like Darren Criss... just so you know. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Part 5 of the greatest round story ever

(ANNIE IS HOME! SHE CAME HOME TODAY AT DINNERTIME AND SHE SHALL BE HERE TIL JANUARY! I actually knew that my dear, wanderlusty sister was heading across the coast home for a month, and by the grace of God I managed to keep it a secret from everyone in my family. Ten points to Ravenclaw for me. Now, onto our fabulous story):

    "...My parents ran away and joined the circus." Walter blushed a little bit as the words left her mouth.
    Teddy and Harry were both somewhat confused. "So, you were born into the circus life, eh? Did they train you to be a contortionist, or-"
    "No, no, not at all," Walter cut Harry off. "They were both accountants until after I was born. Then my mother, in a wave of post-birth hormones, decided she wanted to become a tightrope-walker. And my dad pulled his high school magic kit out of the attic, and they dropped me at my aunt and uncle's place, and they've been with Barnum & Bailey ever since."
    "Oh." said Harry soberly.
    "Iiiiii'm soooo sorryyyy!" Teddy sang.
    "Really, mate," Harry slapped Teddy on the back of his head. "Now is not the time for sad country songs."
    Teddy looked at Walter apologetically, his sad grey eyes speaking volumes which the pretty girl strangely understood. "I forgive you. I wouldn't want to be in your situation." She twisted her fingers in her lap nervously. "What happened to your parents?"
    "I don't know which way I'm going, I don't know what I've become." Teddy replied.
    "He was dumped on the orphanage doorsteps seventeen years ago." Harry translated.
    "Oh! You poor thing!" Walter's eyes filled with pity.
    "Yeah. Hard life this kid has had." Harry said. "All he wants is to be understood, and to find out who his parents are...or were..."
    Walter sighed. "All I want is for my aunt to understand that I don't want to be a Novice. I want to be a singer. And I want to find my parents, too."
    "My parents are dead," Harry said quietly. "My sisters and I were split up six years ago, when they died. All I want is to go to New York City and search for them."
    The three unfortunate children sat on the steps of the Abbey, their heads in their hands, each overwhelmed by his or her own troubles.
    Then Teddy suddenly shouted "I DREAMED A DREAM!"
     Walter started. "What? Harry, can you translate?"
    "He has an idea," Harry said slowly, "And if we're as good of mates as I think we are, I know exactly what he's thinking of."
   "So," Harry grinned from ear to ear, "We should all go to New York! I bet someone there can fix Teddy, and give us the whereabouts of all our parents, and I can find Jemma and Aimee!"
    "That's fantastic!" Walter cried. She sobered very suddenly. " aunt and uncle...and the nuns..."
    "What about us?" Two indignant voices said from behind their backs. Teddy turned, and to his surprise, the Sassy Novice and Walter's Uncle Chris stood in the Abbey's doorway, their eyebrows raised.
   "It's all over now," Teddy sang forlornly.
    "H-how long were you listening in?" Harry asked.
    "From 'I dreamed a dream' onward." Uncle Chris replied, in his angelic accent that could narrate your grocery list and still make bananas, milk, and coffee sound heavenly.
    Walter looked at her feet. "You won't let us go, then."
    "Hecks no," said the Sassy Novice. "Not without us, anyway."
    "This is gonna be the best day of my liiiiife!" Teddy cried.
    Uncle Chris smiled. "It shouldn't take us too long in the City. It's the getting there that should be tough."
    "Oh nonononono!" The Sassy Novice said sassily. "Did I mention I'm a fairy?"
    Uncle Chris was truly taken aback, half in shock and half in awe. "No, you did not," he whispered, looking at the Novice with both wonder and scrutiny. "I think that's magnificent."
   Walter wrinkled her nose. "ANYWAY, how are we going to leave without aunt Becky saying no? You know she will."
    "She won't say no if she doesn't know." Uncle Chris grinned mischievously, and looked at the Novice. "I can be erratic and daring sometimes, you know."
    "Well isn't that nice for you!" Said the Novice sarcastically, with a sassy toss of her head. "Now, if you're done thinking with other body parts besides your brain, we should leave soon. Come around to the garage."
    "Let's get down to business!" Teddy sang, and they all followed the Novice around the back of the Abbey, to an old, wooden garage that looked very out of place in the contemporary City. The Novice opened the doors of the garage, and inside was a very rusty and very old Jeep.
    Teddy felt his adventurous spirit die a little bit. "This is crazy," He sang flatly.
    The Novice gave the timid boy a wink. "You're crazy if you don't believe in the magic of the Jittermobile."
    "Seriously?" Harry said. "The Jittermobile? It has a name?"
    Harry learned not to question the Jittermobile, when sometime later he was piled in the back with Teddy and Walter, as the Novice guided the flying vehicle over the City with Uncle Chris in shotgun.
    Sometime later--
Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of TO BE CONTINUED
(Mercy, I apologize if I left you with a rabbit trailing plot. Do with it what you may tomorrow).
--Laura <3

