Thursday, November 19, 2015

I don't know where this is going. Sorry.

Mercy, you can't complain about Laura and then write the shortest post ever.

Suddenly a deep voice came from the darkness. "Oh, I'm sorry. That might be me." 

"Because I'm so cool!" Becky, Danny and Jesse turned around to see Rutherford, the McGunnigal family dragon.

"Oh, Rutherford I forgot you were down here." Becky said.

"Oh it's fine. So did your father. I haven't been fed in months."

"Really? Oh, I'm sorry buddy. These are my friends, Jesse and Danny by the way."

"Hi Becky's friends Jesse and Danny! Any friend of Becky's is a friends of mine!"

Becky had an idea. "Hey, Rutherford?"

"Hey Becky."

"Would you be willing to take us somewhere?"

"Somewhere, like outside?"


"I get to go outside? I haven't been outside in a century! Oh my goodness!"


Becky, Jesse and Danny all lay asleep on Rutherford's back. It had been a long, weird, exhausting night and they were all tired. 

Becky had told Rutherford to fly to Danny's house but she had nodded off before she could tell him where that was. So Rutherford just flew around aimlessly, happy for an opportunity to stretch his wings. 
Becky awoke first, very disoriented. 
"Where are we?" She asked.
"We're in-"

Sorry this was really lame and short. I suck as a human bean.

Rice, we'll hear from you tomorrow maybe?


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