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I'm not obsessing over Uncle Chris

{I hope y'all now that I'm writing this when I could be writing for NaNo. That means you're special}

"I'm here because my aunt 
wants me to start working here, become a Novice" Walter said in response to Harry's question. 
"I'm so glad to hear it from you." Teddy sang. Walter looked at him funny. "Do you even know what song you're singing?" Harry asked. Teddy shook his head as Harry smiled. 

"But I'm looking for Mother Abbess. Do you know where she is? Some sassy lady at the front door sent me back here." 

"Gone, gone, gone." Teddy sang. "She is in fact gone right now." Harry said ignoring Teddy. 

"Well how much longer do you suppose she will be?" Walter asked. 

"Not very much longer and oh hello!" Harry said waiving to a tall blond man who had walked up behind Walter. 

{yes this might be me shipping Michelle Dockery and Tom Hiddleston}

"Oh this is my Uncle Chris. Uncle this is Harry... and Teddy." She said Teddys name hesitantly which made him sad for it had been love at first sight for him. He bit his tongue to keep back what he had been going to say... er sing. 

"Well did you find Mother Abbess?" Uncle Chris asked in the most 
beautiful accent imaginable. 

"She's not here right now but Harry said she'll be back soon right?" Walter turned back to Harry who nodded with a smile.

"Well I need to puck up some things in town. Would you like to come with me and I'll drop you off later when she's here or stay and wait?" Walter's uncle asked her. 

"Stay with me!" Teddy blurted out. Harry face palmed before saying: "Teddy can be a little blunt sometimes. What he means is that we would be happy if you would stay." 

"Oh well." Walter cleared her throat trying to hide a smile "well i guess I'll stay here. So you don't have to run back and forth."  She said quickly. 

"Oh of course." Her uncle said. He gave a quick wink and smile {and they all swooned} and he turned and left. 

Walter sat down on the steps next to Harry. "So you met the sassy Novice did you?" He asked her after a moment

"Yes. She was very sassy. Uncle Chris seemed quite taken with her though." 

Harry raised his eyebrows. "If you don't mind me asking, what about your aunt? Unless he was 'quite taken with her' in some other way." 

Walter smiled, then she laughed. "oh my Aunt and Uncle aren't together. They're siblings. Neither got married and so they live together since they were the best of friends growing up."

Harry laughed also. "I see. And again if you don't mind me asking, why don't you live with your parents?" 

"I don't mind you asking at all, well the thing with my parents is..."

{Laura you better come up with something good because I really want to know what's up with Walters parents. <3 Grace}

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


[I don't really have anything to say. I just wanted to write something here so I can be in with the cool cats...the cool crowd......Laura and Mercy. It's HUMP DAYYYY!]

"...Walter, my parents desperately wanted a boy. My friends call me Walt though. What's your name?" Asked Walter politely.

Teddy felt no resentment towards his name. Honestly he liked his name. The only problem was there wasn't a single song in written about a person named Teddy, so he sat quite awkwardly on the the steps of the orphanage trying to find a way to tell Walter his name. Unfortunately, Teddy's fail save in awkward situations was....well...

Teddy sat and waved, and thought, and waved some more. Until he came up with a simple solution. At the top of his lungs Teddy sang "Harry freaking Potter!" [I couldn't not make that reference.] 

 "Your name is Harry freaking Potter?" Asked Walter.                              

Teddy shook his head, smiling slightly to himself because he was so impressed by his ability to come up with a solution for his problem.  

At this point Walter was very confused. She was about to say so when a boy flung open the door of the orphanage and proceeded to say, in a very thick Cockney accent,

"Would you stop calling Harry Potter for the love of all things righteous and holy in- who are you?" Said not Harry freaking Potter. 

"I'm Walter, who are you?" Asked Walter.

"This is not Harry Potter, this is not Harry Potter." Sang Teddy.

"Now I'm really confused." Thought Walter. 

"Teddy is very good at confusing people, aren't you Ted? Anyway, Walter, I'm Harry, just Harry. I'm this ones best friend. Are you aware you have boys name Walter?" Said Harry.

"Yes I'm quite aware I have a boys name." Said Walter defensively.

"Good 'cause it'd awkward if you didn't. Anyway, Teddy why did you call me out here? I was in the process of knitting a hat for myself as a birthday gift." 

"Introducing me." Sang Teddy.

"Oh, you could of just said that to begin with. Walter this is Teddy. He can't talk, he only sings, it's quite funny at times actually."

"Oh! This all makes sense now!" Said Walter. 

"Well if you don't need me I need to get back to my knitting, I was in the middle of a row." Said Harry

"I want you to stay!" Sang Teddy dramatically (because it's basically impossible to sing that song normally).

"Fine. So Walter, why are you here?" Said Harry in a grumpy manner.


[Grace, don't kill anyone tomorrow, I love them all!]

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Teddy's tomorrow.

Laura, I dearly loved your post. I just can't even. Doctor Who is truly magical and beautiful, isn't it? Also, I have no complaints and/or problems with the Supernatural GIF's. You know I love my GIF's.

One day, Teddy was outside on the steps, waiting for Mother Abbess to return. He had a book settled on his lap, reading it fervently, to keep himself occupied. It was The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald- He wasn't too far into it, but he was captured by the story already.
Just as he was turning the page to start a new chapter, he heard footsteps coming up the drive and he looked up, hoping to see Mother Abbess, although it was rather early for her return. However, it was not Mother Abbess- it was, in fact, a girl. A beautiful girl.

She seemed to be lost, because she kept looking around in a puzzled manner and turning in circles.
Teddy stood up, knowing anything he said- or sang- would only lead to trouble. She was getting closer, and Teddy walked forward nervously.
"Oh, hello." Said the girl, noticing Teddy at last.  
"Hello, darlin', nice to see you, it's been a long time." Teddy sang, looking at her. 
She raised her eyebrows, "Have we, um, met?" She asked in a would-be kind voice. 

Teddy was extremely embarrassed, and cleared his throat
"I know we only met, but lets pretend it's love," He replied in song, then cursed himself inwardly for choosing such stupid lyrics.
The girl laughed slightly, "Oh, um-"
"I'm doing everything all wrong," Teddy continued, "Oh god, for shame! I do not even know your name, dear mad'moiselle. Won't you say? Will you tell?" (because it wouldn't be a round story without Les Mis lryics)
The girl looked slightly taken aback, but replied, all the same "My name is..."

 (I'm sorry it was so short but I really didn't want to choose her name so Rose, go ahead and choose the funniest or craziest or prettiest name you can find. CAN'T WAIT TO READ MORE!)
xoxo, Mercy

Monday, November 11, 2013

NaShoStoWriMo Part One

(before I get started on my fantastic first leg of the Foursome Round Story, I have a couple of not-short-story things I feel need to be said:
1. Becoming a part of the Doctor Who fandom may or may not have been the best choice I have ever made (next to Jesus). Last night, when Rose and I stayed up until 2 watching Nine and his goofy grin, I made The Official Doctor Who Survival Kit:
Laura's Doctor Who Survival Kit, consisting of tea/hot chocolate, marshmallows, Cookie Butter, giant Reese's cups, and tissues :')
 and 2. I have noticed we have been posting waaayyy too many pictures/GIFs of Jared Padalecki lately, but I really don't mind ;)
everyone reading this is clearly Dean and we (mostly me) are Sam.
Now, let's get down to business):
    ONCE UPON A TIME (I'm sorry but every single time in my life that I have started a round story I have started with "Once Upon A Time" and I'd like to keep the tradition going) there was a baby dumped on the steps of a Catholic orphanage in a small and beautiful city (read: Laura was too uncreative to come up with a scenic location). A young (and very sassy) Novice opened the front doors early on the cold, foggy morning on which our story begins, to find the infant shivering under its threadbare quilt. Her compassionate (and extremely sarcastic) heart went out to the newborn, and she quickly picked him up and ran to the Mother Abbess. "Yo Mama," the Novice cried, "This lil cutie patootie was on the front stoop so you'd best be gettin round to unleashing your magical healing powers."
    *PLOT TWIST* the nuns were really fairies.
    *PLOT TWIST* the Novice was actually tiny and brunette, despite what you were all thinking (#socialjustice).
    Mother Abbess took the baby in her arms. She could feel it shivering, its tiny heart beating much too fast for a creature only a few days old at the most. The older, wiser fairy knew in her heart of hearts that only one thing could be done. Bending her gray head down to the infant's ear, she whispered "I bequeath you with new life."
    And so the baby lived, and it was a sweet little boy, and the Novice named him Teddy. He lived with the nuns in the large and castle-like orphanage, and he always held a special place in the heart of the Mother Abbess. His new life granted by the merciful fairies was brilliantly lived.
    Of course, like all bargains in life, magic comes at a price. Teddy lived, thanks to the fairy's choice, but there was a catch in the fine print of that choice.
    The catch: Teddy's mouth could form words, but his only means of verbal communication was not speech, but song. And not just any song made up by the ebullient young boy- oh noooo, he had to speak in the lyrics of songs that had already been written.
    Thus, if Mother Abbess needed to leave the Abbey for her afternoon shopping trip, Teddy (who was a bit clingy) would sit on the very front stoop where the Novice had found him, and sing
I will wait
I will wait
for you
Or if Snipes, the boy who had won the Most Likely To Never Get Adopted Award at the orphanage for six years straight, was being especially annoying or unadoptable without noticing, Teddy would belt out
    And so Teddy grew up to be a tall, moderately handsome lad of seventeen, with a communication problem and few friends aside from the Abbess and the Novice, who only tolerated his singing because they felt guilty for giving him a life like this. Teddy believed his singing problem, as well as his loneliness, would only be really useful if he ever found a girl to fall in love with, because not only were there too many songs about love in the world, but music was a truly beautiful way to express emotions, particularly ones pertaining to the heart-pounding, dreamy feeling of Love.
    Teddy's theory ended up being wrong, when one day--
(I literally sat and giggled at that GIF for five minutes like a stupid fangirl. Mercy, you had better not screw Teddy up tomorrow. I have become very emotionally attached to him in the way that only a masterful Round Story Teller can get attached to her characters).
--Love from the Laura one <3

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Dear Laura, Rose, Mercy, and whoever else might be reading this, 

This week I've been sick, I went on a retreat with my d-group from church last weekend and when we got back about half of us got sick. It sucks. And even though this has nothing to do with my post I really wanted to put up a gif. So I will.
This is pretty much what I've been like all week. plus it's Farris Buller's Day Off and that movie rocks.

But yes, thank you gurls so much for giving me so much to go off of. Oh, Mercy, I'm listening to Never Grow Up by (our very favorite) Taylor Swift. I'm also terrified of growing up. I don't want to graduate high school or become an adult and I don't want you to either. 'Cause then we can't have spontaneous dance parties, stay up to midnight on my birthday just to eat french toast and listen to awesome music, or pretend to be fictional men. (when you say it that way it sounds 1000x creepier).  But I realize that I don't get to choose if I want to grow up or not. We all have to grow up, even if it scares the crap out of us. But why do we have to lose the child that is in all of us? Why must we conform to the world and become boring business people who don't have time for each other? I say we all take a pact, we keep this blog, posting gif's and Tumblr images and creepy SNL videos (yes Rose, that was directed at you ^.^)  And even if we all go to college and grow up physically, we still call each other and joke about IMP and fangirl over Harry Potter and Tom Hiddelston. 

There's no point being grown-up if you can't be childish sometimes.


  The Ninth Doctor was my first doctor. I love 10 but I miss 9 sooooo much!As much as Rose loved Ten and as tragic as Doomsday was, I think there was a big part of Rose that never got over the Ninth Doctor and the trauma that losing him caused.  Every once in a while, I think she missed the broken man in leather that she fell in love with- especially when Ten was being so distant with her where Nine wouldn't have been.

 Have you gotten to the empty child episode yet? That's my favorite episode from season 1. 

I just can't. (ps- this is also my first fangirl session on this blog [i think] and like Laura said, it feels good)

Well gurls, I have to get back to NaNo. But I very much think we should do a round story. Laura should start it on Monday just to make the start of the week that much better. I hope you all have a FANTASTIC (*sobs*) weekend <3 Grace